Help!! Employer has not paid me or my tax, or his!!

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17 Jun 2015 9:24 PM by russy1870 Star rating in benalmadena. 14 posts Send private message

Hi, ive been working for someone since march 2015..hes only paid me once, has not given me a contract, and has not paid my tax or his...he makes excuses as to why not. We have now fallen out over it and im leaving on friday...however he still owes me mays money....the guy does some rather odd things in his business, has an illegal property thats been converted without consent and does illegal taxi's from the airport...who do i contact to get my money? The police dont speak enough english for me to try them...any ideas? Also if he wont pay me then if nothing else I want to make things awkward for him to do the same to someone else....which he will. Who could i speak to regarding the illegal building etc? Any help appreciated.! I dont want someone else ending up in the same position as me!

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17 Jun 2015 9:50 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

you have been screwed like many before you so move on you could be making trouble for you're self ,you new what the guy was getting up to when you were working for him say no more.

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17 Jun 2015 9:53 PM by russy1870 Star rating in benalmadena. 14 posts Send private message

So just walk away and let him do the same????? And what about my money! Ive got bills to pay too....

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18 Jun 2015 7:04 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

You said he earns a living in a odd way the fact is that's the way it is done in the expat community Arthur Daily getting by, living day to day cleaning swimming pools / illegal taxi service / bootleg DVD / doing anything to make a few euro's just to stay in the sun I often wonder when I come across the many hundreds of this type of person in Spain and allways come to the same conclusion keep you're hands in you're pocket's when you're talking to them unfortunately their no getting away from them you have to listen to the same old bullshit on just how well they are doing and how they will never go back to the UK and then they disappear never to be seen again I wonder what they are running away from I am sure you were told this before you went to Spain.

This message was last edited by windtalker on 18/06/2015.

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18 Jun 2015 8:38 AM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

'Let he who is without sin casteth the first stone' comes to mind. The black economy is all around us, I'm pretty sure that the guys we pay to clean our windows don't declare it, and just try to get someone legitimate to do a small building job, I consider myself lucky that I know a guy who will leg it up a ladder onto our roof and replace two damaged ridge tiles for £50.00 cash in hand. Have any of you ever purchased anything from a 'lucky lucky man' ? If so you have probably contributed to the black economy.

As windtaker says we have all met these guys, usually in bars where the alcohol loosens their tongues, they will offer to run you to the airport for less than a legitimate taxi driver would charge, they always know someone who can do this and that, it's been around for ever, the OP has learned the hard way.


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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