Massive Pig Farm for Camposol . present from the Town Hall

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06 Jan 2016 4:16 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message


I've never seen Nigel Farage wearing anything other than trousers, and as for him being 'anti-foreigners', his wife the former German national Kirsten Mehr might have something to say about that. wink 


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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06 Jan 2016 7:32 PM by acer Star rating. 1536 posts Send private message

perhaps I was thinking of someone else..

Image result for farage wearing a dress

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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09 Jan 2016 9:23 PM by aliton Star rating. 331 posts Send private message

Acer..  The title is  "mayor of Mazarron". Not as you mention  "Lady mayor"..... again sexist...... Yes the CRA needs to do something but I know enough about Spain to know that the current CRA Chairman is taking the wrong approach and it will backfire on Majority of Residents who were quite pleased with the improvements gradually being made > e.g  When the Bridge Collapsed in the centre of the resort ( due to the storm) the Council acted very quickly also the floods . Yet people moaned and moaned about the Councils progress . Lets see how quickly the Uk repairs downed bridges in ( Cumbria etc)  Information about the CRAs Plan is on the CRA Website newsletter.. If you dont live at Camposol (Poster named Camposol) change your name. And stop dictating what I should do


  Fomer member revisiting r.




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10 Jan 2016 9:30 AM by acer Star rating. 1536 posts Send private message

Aliton, you seem to have your own agenda on Camposol, so I reckon your comments should be taken with a pinch of salt.  I don't know Camposol that well but what I have seen is largely favourable - particularly struck by the number of volunteer owners who have improved the look of the place with gardening work. 

There seems to be an excellent community spirit there, despite having been let down by the Developer.  I was also told that a lot of the Planning Permission was waved through in connivance with an ex-mayor, who was given a property on Camposol FOC, so possibly the CRA have grounds to be unhappy with the Town Hall.

Your opening comment "The title is  "mayor of Mazarron". Not as you mention  "Lady mayor"..... again sexist...... " - why on earth do you say that?!!! 

The US President is regularly called "Mr President" is that "sexist" too?  This is political correctness gone beserk and making no sense to me whatever!  But perhaps you can explain?

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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10 Jan 2016 9:35 AM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

300 year old listed bridges can't be replaced in days, however I do expect 'Bailey' type temporary bridges to be erected in the interim.


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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15 Jan 2016 12:56 AM by aliton Star rating. 331 posts Send private message

Acer ref you comments.  FREE HOUSE FOR EX MAYOR

The so called "voluntees of camposol" have rattled the tins may a time but have made little differance apart from putting tuns of gravel in front of own houses >

If its true  that the" ex mayor was given a house FOC" by the residents. are we feeding corruption in Spain... and if so insnt that just case of corruption and fraud ?. Please explain ???.   Sep Blater Espania incident.?


This message was last edited by aliton on 15/01/2016.

This message was last edited by aliton on 15/01/2016.


  Fomer member revisiting r.




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15 Jan 2016 8:27 AM by acer Star rating. 1536 posts Send private message


Happy to respond to your query, but perhaps first you could do me the courtesy of responding to mine, asked on 10th January:

Why do you say the expression "Lady Mayor is "sexist"?


Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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15 Jan 2016 12:42 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

The Mayor was given actually two villas and 7 hectares of border land by the lead developers we heard ,thats normal for Spain everybody knows that its just business if everyone is crooked there view is its not wrong what thet do

Mad they are

Love Hugh xx


Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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15 Jan 2016 2:45 PM by aliton Star rating. 331 posts Send private message


Happy to respond to your query, but perhaps first you could do me the courtesy of responding to mine, asked on 10th January:

Why do you say the expression "Lady Mayor is "sexist"?

ACER ref you question

In answer to your question........ as its seems so important  to you .

Yes, people use the expression  "Mr President ".......... but does anyone say MAN PRESIDENT they dont



  Fomer member revisiting r.




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15 Jan 2016 4:41 PM by acer Star rating. 1536 posts Send private message


You accused me of a sexist comment and you are still to explain why the expression "Lady Mayor" is "sexist"?

If you made a mistake that's not a problem.

I just wanted clarification, but it's of very modest importance.


Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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24 Feb 2016 7:55 PM by dollydaisy Star rating. 1 posts Send private message


I am moving to Camposol in 2 weeks time ( sector A ) Can anyone tell me where exactly the proposed pig farm is going to be ? 

