Solar power for community lighting

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22 Apr 2015 9:43 AM by jojan Star rating. 200 posts Send private message

Can anybody give advice please on the best company to use for installation of solar for community lighting?  This has been suggested by one of our owners and we are looking into the implications and costs.  Initially we would like to install small panels to the standard lights on the road but perhaps as and when, we will extend to other parts of the complex so any advice/help would be much appreciated.  Along the coast (we are near Sabinillas) we have noticed many complexes with these solar panels fitted to their lighting columns.


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22 Apr 2015 10:48 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

I tryed solar lights around my villa and they gave of very little in the way of light so I converted all the original lights to low power type bulbs l done this by taking the 60watt bulb out and replacing them with a 8watt low power bulb they cost around 3eu l also installed a light sensitive sensor that brings the lights on when it starts to get dark  .

 6 lights with 60 watt bulbs = 360watts per hour.

6 lights 8watt low energy bulbs =48watts per hour.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 22/04/2015.

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23 Apr 2015 12:47 PM by jojan Star rating. 200 posts Send private message

Thank you we are already looking at this as an alternative.


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12 May 2015 10:06 PM by promedia Star rating in Cheshire/Riviera del.... 134 posts Send private message

Interested to hear of experiences, cost savings and suppliers to communities that have already converted their lights/pool heating by solar power.


Ian Cook - Golf Gardens Miraflores - The best place to live on the Costa del Sol

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