A question for lawyers with regard to timeframe and processes involved in transference of monies following successful rulings (Ley 57/68)

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13 Nov 2015 4:02 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

There seems to be some confusion regarding the timeframe and processes involved with regard to the actual return of monies following successful final rulings in favour of Ley 57/68 claimants against the Banks.

Could this please be clarified by identifying if the Bank have a legal time constraint to return monies following the final ruling, and are these monies first sent to the court account?

Are monies then released automatically by the court to the lawyer's client account, or does the lawyer have to formally request this process? Are there any legal time constraints placed upon the court in this process?

Presumably once in the lawyer's client account deductions of costs etc are taken, before actioning return of monies back to the client's Bank account?

Once in the lawyer's client account, are there any guidelines or best practice to be aware of in the further timely transference of monies from the lawyer back to the client, such things as, if required, the lawyer returning monies back to the UK via a reputable money transfer company (just as one example, moneycorp). Are good lawyers, who are regularly dealing with this form of money transfer, in a position to negotiate a good deal for clients with a reputable company, so as to maximise the best currency rate for their client and thereby safeguard transference in a timely, fair and transparent process?

Many thanks.


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