Hi everyone I am new and thinking of moving to Spain

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20 Aug 2015 9:42 PM by Pattyann Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Hi everyone we're thinking of relocating to Spain from the UK.  We are both retired so don't need work.   We are familiar somewhat with Spain, having visited many times over the last 30 years or so.  We're looking at Mojacar, although hubby wants to be inland a bit as he isn't keen on the Costas :)  I have looked online at some areas ie Arboleas and Oria down Valancia way.  Both areas have properties at very good prices.  I am wondering though, why Arboleas has sooooo many properties for sale, and also why Oria is so very cheap to buy.  Perhaps there's some of you living in Spain that may know the reasons?  I am from the school of thought if it looks too cheap, there's something wrong.  Hopefully I am proved wrong in this instance.  We would like to be in a peaceful area, but close enough to amenities like shops, restuarants, doctor, hospital etc.  Any help you can offer on this would be very much appreciated. 

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21 Aug 2015 11:08 AM by Spanishpunter Star rating. 64 posts Send private message

Whilst the majority are fully legal there are still many which have a question mark over their legality so be a touch careful.

For the price of an apartment in Mojacar you will get a nice house in land, although Mojacar is a very nice area albeit very busy in summer

Why not look around Huercal Overa, for example El Saltador which is 5 minutes outside, some nice houses and prices, whilst now on the up, are still quite reasonable

Have a look at Voss Homes-I have no connection- they have a good selection and a good reputation and if you want a reliable lawyer who speaks good English have word with Alex [see below] who I have used in getting a deposit repaid when a developer went bust  and other matter

Francisco Javier Alex Guzmán


Calle Mojigato s/n esquina Calle Mayor


Telf: 950390995



This message was last edited by Spanishpunter on 21/08/2015.

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21 Aug 2015 11:25 AM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message


IMHO the most important thing is to ensure that you are not surrounded by holiday rental property, you need to rent first and have good look around away from the rental areas.


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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21 Aug 2015 4:50 PM by Fartharder Star rating in Loriguilla.. 172 posts Send private message

Fartharder´s avatar


House prices are typically much cheaper inland than on the coast because there are very few job opportunities in these villages and many people choose to live on the coasts and in the cities where work is easier to find. People who have inherited their parents houses in these towns and villages don't tend to sell them, they keep them and spend the August holidays there. This is why these towns come to life in summer. However, because of high unemployment in Andalucia, people are struggling to run two houses as cheap as it may be, or just simply need to sell to get money. You do need to be careful about illegal property here in Spain but don't be suspicious about every cheap house. If one or two are very cheap, there might be a reason for it but if they're all cheap, it's because that's the going rate. 

Two websites you could look at are fotocasa.es and idealista.com to see exactly what people are asking for their homes.

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21 Aug 2015 4:54 PM by Woodbug Star rating. 371 posts Send private message

Don't fall into the trap of buying immediately - rent for 6-12 months and have a good look around as once you buy, you will not be able to sell for a while. Take no notice of the 'talk-up brigade'.......... property prices are NOT increasing and there are still hundreds of thousands of properties being reduced daily to get rid. Of course, the Brits with interests in selling property will disagree with me though. Houses are cheaper inland than coastal and a local Spanish corredor will know of properties that will never see Kyero's website and can be bought at 'Spanish prices' Beware inland campo areas that have Pig farms - millions of flies in the Summer - but for many this is preferable to noisy unbanisations that become holiday ghettos in the Summer. When you find a place you like, head for the Brit bar (there will almost certainly be one) and ask questions - many will have lived there for years, most will be honest and can be very helpful to a would be buyer. Remember, living here is not the same as a 2 week holiday and can be very frustrating until you get used to the Spanish ways. Good Luck and enjoy your search.


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21 Aug 2015 5:36 PM by Pattyann Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Hello everyone and thanks a million for your advice, which we have taken on board.  I spoke with a friend today in Spain,  and we're going over soon to look at a place at Palomares.  A friend of hers has a 3 bed house with pool and is desperate to sell.  It does sound ideal for us, so wish us luck and thank you again for your advice.

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21 Aug 2015 5:48 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Plenty of property for sale 60,000 and that is just on the Costa's even more inland so think twice and part with you're money once , if you don't like Spain after you have taken the plunge trying to sell a property bearing in mind how many are for sale is like having sh-te stuck to you're shoe's their are a lot of other things to take into consideration like the language barrier/Tax you will pay on you're pensions/you're age /cost of living/183 day law you're world wide assets become taxable in Spain/so rent before you buy good luck.

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21 Aug 2015 7:16 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

I know well all the places that have been mentioned on this thread ..excepting Valencia and, as someone who has lived just over the border in Murcia for 10 years, would URGE caution in buying in Andalucia or anywhere in Spain.

Ignoring the fact that Spain got carried away with building houses and consequently supply now exceeds demand there are many other reasons for good quality property going cheap.

Without mentioning any place in particular I am going to try an give you an honest appraisal of what living in the places mentioned on this thread would be like.

30 + miles Inland...  overloaded with resident Brits and Brit shops 

Hot in summer and freezing cold in winter often snowing on high ground

 Not  only are there many illegal properties but because of over building the infrastructure cannot cope and people , with legal homes, are without mains water for weeks. ( check out local forums )

Many properties accessed via rough tracks and lack all utilities except electricity. 

