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22 Nov 2015 3:35 PM by Harrieman Star rating in Alexandria in the We.... 25 posts Send private message

Hi Guy,s, my wife and I are moving out to Mallorca next August and we would like some advice on medical insuranc, my wife will only be 59 and I will be 61 and as you are aware, we don't get our old age pension until we are 66. Any advice on this topic will be grately appreciated.

The Harrieman

The Harrieman.

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22 Nov 2015 5:16 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

You will need medical cover, which is 100% for every possible condition. 

I have seen people with part payment plans being refused. 

And the policy will need to be in Spanish, either the original or with  a  translation by an official translator i.e. one who is " LISTADO DE TODOS LOS TRADUCTORES-INTÉRPRETES JURADOS"  and they charge by the word

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22 Nov 2015 5:33 PM by Harrieman Star rating in Alexandria in the We.... 25 posts Send private message

Thanks, I will start getting a few qoutes.

The Harrieman.

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22 Nov 2015 5:45 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

Try Caser Salud - would recommend




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09 Dec 2015 1:56 AM by growler Star rating in Birmingham & Benejúz.... 164 posts Send private message

johnzx said: "You will need medical cover, which is 100% for every possible condition. I have seen people with part payment plans being refused."

John, would I be right in thinking this might be only for those registered as permanent residents? I'm wondering how medical cover requirements might differ between say a holidaymaker carrying an EHIC card, versus someone living there for less than 6 months per year, versus full resident?



This message was last edited by growler on 09/12/2015.

Kind Regards..Pat

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09 Dec 2015 7:42 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Growler:    Harriman said he was MOVING to Spain. Thus they will become resident immediately.

The length of time living in Spain is not the first criteria for being resident. If one moves to Spain (i.e. it is to be their home) they are resident immediately. If they do not move but they stay permanently for 3 months they become resident OR   if they leave before the 3 months BUT return, maybe a few times each for less that 3 months, but are in Spain for more than 182 day in a year they are resident.


One can only be resident or non resident.   Example:  A visitor is not a resident so none of the conditions of residence are applicable to them.

This message was last edited by johnzx on 09/12/2015.

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