The Comments |
I suppose it may depend on who you think ''US'' is.
What are the Bookies odds on how long this thread will last.
_______________________ "That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."
There seems to be a lot of 'why France?' comment in the media.
Certainly if it carries on the way it has been going it will result in Ms LePen gaining power.
Is that what the fundamentalists want?
Mr Moderator, before you delete this post. This post is public on the internet by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Centre, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
Muslim Countries are The Most Racist in the World
While most Western countries surveyed are not racist, most Muslim countries surveyed are very racist.
When you do an international survey that asks whether you wouldn't want someone of another race as a neighbour, decades of liberal programming assume that Western countries will summon up their evil white privilege, while Eastern and Middle Eastern countries will cheerfully welcome in the stranger.
The unsurprising reality is the exact opposite. Asian and Middle Eastern countries are among the most racist.
Of the four most racist countries, two, Bangladesh and Jordan are Muslim, and one, India, has a very large Muslim population. Furthermore, while most Western countries, are blue, meaning that they are not racist, most Muslim countries surveyed fall into the red category, meaning that they are very racist.
These include Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Iran, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Mali and Malaysia. The only Western country on that list is France.
Meanwhile the most tolerant countries in the world include United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, Britain, Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Australia, New Zealand.
What do they have in common? Not a single one of them is Muslim.
Figures like these have serious implications for a multicultural society being constructed with Muslim immigration. It is rather clear that importing large numbers of Muslim immigrants does not lead to tolerance. It leads to intolerance. Tellingly, France, the only Western country on the racist list, has been subjected to large scale Muslim settlement leading to conflict and violence.
_______________________ "That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."
Hard to accept a survey that shows the UK and USA in the top most tolerant countries
Wonder where the demographics of surveys were
Was in particlular against muslims as a religion or racsim in general?
The racsist hatred in across the USA is very clear and all over the news and an every day occurence
Same in UK and the increase in racial abuse since Brexit shows that
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I thought the post was about terrorism, not religion? There are terrorist organisations Worldwide, Splinter IRA factions are still around in Northern Ireleand, the Basque separatists occasionally cause problems, there must also be others we don't hear so much of. Terrorism is terrorism wherever/ whoever commits it and is designed to scare the population from its normal way of life. Once they have done this, they have won.
A friend's daughter wouldn't go to London for the day after the Bataclan horror, they have succeeded with her. We all need to let the scum know that we won't be scared, in that way they lose and the population are united.
I thought the post was about terrorism, not religion?
There was a lot of discussion on the BREXIT thread about religion so the moderators put this message on:
eos_moderators This is not thread for religion so please stay on the topic! Brexit
If you wish to discuss terrorism and religion please start a new thread.
OK go to new thread ''Does Terrorism unite or divide us?''
But I see there is now a thread entitled:
Terrorism & religion
Thanks for that. I lost the will to live reading the Brexit thread, so didn't see that 
for the benefit of tteedd
The Guardian
Religious extremism main cause of terrorism, according to report
Since 2001 religious extremism has overtaken national separatism to become the main driver of terrorist attacks around the world, according to the Global Terrorism Index
Religious extremism has become the main driver of terrorism in recent years, according to this year’s Global Terrorism Index.
The report recorded 18,000 deaths in 2013, a rise of 60% on the previous year. The majority (66%) of these were attributable to just four groups: Islamic State (Isis) in Iraq and Syria, Boko Haram in Nigeria, the Taliban in Afghanistan and al-Qaida.
Overall there has been a fivefold increase in deaths from terrorism since the 9/11 suicide attacks.
The report’s authors attribute the majority of incidents over the past few years to groups with a religious agenda.
_______________________ "That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."
Why Me?
I suspect you took the quote I was commenting on as mine?
tteedd & ENA, calm down guys, you're both singing from the same song sheet, albeit to different tunes, there is enough going on on this forum without two of the good guys falling out.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
tteedd My sincere apologises, I made a silly mistake. It was Marksfish who made the statement.
_______________________ "That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."
Tadd1966 said Hard to accept a survey that shows the UK and USA in the top most tolerant countries.
I can understand you scepticism. I think the lack of gun laws contribute to the USA situation. But in the UK the facts are more clear. Yes there has been a recent slight rise in tensions due to the BRIEXIT referendum. But on the whole the facts are clear. The UK is the most multi cultural country in the world. We have welcomed every nationality, culture and religion with open arms that you can shake a stick to. The UK has more mosques per square mile than any other western country, plus an abundance of temples and synagogues. Immigrants have not been means tested on entry and have not had to bribe their way in like other counties. They have been give access to benefits and the NHS almost before the wheels have touched the ground. They have been allowed to claim and send back home child benefit.
How more tolerant can you be?.
This message was last edited by potblack on 23/07/2016.
_______________________ NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.
Yes Jonny as always you know more than anyone else. Your index of cultural diversity is biased towards linguistic variations as opposed to genetic diversity and other variations.
If you want to split hairs which you normally do. Head to Chad in north-central Africa where 8.6 million residents belong to more than 100 ethnic groups or to Togo, home to 37 tribal groups that speak one of 39 languages and share little in the way of a common culture or history.
This message was last edited by potblack on 23/07/2016.
_______________________ NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.
Fair comment but the generosity of the uk govt with benefits etc does not show a tolerant society
Also there are many brits who work in uk claim child benefit etc and send that money to their families living overseas
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”