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24 Feb 2016 9:07 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

You need to go to the town hall to see the plans, but wherever it is near A,  there will be an almighty pong!

we lived on B where there was a big pig farm in the distance, and when the wind was going the wrong way,and it was very hot, the smell was enough to clear the sinuses, even with windows closed.

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24 Feb 2016 9:33 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

Its not to bad at the moment but June to mid September OMG its awful  Stu was sick all through Summer it really is getting worse I think they want us all out and when phase 2 starts up OMG forget it, it wont matter where you are youre gonna get it it even lives in your clothes put them out to air and travel in town for a meal people just come up and say Campo Ho Ho 

Love Hugh xx

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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25 Feb 2016 10:52 AM by acer Star rating. 1536 posts Send private message

I would like to know what the good people of Camposol are doing about this - I heard that there is an active body on Camposol taking on this new Mayor who has a well documented dislike for "foreigners" as she calls anyone who is not a local.

A while ago someone accused me of being "sexist" towards her as I called her "Mrs Mayor" - a strange comment considering the misery she is inflicting on ex-pats in the pursuit of her political career.

I know nothing about pigs and the smell they cause, but a couple of minutes on Google creates a major concern:

What’s a “Nuisance?”

Accordingly to Charles McGinley, a Minnesota engineer specializing in odors, there are a number of things on farms that produce characteristically offensive odors, including insecticides, chemical fertilizers, and compost.

For sheer stink power, though, experts say manure is the worst, with pig manure the worst of the worst. “There are over 200 compounds in swine odor,” Colin Johnson, extension program specialist at the Iowa Pork Industry Center of Iowa State University. Among them are many of the usual suspects of the odor world, including ammonia, hydrogen sulfide (think rotten eggs), and something called “cadaverine,” which (you guessed it) smells of rotting flesh.

Yes this is a USA publication, but I imagine pigs create the same smell the world over.

Of course, there is EU law and best practice - (no doubt there is lots more!!!) and hopefully this is being brought to the attention of Mrs Mayor in no uncertain terms!

This is an awful situation and it would be good to know what action is being taken to put it right.





Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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25 Feb 2016 2:08 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

There used to be a pig farm near A, so surely they only have to start it up again, and may not have to go through the whole planning process?

i imagine the council will not be very sympathetic about the smell.

if you go through any of the  villages near Camposol, they are near chicken farms which smell as bad as the pigs.

The locals just accept it as part of living in the country

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25 Feb 2016 4:18 PM by acer Star rating. 1536 posts Send private message

It's always a matter of opinion, but if Hughie's comments are accurate this sounds a bit different to your average country whiff.  Surely, this represents intensive farming where EU regulations should apply?


Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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25 Feb 2016 4:59 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

the one on A will have 11,900 pigs

the one on B had less but expanded during our time there, and the pong made my eyes water!

since when did Spain take any notice of EU regulations? 



This message was last edited by camposol on 25/02/2016.

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25 Feb 2016 10:44 PM by acer Star rating. 1536 posts Send private message

The Spanish tend to comply with regulations when it's in their own interests to do so.

On the other hand the Brits in Spain seem to be generally too apathetic, submissive and compliant.  Without us their economy would be in an even worse state than it is.  We keep thousands of Spanish nationals employed and collectively pay a massive amount in taxes to their local and national government.

Yet we still accept these outrageous situations meekly with only a murmur of protest on boards like this that will never even reach Town Hall ears.

I still cannot believe that so few made the effort to vote for CDIP in the local elections.   That might well have made a difference - so perhaps we don't really deserve any better.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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25 Feb 2016 11:30 PM by aliton Star rating. 331 posts Send private message

Our time as Camposol home owners highlighted the fact that the vast majority of ex pats on this community couldnt give a stuff about whats going on round them.  I dont blame them.

With 4000+ retirees living the good life can understand this stance. You dont go to Spain to get involved in politics just to enjoy the sun, social life, beer and bingo quiz nights etc. All these committee members ( Like CRA) etc should get a life . Enjoy what life they have left. Or go home if you dont like it . far too many power mad saddos about on the big ex pat urbanisations. 


  Fomer member revisiting r.




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26 Feb 2016 7:59 AM by acer Star rating. 1536 posts Send private message

Your post exemplifies the problem Aliton.  Too many Brits go to Spain for continuous sun, social life, beer and bingo quiz nights etc and assume they can close their eyes to everything else.  But if you just continually over indulge, knock back the pop and don't show a bit of interest in what's going on around you, things may go downhill.

But I suppose one person's "power mad saddo" is another's "guy who still has a grip on reality". 

I can see why CDIP were wasting their breath.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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