johnzx no problem being a bore
I know I am drifting and I apologise but some examples of why I get confused with your postings.
I do not want to get into a debate over this and wil say no more (even if you do respond) but sometimes it is fun being confused - all just a bit of fun
Apprx. 300€ - a lot of money to be approx and not remember exact figure especially with the reson you were paying it for
Since an experience similar 30 years ago,
Some years ago, Hacienda......................
I have been aware of people making reports about when their property was let.
A percentage of those, my son is one, must be left empty
it confirms the action taken by my son who has a property which he would like to sell but is waiting for the market to improve, was right. In the meanwhile he has let a friend stay in it rent free.
Their advice was:
RE trading illegally, contact the Town Hall for the area as he would need an Opening Licence:
Re employing people illegally, contact the Social Security office for the area and the Office for Employment. :
Re Taxes not paid, contact Hacienda.
RE a dubious bank account, contact the bank concerned.
So why did you not know this based on your experience you cudl ahve simply posted that experience when the question asked
BTW I did call into the town hall today in LM and asked aout reporting illegal businesses and they said quite vclearly that any illegal business should be reported to the police via denuncia and not to the town hall (maybe another confused area of Spain!!!). they did offer to asisst me in raising a denunciai aganist an illegal business if I knew of any.