Drink Driving in Spain

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18 Dec 2015 5:01 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

It is a fact that over 85% of people who drive drink alcohol.  A few at the same time, but many don't realise that in Spain there is a far lower tolerance level than in UK.

So far in 2015 the Guardia Civil have found over 85,000 positive in breath tests - this doesn't include those found "drink driving" by local and regional forces.

I would never condone any drink driving, quite the reverse.  But I believe that unless you NEVER drive within 24 hours of consuming alcohol you are guilty of hypocrisy if you condemn those who happen to be caught doing so.

You may be "legal" but that is an artificial benchmark.  You are likely not to be as capable or alert with residue of alcohol in your system - it's just a matter of degree and/or luck.  As was said a few years ago - "let he who is without sin - let him cast the first stone".

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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18 Dec 2015 5:20 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Whist what you say is undoubted true, i.e that a person who has drunk any alcohol, their ability to drive is impaired, unfortunately there are many drivers who should never be on the road as even when 100% sober are hopeless drivers and in some cases at least, less able to drive safely than some who have had a drink.

Before the breathalyser was introduced, I believe in the early 60’s,  the police prosecuted drivers ‘who’s ability to drive was impaired’ thus they had to prove the impairment (danger).   With the introduction of the breathalyser, whilst at the time I thought it was a good idea, I have since had my doubts.

My ex wife was a hopeless driver, fortunately  she never drank, but even sober on several occasions she went the wrong way around roundabouts and on the wrong side of bollards etc.   Incredibly, she drove every weekday on the school run, shopping etc and in 10 years never had an accident.  Of course the praise for that was entirely deserved by other drivers !  There is no doubt that many drivers who had had a drink or two would have still driven more safely than her.

I remember when the breathalyser was being considered  two police officer were tested, both the same age and in all respects as  alike as they could be, except that one was a regular heavy drinker whilst the other was a Christmas only guy. 

Blood was taken from both and result showed nil. 

They were then given the same amount to drink and when they were tested, the heavy drinker actually helped the doctor when he was taking the blood from the other officer who was incapable of even standing.  The heavy drinker appeared reasonably sober.

When the results came back the heavy drinker had a significantly higher alcohol level .

This message was last edited by johnzx on 18/12/2015.

This message was last edited by johnzx on 18/12/2015.

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18 Dec 2015 6:37 PM by Fartharder Star rating in Loriguilla.. 172 posts Send private message

Fartharder´s avatar

We usually think about drink driving as something people do at night, or some people get caught out after drinking heavily at night and still being over the limit the next day, but here's a thought. It's very common in Spain to have a couple of beers and maybe some wine as early as 10am with breakfast/brunch and with the limit being very low here, that must put millions of Spaniards over the limit every day as they go to and from work. Most checks are carried out at weekends or at holiday times like Christmas but I wonder how many would get caught if they carried out more tests on normal weekday mornings.

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18 Dec 2015 7:58 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

That's right Fartharder.  I occasionally use a cafe which is on the edge of an industrial area when I visit a particular garden centre.  If I go there early in the morning it's full of lrry drivers having their early carajillo or asiatico which are basically an expresso coffee with equal parts of condensed milk and brandy.  It's a pleasant drink, but very hairy and I really don't know why the local plod is not outside - they would achieve their monthly quota in an hour!  But they're never there - perhaps Johnzx can throw some light?

Not meaning to have a pop, but I believe the rules in Spain tend to be too flexible.  Many years ago I used to have a place in CDS and as a British tourist you were virtually immune from prosecution which was thought to be bad for the tourist trade, now it's different, we're targets to boost their dwindling coffers.  Still not in any way condoning drink driving, but 85%+ of drivers drink and I'm a bit cynical on the selection process used for which they are made examples.


Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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18 Dec 2015 10:52 PM by Legend Star rating. 56 posts Send private message

Easy answer don't drink and drive easy



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18 Dec 2015 10:57 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

I really don't know why the local plod is not outside - they would achieve their monthly quota in an hour!

Because they are in the bar round the corner imbibing of the very same carajillo or asiatico !


This message was last edited by Team GB on 18/12/2015.




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19 Dec 2015 1:05 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message


Your post is spot on. I don't condone drink driving, however I too also know people who drive, that in my opinion should have never been allowed behind the wheel of a car. Unfortunately there are also other people that when they start to lose their reflexs etc should realise that the time to stop is now, but they carry on usually endangering others rather themselves as they usually drive so slow so that they have time to mentally process the changes that happen naturally whilst driving, i.e Other traffic, road conditions etc...

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