Hi Growler.
As I have mentioned I use do you Spain, the company that everyone loves to hate due to it seems the rip of, anyway on the site you have three fuel options, any, full to empty and full to full..Which they seem to recommend, haven't a clue why, I visit Spain very often and always use them and do try to use the same rental via do you, my last trip I paid as I said 37.04€ for fuel..Why the 4 cents? for a Fiat car.
I did do a scan of my last invoice to show on here but couldn't include it, breakdown was..
CC FEE 3.30€......FUEL 37.04€.....SERVICE CHARGE.....14.45€.....SCDW 13 DAYS 143.00€....TAXABLE CHARGES 197.79€....V.A.T......41.54€......Making a total of 239 .33€.
Converting the €€€€ rate to ££££ I paid £170.46 via my credit card....Div by 13 days comes to £13.11 a day rental, checking my calendar I was actually there for 14 days but charged for 13 days, the rental of the Fiat car came to about 25€ so I paid about £18.00 on top of the whole.
I don't / cant blame anyone who takes out the UK insurance due to so much cheaper, me, I cant be bothered to, (1) I don't consider it any kind of rip of, (2) as I said every business, and company has to make a profit...One way or the other, and at 25€ for a nearly new car they didn't make much on that.
I run a couple of business's here in the UK and no need to say if I don't make a profit, I sack people, I close down, people lose dignity, being jobless could well lose the home.
Many folk here in the UK have SKY at somewhere between £30.00 & £80.00 a month for many rubbish channels...But this is not a rip of, smoke £40.00 + a week and think nothing of it, many other items which they pay for are not considered a rip of.
But come to Spain and to read on here everything they touch in Spain is a rip of.