The Comments |
According to On the Pulse of Spain this morning Brussels have deemed declaration of assets is illegal
I thought assets outside the country you live in had to be declared wherever you live in Europe
If it is illegal, it's too late for those of us who have dutifully bared our financial souls to the Hacienda
The Brussels Declaration, called EU Pilot 5652/13 / TAXU, concluded that the rule infringed Community law in two aspects: the penalty system as non proportionate and its applicability as sanctions possibilities do not expire.
Brussels has expressly stated that "intends to deepen this aspect of research and propose the opening of an infringement procedure"
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
You think it's sensible to ignore a possible huge fine?
The illegal parts were the disproportionate fines, and the abolishing of the statute of limitation, not the fact that you had to declare assets outside Spain. Other countries require this declaration too, not just Spain
It's irresponsible to advocate not submitting this declaration, when not to do so could be a lot more punitive!
The world is made up of roundheads and cavaliers, some folk love to comply with everything, whilst others detest autocratic bureaucracy, I favour the latter, particularly when the bureaucrats are breaking an EU law.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Just because you detest bureaucracy( and who doesn't?) you can't just ignore the law of the country you live in.
the 720 in itself isn't illegal, it is required in other EU countries
what is being contesed are the disproportionate fines for minor mistakes, with no intention to defraud.
why should we be made to feel like mugs when we have gone to great lengths to comply with the rules.
those who haven't , we'll, they can't moan about the heavy fines that hopefully come their way.
I truly wish that the citizens of Germany had ignored the laws of their country in 1934, along with the Spanish in 1938.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Yes, I know things are done a bit differently in a Spain- specially regarding taxes- that's why spain is in such an economic mess!
Mugs like us pay more and more tax because those who choose to not comply don't pay theirs!
An ex UK public sector worker will be well used to obeying their master's thinking instructions without question, not a snipe, just an honest observation.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Camposol! Really, you astound me. Surely you can't mean those nice, law abiding British citizens who come to another country and then decide they don't do things right here so try and change them into British? Not those nice people who think the rules on driving a car don't apply to them so continue to drive without insurance, MOT and, gee whizz, if my UK registration is good enough in UK it's good enough for these funny foreign people. And the fact those back in good old Blighty make the foreigners do it there, why should we do it here because, after all, we're not foreigners, are we? Or who think their rules for going across a roundabout are silly so, my goodness, I'll continue doing it the same way I did it back home regardless. Or are you talking of those nice people who say I've paid my way at home so why should I pay these bureaucrats here as well. My money is my money and they ain't getting no taxes off me, no sirree. Or maybe it's those who complain about those nasty immigrants back home who come in, use our health service, don't speak the language and live in little ghettoes with the same people of their kind? Of course, not the same as us because we are entitled to it, aren't we? Or maybe it's those who say "well, the Spanish do it" and then complain at how corrupt the system in Spain is when they get caught? After all, it's their right to do things their way, innit? Of course, I'm sure there are many thousands of Spanish with overseas investments who don't declare it so it's the same for us, of course it is. Or could you possibly be talking about those people who step off a plane, buy a ticky tacky building from the first person they see so they can rent it out and make a fortune? Of course, no need to tell any of the tax men, how ever will they find out? Not those who sit in English pubs complaining about how they take 80 euros a year off them for "imputed" rental taxes. Definitely not them. After all, if it wasn't for us Brits they'd still be picking oranges and riding donkeys, wouldn't they? And it's obvious you aren't talking about the nice people who raise their voices to waiters and shopkeepers because, after all, if they didn't shout those funny people wouldn't be able to understand them, would they?
No, sorry, I have absolutely no idea who you are talking about.
It must be really boring being perfect, thankly I'll never know. 
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
I personally decided that to declare was better than taking a chance Brussels might get Spain to withdraw the rule (before I died ! ).
I note that the Pulse article says:-
Since 2013, a total of 7,013 cases have been opened against either those that did not present their assets abroad declaration form, or against those who did in 2014 when they should have done so the previous year, or without fully offering all the information required.
7,013. I didn't realise Spain had so many politicians ;-).
This message was last edited by theline on 18/03/2015.
This message was last edited by theline on 18/03/2015.
It seems the EUs response to the petition about the 720 was That it sees no problem with the abolishment of the statutes of limitation.
Bad news for those who decide to regularise their tax affairs in Spain!
This message was last edited by camposol on 20/03/2015.
This message was last edited by camposol on 20/03/2015.
This message was last edited by camposol on 20/03/2015.