Unpaid Community fees

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26 Jan 2016 6:31 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar


The problem is that in many occasions, Banks are not registering ownership after repossession and therefore, despite being the new legal owners, obliged to pay Community fees, a Land Registry search does not offer to you the real data on current ownership.

In these cases, Comunity would ned to ask a Judge to help them to obtain info for the claim




Maria and all


I think this is exactly the point that Ads and I are trying to make.

Why isn't it mandatory for a bank to register change of ownership immediately on repossession? So that all outstanding debts are covered.

What mechanism allows the banks to get away with not registering and potentially passing debts on the sometimes unsuspecting buyers.

Finally, why cant it be a legal requirement to provide a debt certificate on all changes of ownership, how difficuly can that be? Currently the banks appear to offer some sort of illegal guarantee to the new buyer that the property is debt free. Communities and others are left with no alternative but to put in much time and effort to chase both the selling bank and the new buyer until it is settled by someone.


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26 Jan 2016 7:53 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

The problem is that in many occasions, Banks are not registering ownership after repossession and therefore, despite being the new legal owners, obliged to pay Community fees, a Land Registry search does not offer to you the real data on current ownership.

But the Nota Simple does show outstanding debts registered against the property, so the is info will be there (and the history of such debts)

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26 Jan 2016 9:23 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar


yes the Nota Simple shows you the mortgagee and any other charges against the property but the Community is not necessarily informed of any repossession straight away and normally only checks the Registry once or twice a year, due to costs, once the debt is ignored.

You can chase the bank on the Nota Simple but they will insist that the repossession process has not been completed and therefore NOT on their books or their responsibility, meanwhile they are trying to sell on without registering, if they can.

Yes, eventually they will cough up but it is much work for Communities and Administrators.


Ads and I have both suggested that the Law needs to establish change of ownership on repossession or Dacion immediately in order to protect the creditor.

Not the current vague lengthy repossession process that the banks appear to be allowed to get away with.

The current law states that the bank are liable for current year plus previous 3 BUT it does NOT specify when or even IF change of ownership should be registered.


I don't understand how a judge can help chase a bank who have repossessed but not registered, surely the community can only sue the name on the Nota Simple which is the previous owner?

I would love to know if there is a way of proving bank ownership.





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27 Jan 2016 9:49 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

This is the comment from our Administrator about a property repossessed by Servihabitat but currently under negotiation with a potential buyer.

They have done this on at least two previous occasions.


Unfortunately this firm is used to selling their properties without asking for a Debt Certificate. Of course , if this were asked, we would issue it at once as done for the rest of sellers , but, as the property is in arrears , they do not want to have a document containing this information as debt should be then cleared before transmission.  They prefer to tell the buyer the property has no debt by including a paragraph stating so in the Title Deeds (even not true), instead of delivering the Debt Certificate as it should be done to act correctly.


Rest of legal aspects contained in your email will be reviewed and answered by my colleagues from Legal Dpt.


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27 Jan 2016 10:35 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Ads: For lawyers contribution to better Justice: their own professional exercise mainly. Then, possible reports to General Council of Lawyers, and General Council of Justice.

Hugh_Man: Banks not registering repossessed properties: Judge issuing a property award after repossession does not have the obligation to send a notice to Land Registry. It is the new owner who has the faculty to do so. 

The current scenario, where many properties owned by a Bank after repossession in the same community, and lack of payments of community debts by these affect dramatically the living of the community of owners is unique, therefore, not envisaged by Civil Procedure Act when regulating Auctions and Repossessions. Of course there are other legal remedies to fight against this.

As a general try to solve the problem, a request to Bank of Spain should work.

As a specific solution to individual communities:  Land Registry plot numbers are on the Horizontal Property Division deed so, after searching on Land registry on lender Bank which has repossessed, and before issuing a lawsuit--- as there is no clear record of ownership for a Judge to admitt the action--- Judge can request the bank to show results of repossession.

You can try an  out of court request to the Bank first, once the name of Bank is located a the Notas Simples, and see what happens.

Ps.- You ca check our Community of owners site here






Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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27 Jan 2016 6:16 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Many thanks and in answering your informative post Maria please see ongoing queries and observations identified in red.


Ads: For lawyers contribution to better Justice: their own professional exercise mainly. Then, possible reports to General Council of Lawyers, and General Council of Justice


My concern is that so long as there is little reporting back by legal firms to the powers that be, or suggestions by lawyers for workable solutions to mitigate these “recognised and compromising loopholes”, it has the potential to do a grave disservice to those good law firms (who as we know struggle to gain timely justice with the status quo and proliferation of Bank appeals), since there is sadly the potential, as has already been identified, to conclude that “lawyers are only in this for the cash”, directly benefiting from this proliferation of litigation, and demonstrating little willingness to follow through with identifiable workable solutions, solutions that have great potential to mitigate this growing instance of litigation and legal intervention, and in so doing relieve the strain on the administrative and judicial systems.

So Maria, do you recognise the solution for, and benefits from mandatory registration and debt certification, and is it worthy of feeding back to the powers that be?

Hugh_Man: Banks not registering repossessed properties: Judge issuing a property award after repossession does not have the obligation to send a notice to Land Registry. It is the new owner who has the faculty to do so.

This is not a secure system, and as has been demonstrated, pricing structures for “voluntary registration” act as disincentive to adherence. It is dependent upon honest and ethical practice, leaving no option but to request legal intervention when problems arise, rather than ensure safety mechanisms are in place at source. Registration should be made obligatory prior to transmission to act as adequate safeguard and to reassure that information is secure and reliable.

The current scenario, where many properties owned by a Bank after repossession in the same community, and lack of payments of community debts by these affect dramatically the living of the community of owners is unique, therefore, not envisaged by Civil Procedure Act when regulating Auctions and Repossessions. Of course there are other legal remedies to fight against this.

Maria how can this possibly be considered “unique” given the current growing debts now owed to communities by the Banks? This needs to be reviewed and reassessed based upon growing evidence of Bank abuse and manipulative ploys to avoid payment of outstanding debt, plus the growing dependence upon judicial action in order to counter such abusive behaviour, which worryingly also places greater stress on the already overstretched justice system.  These “other legal remedies” are reactionary solutions after the event and fail to prevent problems at source. They are extremely time consuming and costly for both communities and the Spanish Justice system alike, and sadly do little to reassure purchasers that they too will not be exposed to future abuse by the Banks which has the potential to financially compromise their communities.  

As a general try to solve the problem, a request to Bank of Spain should work.

Re Bank of Spain regulating their members, didn’t Keith Rule identify quite some time ago that the Bank of Spain have no powers to regulate their members, nor did they demonstrate any willingness to address the major problems associated with Bank Guarantee abuse when Keith went to great lengths to identify the problems in writing to them, problems that have subsequently required YEARS of costly litigation and in that process have impacted court administration systems and the judiciary across the country?

What message/reassuarance does this convey in terms of the Bank of Spain’s willingness to address yet another growing problem relating to Bank’s ongoing behaviour and manipulative (and illegal?) ploys to avoid their responsibilities and financial obligations according to law?

Social impact?….. I would suggest there is a major social impact that needs to be reported back by good lawyers in this regard, Maria.


As a specific solution to individual communities:  Land Registry plot numbers are on the Horizontal Property Division deed so, after searching on Land registry on lender Bank which has repossessed, and before issuing a lawsuit--- as there is no clear record of ownership for a Judge to admitt the action--- Judge can request the bank to show results of repossession.

Again another loophole exposed as there is no clear record of ownership without having to resort to legal action.

You can try an  out of court request to the Bank first, once the name of Bank is located a the Notas Simples, and see what happens.

Banks, as has been demonstrated to date, are doing all in their power to be obstructive in their behaviour so doesn’t this imply that they will be highly unlikely to settle out of court? Mandatory obligations would mitigate this unwillingness by the Banks to demonstrate good faith. This solution would enhance (and reassure) innocent owners/purchasers that their rights are being adequately recognised and enforced at the point of transference of property. They should not be exposed to a system where known loopholes of this nature and magnitude continue to be open to abuse.


Outstanding questions remain:


  1. Is it true given the existing system that “A nota simple has no legal validity as proof. If there are any errors in it no one is held liable.”


  1. Is it true that “If you require a legally accepted binding document you have to request the more expensive ‘certificación registral’ signed and sealed by the Land Registrar himself which is ’authentic’ (it is a public document) and can be used in any legal proceeding. If there are any errors in it, the Land Registrar is held personally liable and will have to pay compensation to the affected person out of his professional indemnity insurance cover."  How many are aware of this and has anyone endeavoured to follow this through?


  1. Is it illegal (or a criminal offence) to knowingly submit a clause into the Title deeds suggesting no debt exists when this is untrue? Another abusive ploy by the Banks? Have clauses of this nature now been defined as illegal and if so could this also be deemed part of the MANDATORY process/effective checks required prior to transference of property?


    Is it also true that there is no facility in the existing system to register offplan deposits against properties and that there appears NO RECORDABLE MECHANISM IN PLACE TO IDENTIFY THESE DEBTS, given Ley 57/68 defines inalienable rights to return of these deposited monies in the event of developer breach? . (We are talking of millions upon millions of Euros here as there have been many thousands affected)?

 If so, this identifies yet another major vulnerability (loophole) in the existing system, which also has implications relating to Bank repossessions as being discussed in this thread. 

Note there are many who for whatever reason have not been able to take legal action against the Banks but whose deposited monies still sit in unrecognised Bank Accounts, and Banks will have presumably repossessed these properties (with the intention of selling on) following developer bankruptcy.

So my question is, for those who have not taken legal action to date (for whatever reason, and there are many ligitimate reasons) can Banks sell on these properties in the interim period without any recognition/recording of outstanding financial obligations relating to these deposited monies associated with the property, and will this failure to officially record these debts compromise their ability to subsequently regain these monies? Doesn’t this beg an ethical question of the Banks that monies that do not belong to them are being knowingly “hidden” and allow them the opportunity to exploit compromising loopholes in the existing recording/registering mechanisms? 


This message was last edited by ads on 27/01/2016.

This message was last edited by ads on 27/01/2016.

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27 Jan 2016 9:45 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Couldn't have said it better myself.

No real regulation of banks, no interest in regulating banks.

Banks and some members of the judiciary remain on a pedestal, well above the law.

Some lawyers stand to profit from more and more cases surrounding developers and banks.

Why change the law recently to ensure banks pay current year and 3 previous years when originally it was only one previous year, without stipulating automatic transfer of ownership on repossession.


One question Ads

What can a certificacion registral show or prove that a Nota Simple can't, IF the repossessing bank are refusing to register ownership? Surely it can only give you the same info but guaranteed correct.

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28 Jan 2016 12:17 AM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

I'm afraid I dont know the answer to your question Hugh. Perhaps Maria can advise?

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28 Jan 2016 10:17 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Just saw this, Thought it might be of interest:- 

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28 Jan 2016 10:53 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Ads, being about to finish the answer to your questions in your same text, computer shutted down! Work lost.

Starting again,nswers a in green below:

Many thanks and in answering your informative post Maria please see ongoing queries and observations identified in red.


Ads: For lawyers contribution to better Justice: their own professional exercise mainly. Then, possible reports to General Council of Lawyers, and General Council of Justice


My concern is that so long as there is little reporting back by legal firms to the powers that be, or suggestions by lawyers for workable solutions to mitigate these “recognised and compromising loopholes”, it has the potential to do a grave disservice to those good law firms (who as we know struggle to gain timely justice with the status quo and proliferation of Bank appeals), since there is sadly the potential, as has already been identified, to conclude that “lawyers are only in this for the cash”, directly benefiting from this proliferation of litigation, and demonstrating little willingness to follow through with identifiable workable solutions, solutions that have great potential to mitigate this growing instance of litigation and legal intervention, and in so doing relieve the strain on the administrative and judicial systems.

I do agree a risponsable and honest lawyer needs to contribute to better laws and justice working.

So Maria, do you recognise the solution for, and benefits from mandatory registration and debt certification, and is it worthy of feeding back to the powers that be?

 In cases where number of properties will create a situation of control by same owner, possibly an obligation to the Judge to communicate this to Land registry and Property Administrator. It might also be, in my opinion, a task to be developed by Property Administrators in the fulfilment of the tasks they are hired and paid for.

Hugh_Man: Banks not registering repossessed properties: Judge issuing a property award after repossession does not have the obligation to send a notice to Land Registry. It is the new owner who has the faculty to do so.

This is not a secure system, and as has been demonstrated, pricing structures for “voluntary registration” act as disincentive to adherence. It is dependent upon honest and ethical practice, leaving no option but to request legal intervention when problems arise, rather than ensure safety mechanisms are in place at source. Registration should be made obligatory prior to transmission to act as adequate safeguard and to reassure that information is secure and reliable.

Registration previous to transmission is obligatory. 

The current scenario, where many properties owned by a Bank after repossession in the same community, and lack of payments of community debts by these affect dramatically the living of the community of owners is unique, therefore, not envisaged by Civil Procedure Act when regulating Auctions and Repossessions. Of course there are other legal remedies to fight against this.

Maria how can this possibly be considered “unique” given the current growing debts now owed to communities by the Banks?  It is unique in legal history despite being currently massive in numbers. This needs to be reviewed and reassessed based upon growing evidence of Bank abuse and manipulative ploys to avoid payment of outstanding debt, plus the growing dependence upon judicial action in order to counter such abusive behaviour, which worryingly also places greater stress on the already overstretched justice system.  These “other legal remedies” are reactionary solutions after the event and fail to prevent problems at source. Still remedies till a better solution exist. They are extremely time consuming and costly for both communities and the Spanish Justice system alike, and sadly do little to reassure purchasers that they too will not be exposed to future abuse by the Banks which has the potential to financially compromise their communities.  I agree.

As a general try to solve the problem, a request to Bank of Spain should work.

Re Bank of Spain regulating their members, didn’t Keith Rule identify quite some time ago that the Bank of Spain have no powers to regulate their members, nor did they demonstrate any willingness to address the major problems associated with Bank Guarantee abuse when Keith went to great lengths to identify the problems in writing to them, problems that have subsequently required YEARS of costly litigation and in that process have impacted court administration systems and the judiciary across the country?

Bank of Spain in reinforcing its regulating faculties and obligations.

What message/reassuarance does this convey in terms of the Bank of Spain’s willingness to address yet another growing problem relating to Bank’s ongoing behaviour and manipulative (and illegal?) ploys to avoid their responsibilities and financial obligations according to law?

A communication to Bank of Spain is worth it. With proofs.

Social impact?….. I would suggest there is a major social impact that needs to be reported back by good lawyers in this regard, Maria.


As a specific solution to individual communities:  Land Registry plot numbers are on the Horizontal Property Division deed so, after searching on Land registry on lender Bank which has repossessed, and before issuing a lawsuit--- as there is no clear record of ownership for a Judge to admitt the action--- Judge can request the bank to show results of repossession.

Again another loophole exposed as there is no clear record of ownership without having to resort to legal action.

You can try an  out of court request to the Bank first, once the name of Bank is located a the Notas Simples, and see what happens.

Banks, as has been demonstrated to date, are doing all in their power to be obstructive in their behaviour so doesn’t this imply that they will be highly unlikely to settle out of court? Very possibly. Mandatory obligations would mitigate this unwillingness by the Banks to demonstrate good faith. This solution would enhance (and reassure) innocent owners/purchasers that their rights are being adequately recognised and enforced at the point of transference of property. They should not be exposed to a system where known loopholes of this nature and magnitude continue to be open to abuse.


Outstanding questions remain:


  1. Is it true given the existing system that “A nota simple has no legal validity as proof.If there are any errors in it no one is held liable.”

           Nota simples are informative but that does not mean errors of them cannot be claimed against anyone.


  1. Is it true that “If you require a legally accepted binding document you have to request the more expensive ‘certificación registral’ signed and sealed by the Land Registrar himself which is ’authentic’ (it is a public document) and can be used in any legal proceeding. If there are any errors in it, the Land Registrar is held personally liable and will have to pay compensation to the affected person out of his professional indemnity insurance cover. How many are aware of this and has anyone endeavoured to follow this through?

Lawyers know ( or should know). They should advise their clients in due and effective manner.


  1. Is it illegal (or a criminal offence) to knowingly submit a clause into the Title deeds suggesting no debt exists when this is untrue?  It is illegal , might be criminal and Notaries liabilities might exist too. Another abusive ploy by the Banks? Have clauses of this nature now been defined as illegal and if so could this also be deemed part of the MANDATORY process/effective checks required prior to transference of property?

There is a strict control by Notaries and Registrars on this


    Is it also true that there is no facility in the existing system to register offplan deposits against properties and that there appears NO RECORDABLE MECHANISM IN PLACE TO IDENTIFY THESE DEBTS, given Ley 57/68 defines inalienable rights to return of these deposited monies in the event of developer breach? . (We are talking of millions upon millions of Euros here as there have been many thousands affected)?

Law 57/68 and current Law 20/15 built a system where Banks are guardians of these deposits and their return. That is why consolidated case Law in favour of buyers is so meaningful.

 If so, this identifies yet another major vulnerability (loophole) in the existing system, which also has implications relating to Bank repossessions as being discussed in this thread. 

Note there are many who for whatever reason have not been able to take legal action against the Banks but whose deposited monies still sit in unrecognised Bank Accounts, and Banks will have presumably repossessed these properties (with the intention of selling on) following developer bankruptcy.

So my question is, for those who have not taken legal action to date (for whatever reason, and there are many ligitimate reasons) can Banks sell on these properties in the interim period without any recognition/recording of outstanding financial obligations relating to these deposited monies associated with the property, and will this failure to officially record these debts compromise their ability to subsequently regain these monies? They can as this does not compromise these buyers´actions against Banks. Doesn’t this beg an ethical question of the Banks that monies that do not belong to them are being knowingly “hidden” and allow them the opportunity to exploit compromising loopholes in the existing recording/registering mechanisms? 

Law 57/68 and its continuedly precised Case Law covers this.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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28 Jan 2016 10:56 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Hugh Man: Correct: a certificate just add the signature of the Registrar ( after revision) making it a public docment. Substantive info is the same



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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28 Jan 2016 11:40 AM by Pasha01 Star rating. 40 posts Send private message

I'm a President of 6 years so have experienced the frustration of debtors. Some of our empty homes which are Bank owned, the fees are paid, however we have 5 that have never been sold since they were built 11 years ago, they are now under SAREB who have now put them with other agencies to be sold. The problem is even when we get people asking to buy them, it is impossible to find out who they are with. Another which the bank does pay for just say the property is not for sale at the moment. This house was sold, then owner went bankcrupt in the UK. 3 people have wanted to buy it but still the Bank won't sell, this has been the situation for 4 years. It is complete madness. We have found that many Banks do pay up when eventually these homes get sold , the main issue is you can only claim for the current year and the 4 previous years, which means every year that goes by is a 1500€ loss to our Community. Banks are not putting property into the banks name with the notary when homes get repossessed so the homes are in limbo land with no-one to claim against. Debts stay with Property in Spain unlike the UK, so whoever owns it is responsible for remaining debts. Recently another of our owners tried to hand it back to their Bank and used a an intermediary, who charge them and then disappered. I had advised them to deal directly with their bank, which they they now doing. The Bank have told them they won't take it back until all Community fees and utility bills are paid.
Presidents and Administrators do need to be on the case and keep on at the Banks. We have also helped owners who have got into difficulty and set up payment plans with them. They might be able to pay monthly and get themselves out of debt. Better something than nothing is my approach. Another, we are going through the Uk courts to get 2.5K€ back using the European payment order system. It's not easy and frankly the Spanish system is not helpful. It's all stating again, the Banks are offering 100% mortgages, they still keep building on every available space. There simply isn't the amount of people wanting to buy all the homes available.

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28 Jan 2016 11:41 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Here is the note from our Administrator, saying the buyers lawyer is asking for the debtvamount but not necessarily demanding a debt free certificate.

Only the seller can ask for the debt certificate.

Not suggesting, the bank, the lawyer and the notary are all in cahoots but this is highly immoral if not illegal..



I have just received an email from xxxxxxxxx Law & Tax asking for the current debt for the property (see my response attached). 


This Law Firm has managed at least 3 transmissions with Buildingcenter in 2015 with the same problems. In fact ,one of the new owners from Aug.2015 in other Community has been shown as Debtor in the AGM Call, since neither the bank nor this Law Firm have solved this situation yet.


I have strongly recommended them to ask for a Free-Debt Certificate to deliver at the Notary or we will immediately  proceed against the new owner as will become a debtor as soon as signs. 


I really think Buildingcenter (Servihabitat) may have some kind of tacit or explicit agreement with this Law Firm and always the same Notary to keep on proceeding this way, as it is really curious that all these issues have been reported for those properties sold by this firm with these Lawyers representing the Buyers and always signing in the same Notary without asking a Debt Certificate and including a paragraph to explain there is no Certificate but stating Seller assures there is no debt either (false).


However, I am not very confident about this Law Firm asking for a Debt Certificate anyway. Really frustrating, indeed.


I’ll let you know any progress.


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28 Jan 2016 12:29 PM by Pasha01 Star rating. 40 posts Send private message

It's surely up to the buyers Abogado to confirm that the property is debt free, otherwise the new buyer will be responsible for any debts outstanding. Any Abogado not advising their client correctly would be not acting in the correct manner. I would have thought the buyer would have come back against the Abogado for not providing basic advice. Some people buy through agents and don't use an one so could run into problems.

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28 Jan 2016 12:36 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

If I have understood this correctly, Maria has suggested that this practice of paragraph inclusion is illegal and may be criminal (see her response to my posting below), in which case might it be worth sending a suitably worded letter,, (via respected independent lawyer) to all parties concerned (Bank,Notary, Lawyer.etc ) to advise of this and the requirement for debt certificate, thus placing this on official record, to act as a warning shot in the hope that the Bank will comply? 

What do you think Maria?

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28 Jan 2016 1:09 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

I have already expressed what I think is the correct way to deal with this. Honestly, I cannot seee other way around.

Cheers ;)








Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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28 Jan 2016 1:09 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Thank you once again for your educative responses to my lengthy posting, Maria. It really is appreciated. (sorry to hear that you had to do this twice!)

Following up on your suggestions" In cases where number of properties will create a situation of control by same owner, possibly an obligation to the Judge to communicate this to Land registry and Property Administrator. It might also be, in my opinion, a task to be developed by Property Administrators in the fulfilment of the tasks they are hired and paid for. "

 may I ask at what point in the legal process might the judge be oliged to communicate to the Land registry and property administrator? Would this be following the developer bankruptcy administrative legal process or at another point in time? It might be helpful to clarify the legal processes and identify at what point the properties are actually transferred to the Bank and at what point a judge could be obliged to communicate this to Land registry and Property Administrator...


This message was last edited by ads on 28/01/2016.

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28 Jan 2016 1:44 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

At the moment he issues the property adjudication writting after the auction


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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28 Jan 2016 1:45 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar


i agree but the note I attached below was a request from the buyers lawyer, only the seller can ask for a debt certificate.

Is there possibly some collusion between certain, banks, lawyers and notaries.

Yes the Community will sue the new owner who will sue his lawyer for poor advice who may sue the bank for misleading them.

You see where I m going here.


Yes many Communities approve an additional surcharge at each and every AGM when they have to agree to take legal action against previous debt.

Some like ours have introduced attractive discount schemes to encourage on time payment of fees, leaving banks and debtors to owe more.

Yes they will be sued but because of the current problems in Spain the courts are jammed and currently in certain regions it can take ages before funds are received.

Even after being heard in court the judge can take unlimited time to declare a judgement if no agreement on debts is reached between both parties.

They know they will eventually have to pay but they want to postpone it.

If the Bank of Spain properly regulated this property portfolio of banks, most of them would be effectively insolvent and a fragile economy would shatter.

Sareb have so much on their books they have no real idea what is owning, they are only interested in packaging a sale.

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28 Jan 2016 3:21 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

If I have understood this correctly, Maria has suggested that this practice of paragraph inclusion is illegal and may be criminal (see her response to my posting below), in which case might it be worth sending a suitably worded letter,, (via respected independent lawyer) to all parties concerned (Bank,Notary, Lawyer.etc ) to advise of this and the requirement for debt certificate, thus placing this on official record, to act as a warning shot in the hope that the Bank will comply? 



That is a sensible suggestion in our case, which im going to try, but only as we happen to know about the deal from meeting the prospective buyer and trying to warn the agent.

Also ok IF the buyers solicitor checks any debt, it will be interesting to note what action they follow.

Not always possible if the Community is not aware of the impending sale who is acting for the buyer.

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