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21 Sep 2015 2:52 AM by Auds Star rating. 14 posts Send private message

Am a pretty fit out and about woman who does her own thing,loving and walking my dogs and driving every where.

I am, however 60 years old, and have just been refused extended medical insusurance for a 6 month stay in the 

Costa Blanca, by AXA. This was done on line.

I have asthma and mild COPD and was honest when completeing their form. They declined to offer me cover which

quite frankley freaked me out!!!!!

I have NI 11 card and bank insurance for 90 day travel with Barclays my bank.

Can anyone suggest a decent company to deal with ?

I am in very good health but just want to be honest where insurance is concerned.


Thanks so much Audrey


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21 Sep 2015 8:48 AM by acer Star rating. 1528 posts Send private message

Auds, there are lots of options for you, but the best route is through a qualified insurance broker in the UK, where insurance is heavily regulated and there is a fiercely competitive market.  You will probably obtain cover at standard terms. 

You can contact British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA) to find a specialist broker which may save you a lot of time in the long run - here is a link to their page  they are the principal professional body in the UK and will point you in the right direction.  I noticed on their web page they have lots of advice also.

Incidentally at the same time you may want to check the Barclays cover you mention.  Some of the bank bulk policies have limitations and additionally the fact you have been refused cover is likely to become a "material fact" that must be disclosed to Barclays, otherwise a future claim may be prejudiced.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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