I am visiting my partner who lives in Spain for a long weekend and after a number of trips where I have ended up stranded up in the Campo whilst he works we have discussed me using his spanish car whilst he is in his works van etc.
I have never driven a spanish car before so I am just wondering if anyone has any helpul info/advise to help with the following questions, my fella has I have to say put the fear of god into me over the Guadia and their constant spot checks so I'd like to ensure I am prepared and fully legal.
1. - Is driving with my UK photo driving license enough if I am stoppped by the Guadia etc ?
2. - How do we ensure I am insured do we have to do that which my partners insurance I am guessing that my UK insuance wouldn't cover me.
3. - I have heard but this might be incorrect that in Spain its the vehicle that is insured and not the driver is that correct ?
4. - If I was pulled over by the Guadia do I need anything to show I haven't stolen the car as I of course wont be the registered owner ??
Many thanks for your time and responses in advance, I have tried to research this but haven't been able to find much out other than something to do with NIE of the driver of which I don't have as I am still in the throngs of thrashing out if a move to Spain is on the cards.