Gran Canaria. A new life? Dream or reality?

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07 Oct 2015 11:53 PM by billywizz65 Star rating in Brighton, U.K. . 1 posts Send private message

Hola to you all, and I hope this finds you well. This is my second post to the Forum and hopefully with all the expertise here I will be able to make an informed decision on my future plans. We have holidayed in Gran Canaria now for more than ten years, and actually worked in Puerto Rico in 2007/08. I have my NIE so that's one less thing to worry about, and have a good understanding of the culture etc. ¿Puedo decir español? I am learning. Slowly! Not getting any younger, it's about time decisions were made and risks taken. In a job I hate with a passion, and no other jobs on the horizon, I have to do something whilst I still can before it is too late. So, what am I here for? I am looking for first-hand advice and honesty from those of you who have taken the plunge, have the experience and have made a new life for yourselves in Gran Canaria. If I was to sell my home here in the UK, and paid off my outstanding debts, I would have in the region of €235,000 available. I know it isn’t a great amount, but it is what it is. I have searched estate agency websites looking at property in Puerto Rico (PR) and see there are hundreds of apartments on the market. The majority of these apartments though, appear to be for the sole use of holiday rentals. Purchasing a holiday apartment ‘To Let’ is something I am seriously considering. Hopefully being able to add that personal touch for guests. What exactly is the plan? To buy somewhere to live and also purchase an apartment for holiday lets. I would also consider buying a catering business, or find a job to supplement the income from a holiday let. The record 13 million tourists to Gran Canaria in 2014 is testament to the continuing popularity of his wonderful part of the world, and would envisage this figure rising. It’s about time I did some serious work for a change instead of sitting here wasting away at work. So, as I said I have searched estate agency websites looking for apartments, and I have found some decent looking one beds for €80,000. What I have found difficult to find are estate agents that deal with apartments etc. for permanent residency. I need somewhere to live, that’s a given. When I was over in 2007/08 I rented a one bed apartment for €500p/m in a quiet area of PR, with a nice view of the marina.

1: Does anyone know of a reputable estate agency in Puerto Rico or surrounding areas that lists property for permanent residency?

2: Does anyone know of a reputable abogado that deals solely with property?

3: Has anyone found problems with taxation when they have left the UK?

4: Any other advice?

The timescale for all this is 12 months give or take, it depends how quickly I get things moving this end.

I understand that it is anything but easy to make a move like this. I am under no illusions that it takes a lot of hard work, blood, sweat and tears to make it a success, and there are sacrifices to be made. I know people say that you should rent first to see what it’s like, but I have done that, and I know it is hard work. For now, thank you all for taking the time to read this post and I look forward to hearing from you.

Muchas gracias,

Billy x

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08 Oct 2015 7:53 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Hi reading your post seems to indicate that you need to generate a incom from renting an apartment out to holiday makers and finding yourself a job in that case l would say don't bother basically unless you can find your own clients for the apartment by the time you have paid the agents commission the cleaning and the upkeep of the apartment,and take in to consideration, realistically you will only manage to rent it out for three months of the year to holiday makers and as far as getting a job is concerned the only ones available are short term tourism type jobs like bar work / cleaning swimming pool's/ cleaning apartments very low paid and tend only to be available in the 12 week Summer season you will probably find that you will not get many replying to your post as we seem to get similar post on a weekly basis and when the post mentions genarating a income to live the expats that live in Spain weather it's on the main land or the islands just start laughing at you good luck anyway.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 08/10/2015.

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08 Oct 2015 10:00 AM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

I agree with most of your comments Windtaker, but the Canaries have a longer tourist season than the rest of Spain.  We go there sometimes from December to Feb for some "Winter sun" - you cannot swim, but the average higher temperature than mainland Spain is quite surprising.  I was there last December and at 8.00 in the morning it was over 30 degrees C!  This was due to a southerly wind off the Sahara, far from the norm, but a regular occurrence.

But the Canaries are a bit lacking somehow and the cost of living is 30% or so more than mainland Spain.

Why do people ask for a recommendation for "reputable estate agents"?  When buying or renting in Spain the golden rule is trust no-one, however highly they are recommended.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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08 Oct 2015 12:18 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

I like islands......for a while, then I start going stir crazy. Malta's a good example, I lived on it for 2 years as a youngster and then the claustrophobia took over. Going round and round in circles. Beware!

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08 Oct 2015 1:48 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

I always find myself attempting to get to know every bit of an island, whereas I never even try on mainlands as it is a very difficult task. I absolutely loved exploring Menorca, it has a wonderful history with architecture to match, but you are never that far from a beach. 


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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