Hello, I am trying to find a definitive answer to
1. the voting quota for the introduction of Statutes? (I believe unanimity)
2. Who is responsible for terrrace railings? (I believe it is the Community)
We are in an old block (1974) and we have no statutes. The master deed is concerned with coefficients and not much else.
As I understand it, unless it is for the introduction of disabled access eco features or concierge services, unanimaty is still required.
However, our President thinks otherwise and has all the new Statutes drawn up, and tells me that they will be in force next week.
The issue is that a lot of the Statutes are daft, like not putting a dish under your plants on the terrace, and particular methods of maintenance of the railings. It has always been accepted that the railings to the terraces were part of the Community building. If not mentioned in the Master Deed or Stautes is this the case? And can he just put Statutes in place with an objector?
Thanks in advance