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To anyone who has left Spain this year, after spending 183 days plus there,
returning home to the UK to live, I have the following question:
as you know, you have to do a tax return in 2016 for the whole of 2015, deducting any UK tax paid,, but do you need to submit a 720, if you have bought a house in the UK after returning ?
The obvious answer would be "yes", but the next obvious question would be "what on earth for?" Why not ask Hacienda, a Spanish gestor, an "expat" tax adviser and a random bloke in a bar, and then let us know how many differing answers you get?!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
The idea was to find out if someone on this forum in a similar situation has dealt with this
my own accountant said I will not have to , but others differ
Yes, I realise that, and I apologise for my sarcasm, but the truth is, you could ask 3 different funcionarios at Hacienda and get 3 different answers.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
when you will be buying that house, you will not be a resident anymore so... no need to declare in Spain in regards to foreign assets
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
my own accountant said I will not have to
no need to declare in Spain in regards to foreign assets
As Roberto said, you could ask 3 different functionaries at Hacienda and get 3 different answers.
Seems he was right
Well, quite! But I'm interested in Maria's reply. As Camposol said, having been in Spain for MORE than 183 days in 2015, he will surely be regarded as a FISCAL resident by Hacienda for 2015, and therefore have to submit his IRPF for that year? And by the same reasoning, if he buys a property in the UK during that same year, it is a new foreign asset. Surely he would then have to declare it via 720? Hence my "obvious" answer being "yes" to his question. The fact that he was no longer LIVING in Spain when he bought the house would not make non-resident for tax purposes, would it? If so, he wouldn't need to submit an IRPF either? I think this is why Camposol was questioning his accountant.
Or perhaps we see things differently from Spaniards?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain