Gas water heater

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25 Jan 2016 3:50 PM by Harrieman Star rating in Alexandria in the We.... 25 posts Send private message

Hi Guy's, a while ago I sought advice on gas water heaters that were compatable to run two showers, I did receive a reply with a particular make but for the life of me cannot find the thread with the details regarding this type of water heater. Could anyone please advise me on such a water heater/boiler?


The Harrieman.

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25 Jan 2016 7:26 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

The majority of so called multipoint water heaters will deliver approximately 9ltrs of hot water at best if you do intend using two showers at one time to do this you will have to fit thermostatic shower mixer taps for a good flo at each outlet  i carried out the same job myself on my Villa,  but what do I know I have only been a gas safe registerd plumber for 43 years good luck.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 25/01/2016.

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31 Jan 2016 11:56 AM by STEVEE Star rating in Urcal. 30 posts Send private message

HI, the ability to support successfully two showers at once is largely dependent on the in coming mains supply volume or pump volume not to be confused with the pressure. As stated thermo mixers will help smooth any peaks or troughs and should be considered essential. The out put of any water heater will be in the maker's info shown as a graph with max liters per minute at a stated temp rise. This temp rise would be added to the incoming water temp to give a theoretical output temp. This can be further reduced by the effects of low gas in the bottle affecting the boil off rate in cold weather.

most of the major makers large multipoint state 14L/min for 30c rise this will see you at best in the winter at 40c just about a full hot shower ! if all the internal pipes are correctly sized for the length of the run then you may get 6L/Min at each shower assuming that your cold input is above 14L/Min say 15 - 16 L/Min allowing for the restriction of the appliance this is quite high by Spanish standards with out pump support.

IMHO two simultaneous showers of a good rate are unlikely off one water heater, we have two 10L/Min heaters and they just about give two showers as they are limited by our input water volume thats around 12 L/Min.

cheers steve

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01 Feb 2016 7:56 AM by Harrieman Star rating in Alexandria in the We.... 25 posts Send private message

Thanks for the info Stevee, this will come in handy when buying my water heater(s)


The Harrieman.

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