The land is barren so consequently  there are numerous pig farms and  smells and flies abound. 

Southern Costa....

Overloaded with empty holiday homes for 9 months of the year.

Numerous beer bellied male Brits in vests sitting in Brit bars or shopping in Brit shops.

Check online re an incident that happened c1966 . Personally don't think it a big problem but there are many who do.

Suggest you.....

Make a list of your priorities and stick to it because it is so easy to be seduced by the sun and the thought of an adventure that one believes what appears through those Rose tinted glasses. 6 months later realisation sets in.

I love living in Spain but it's not for everyone so try and ignore the manufactured  pretty pictures of houses covered in bougainvillea and the memories of wonderful carefree holidays but with an open mind visit as many places ( don't mean viewing houses) as you can and at different times of the year hopefully in order to avoid the disasters of so many who thought relocating to a foreign county would be utopia.

finally, what ever you decide..wish you good fortune.










This message was last edited by floella on 21/08/2015.

This message was last edited by floella on 21/08/2015.

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21 Aug 2015 9:48 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

I bet you're glad you came on and asked now, aren't you pattyann? Arboleas has its own chat site and if you google Arboleas you may get some proper answers from people who live there.


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22 Aug 2015 12:27 AM by blueeyes Star rating. 64 posts Send private message

Floella, so glad you mentioned the Palomares 1966 incident, saves me having to do so.

And so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like beer bellied Brits in vests ( or spaghetti string tops even ).


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22 Aug 2015 12:41 AM by Pattyann Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Hello Mariedav I am not disappointed I came on, as it's good to get the opinions of as many as possible, that will hopefully help in our decision.  We know of the nuclear bomb in Palomares, and wouldn't dream of moving there if we had young children, as we believe it could have an effect.  Hopefully we're flying out on Monday to investigate :)

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22 Aug 2015 8:48 AM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

Catalonia is nice, with the worst of the Brits being confined into areas that you wouldn't even consider stepping foot in. If you want 'cheap' then you will get what comes with it, however €500,000 villas are now being let out to as many as 10 holiday makers, you are going to have to be very careful. Have you considered a village house with a roof terrace? I ask because they are not that popular as holiday homes, and give you a lot more space without being car dependent. 


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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22 Aug 2015 10:10 AM by Spanishpunter Star rating. 64 posts Send private message

Enjoy your visit. Palomares is well located and near to Villaricos where there is a popular Sunday Market well worth a visit.

Best steaks are at Angus & Hereford Garrucha. Best beach is probably at San Juan de Los Terreos-here Pepe’s is a good restaurant [on the roundabout]

And a lot of people like Turre where there are some nice houses at reasonable prices-Bridge Club also meets here Monday and Wednesdays  

I had a look around Mojaca Playa recently for a house to renovate. There are a lot of them!- but just now the price expectancy is a bit high. Almost as though owners are thinking that with the high £ British punters are starting to throw their money about again!

Already mentioned Huercal-Over-great cappuccino at the main café in the Plaza Mayor @ 1.25 € . Also a modern hospital on your door step          

And the area has the best weather, particularly in winter, in mainland Europe! 

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18 Nov 2015 8:42 PM by mikemen Star rating in Devon. 1 posts Send private message

It really depends what you are looking for. However I live in a fabulous area called Entre Naranjos..40 mins from Alicante Airport. It is a gated community...13 years established. It has golf ..bowls..short tennis. The small towns of San Miguel and Los Montesinos are close bye and there is a excellent medical service in San Miguel...24 hour clinic.

Torrevieja is the main town...15 to 20 mins drive.The beaches are a 15 min drive. The salt lakes which are recommended by the WHO are nearbye.

We have a 2 bedroom apartment right next to the golf course and only a 5 min walk to the shops and restaurants. We are now selling but have enjoyed watching our community grow.We are out in the country and the air is fabulous and our area is fantastic with so many other towns within easy drive. We have an active U3A in our area. We have spent our holidays here every year for the past 13 and enjoyed ourselves.

Hope you find what you are looking for.

M J Menzies

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19 Nov 2015 1:03 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

The United States has very recently finally agreed with the Spanish government that they will clean up the nuclear contamination site at Palomares, near Mojacar.

The wrangling over costs and the wasted revenue the US paid Spain over many years have finally come to an end. Read the story here:


I have written about this matter on previous threads on EOS. When Edward Snowden released the diplomatic cable exchanges between the US and Spain it was clear the contamination of the land was far more serious than people had been previously led to believe.

Personally I would not settle anywhere near Palomares. Even after the new clean up the truth of the extent of previous risks involved for local residents will never be revealed. I also don’t trust the US or Spain to illuminate once and for all the plutonium pollution that lies in the soil of Palomares.

There has been fifty years of denial, lies and corruption involved by so many parties ever since those bombs fell. Perhaps now there might at least be now an end of sorts in sight.

Spanish people will no doubt be comforted by this quid pro quo agreement to allow more US troops to be stationed on its territory and the naval base at Rota to become even larger than it is now.


This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 19/11/2015.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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19 Nov 2015 2:03 PM by formentera costa Star rating. 368 posts Send private message

my hubby and I just moved back to england after spending 5 years living in spain, missed family and friends, we bought a property but it is a nightmare to buy then  sell. so much red tape. I would advise you to rent first in the area you like and see how you settle. easier to move if you rent.



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