Supreme Court and Bank liabilities 57/68
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Legal tip 1170. NEW! 4 New Supreme Court decissions for Banks liabilities out of Law 57/68
20 June 2014 @ 14:07
Four recent Court Decissions by the Supreme Court, dated all April 2014 assert on liabilities of Bank receiving deposits in account in off plan purchases, out of provision 1segundo of Law 57/68. Very good news for those who never received a Bank Guarantee when buying off plan in Spain.
At the same time, it is necessary to remark that the cancellation will of the buyer needs to have been active along these years ( out of Courts or in Courts) as Supreme Court is understanding that the lack of activation of cancellation/refund rights for a long period of time implies a non interest on the said rights.
Ahead! Ahead!

Segovia, North western Madrid, Spain, at
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Maria, please can you explain the meaning of your second paragraph. ?
For example Herrada del Tollo / San Jose builders, declared themselves into voluntary administration in 2009. No purchasers had either the knowledge or even the opportunity to cancel contracts for a very long time afterwards. Because the builders and the legal system allowed themselves a massive advantage for delay in failing to deliver.
Does this now mean the banks have an escape from their responsibility under law 57/68 ?
In that case, I cannot see a Judge understanding your lack of cancellation activity is due to "bad faith"
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
13 Sep 2014 8:49 AM
 . 0 posts
In any event, retrospective attempts to deny purchasers of their inalienable rights and cancellation rights (via whatever source) according to existing law would be in contravention of the rule of law and the principal of legal certainty would it not Maria? Doesn't this example demonstrate the need to safeguard the rule of law and principal of legal certainty in Spain?
Given all of the above surely Banks liabilities according to Ley 57/68 cannot, nor should be retrospectively "cherry picked" in this manner?
What message will this send with regard to adherence to existing Spanish law if Banks are not made liable and purchasers' inalienable rights are disrespected in this manner? The implications are wide reaching.
In any event, retrospective attempts to deny purchasers of their inalienable rights and cancellation rights (via whatever source) according to existing law would be in contravention of the rule of law and the principal of legal certainty would it not Maria? Doesn't this example demonstrate the need to safeguard the rule of law and principal of legal certainty in Spain?
Given all of the above surely Banks liabilities according to Ley 57/68 cannot, nor should be retrospectively "cherry picked" in this manner?
What message will this send with regard to adherence to existing Spanish law if Banks are not made liable and purchasers' inalienable rights are disrespected in this manner? The implications are wide reaching.
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