Camposol Sector C

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03 May 2016 8:42 PM by hotjoe Star rating. 19 posts Send private message

My friend is looking at a property Camposol Sector C what it like good or bad please ?

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03 May 2016 9:19 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Put Camposol in the box in the top right hand corner you will find answers to all you're questions

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04 May 2016 9:04 AM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Hotjoe, that really depends on your definition of "good or bad".

But having said that unless you are only looking for somewhere with a sea view I would say it's certainly worth a look.  But you need a couple of hours as there's always a lot for sale, it's big and the areas are very different.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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04 May 2016 5:17 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Although there are bargains to be had on all sectors, I would stick to A or B

They are near all the facilities, and have not had the problems the other two sectors have had

If you're getting on a bit and stop driving, you don't want a two mile walk to the medical centre, bus stop etc

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04 May 2016 8:46 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Hear we go again and again the op asked what CCCCCCCCCC sector was like nothing else C sector has a nice golf club with a 18 hole golf course it also has a very nice hotel that has just been taken over by new owners the area like the rest of Camposol is kept very clean and presentable by the C sector garden  group and cleaning team hope that helps.😀

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04 May 2016 9:03 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Windtalker- surely the friend is not only considering a property on C to the exclusion of all else?

Considering all the properties for sale on Camposol , it would be sensible to look at the other sectors

We knew people on C and D who were isolated because they no longer drive, their friends have moved away

Getting to the shops and medical centre was a problem

As yet the bus service is only from A

If C has the only house on Camposol that they like, fine, but at least consider the other sectors.


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05 May 2016 10:10 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

The original poster asked only about C sector ,they obviously no that the shops and all the noisy bars are on A/B sectors i have a villa on  D sector its approximately 4 KLM from A sector it is very quiet and very cleen the way I like it if I want a night out on the beer and music and noise I go over to A/B and then go back D for peace and quite, l would not advise anyone that has not got their own transportation to move to any of the out of town villages or urbanization as the Spanish public transport system cannot be relied on these out of town place's are OK if you don't mind spending your life in isolation.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 05/05/2016.

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05 May 2016 12:25 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

I appreciate the OP only asked about C,but I am curious to know why C to the exclusion of others?

Has the OP got friends there, or has been offered a very cheap property?

perhaps they will tell us 

 There must have been  other properties on other sectors which are in a better position, and have more to offer

A and B do have all the bars, but you have to live next to them, there are plenty of quiet areas 

I lived on B, and it was very quiet .

Being isolated on D and C is all very well, but if you are planning to live full time on Camposol, I would be looking for a peaceful area that is near to all facilities, and this is very possible

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05 May 2016 12:50 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Windtalker..WHAT is your problem!!       OP was inquiring on behalf of a friend what Section C was like and Camposol gave a polite and informative reply.


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05 May 2016 12:50 PM by hotjoe Star rating. 19 posts Send private message


Has the OP got friends there, or has been offered a very cheap property?

perhaps they will tell us.*****************They have seen a property on Rightmove priced  @ 61.900 euro i cant post the link but it with Blue Med


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05 May 2016 12:57 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Has your friend seen the posts on here?

why is the property so cheap?

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05 May 2016 1:19 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message


 Whatever replies, good or bad, you get from this forum regarding the Camposol property the only way to know what the area is like is for your friends to go and see. Any Property that might appear cheap on paper  if on a flood plain, of poor construction , miles from any services or in an unkempt area then is actually an expensive purchase.

Admittedly , although many expats have lost the dream and want to return to Blighty, very few willingly  want to give their houses away unless it is to their advantage.

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05 May 2016 7:48 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Hotjoe the properties that are for sale on camposol by bluemed are not bank Repo's ,the bank foreclosed on the builders this small estate consists of approximately 200 small Villa's the banks are only releasing 4 per month for sale and they sell like hot cakes because they are located opposite the golf coarse ,please do not listen to people like floella that no nothing about Camposol I think flotilla stop one time for a cup of tea on Camposol and that was it .

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05 May 2016 8:05 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

It is true windtalker that I did pay a cursory visit once upon a time but what you don't know is that I have several friends who own properties on Sectors A & B not, as you would like to believe, entirely ignorant about the situation on this urbanisation.. I was driven around section C but didn't stop because there was nothing there to see.

However to tell anyone not to heed advice concerns me as to WHY you feel the need to say this.




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