NIE Number

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30 Apr 2017 7:43 PM by Janieg Star rating. 5 posts Send private message


I am thinking about buying a property in spain and need an NIE number.  I have had a look on line and the price is ridiculous but I have also seen if you do it yourself it is much cheaper.  We are flying back to spain in 3 weeks so was going to try and get it done then.  Has anybody done this ?? if so how quick are they at giving you the number as on some sites it says that you habd the form in and then have to go back in a couple of weeks to collect it.  Has anybody recently applied and If so how quick were they at issuing out the number?

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30 Apr 2017 7:47 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

hi Janie.   Been through this a long time ago!   Try this link it may help, nothing better than asking professional advice though.  



Best wishes, Brian


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30 Apr 2017 8:09 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Ludicrous prices on that site, better off reading this first: (FREE info on how to do it yourself!)

"Professional" advice can come at a ridiculous price and often is inaccurate or just plain wrong. Anyone can set up a website (in bad English) and claim to be a professional. If you're serious about getting embroiled in Spanish bureaucracy, you're best starting out trying to learn to do as much as you can yourself, or risk getting ripped off repeatedly. Alternatively, find yourself a decent gestor (get a personal recommendation in your chosen area) and ask for costs for everything up front.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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30 Apr 2017 8:22 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Sorry, ignore the site i copied in, it sounds like it's not very good!!!!   

Are gestors not professionals?    


Best wishes, Brian


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01 May 2017 8:16 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Applying for an NIE is very straightforward.    Very few people who apply use a ‘processional’.

This is an English explanation how to complete the EX 15 application form

The only difficult part is completing the online form  (it is in Spanish) which you have to use to make the 10.40 euros payment  at a bank.  The form is here

      .  Having completed the form online,  when printed there are 3 copies plus and info sheet.   

 I will try later today to make a post to explain how to complete the form for those who do not speak Spanish.  However. if anyone knows of a web page where that is shown I would appreciate it if you would post it and save me the chore. Thanks


This message was last edited by johnzx on 01/05/2017.

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01 May 2017 9:21 AM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Brian: "Are gestors not professionals?"

Yes, although you still have to be careful - even qualified and registered professionals in Spain can be wrong about certain things (right, John?!!), and can charge extortionate amounts for the simplest of tasks. My comment about "professionals", however, with the "air quotes" was sarcastic - no offence meant, but I made it in response to the link you posted, followed by your suggestion to use a professional: looking at that site, it seemed to me that they are simply professional sharks! 

As John says, applying for an NIE, and indeed many other things to do with Spanish bureaucracy, are actually easier than one imagines at first, if one just takes the time & effort to research a little, and doesn't just plump for the first result in a Google search offering to do it for you for a large fee. There are a plethora of such outfits (the old chesnut telefonicainenglish is a prime example) just waiting to take money off people who assume they cannot possibly manage to do things themselves. There's actually a surprising amount of information available in English on official Spanish government sites such as Tráfico ( and Hacienda (, so my advice is always to try to look for the official sources first to learn as much as you can, then, if you still do not feel confident to actually do the job yourself, go to a qualified gestor, but armed with a certain amount of knowledge, which will give you more confidence that you are not being bamboozled and ripped off.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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01 May 2017 10:38 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Ok roberto.  No problem. 

I did say it was a long time ago I had the need for such a service and contributed some out of date suggestion from a prior saved website.  

I suppose by putting this on it did prompt some better advice!!!!    So the road was paved with good intention, but didn't get to hell ha. 


Best wishes, Brian


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01 May 2017 10:39 AM by Janieg Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

Hi  everyone 

thank you for all your help. I have just brought the forms up on line and I'm going to give it a go myself . thanks again 

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01 May 2017 2:20 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

The Payment form for the bank (any bank) is here        

Explanation of what the form means:-

(If the form does not print, check to see if you have missed an item marked  with an   *)

Hope this helps.  

If I have missed something please PM me.



IDENTIFICACIÓN                                Identification

N.I.F./N.I.E. (*)                                    leave blank if you are applying for an NIE (or do not have one)

Apellidos y nombre o razón social (*)    surname, followed by forenames

Domicilio                                             details for your address (i.e. where you living / staying on the
                                                                        day you make the application)

Tipo de vía (*)                                       Type of ‘road’ you live in  Calle, Plaza etc

Nombre de la vía pública(*)                    Street name

Núm. (*)                                               Street number of your address

Esc                                                      staircase number if appropriate

Piso                                                     floor level if appropriate

Teléfono                                                telephone number, fixed or mobile

Municipio (*)                                          Town in which you live

Provincia (*)                                           Province

Código Postal (*)                                    Post code

(*)                                                         Item must be completed   

(Heading)  Tarjetas de identidad de extranjeros (TIE) y certificados de registro de residentes   comunitarios..

.Certificado de registro de residente comunitario o Tarjeta de residencia de familiar de un ciudadano de la Unión.              select for  EU Citizen Reg application

(Heading)  Documentos de identidad y títulos y documentos de viaje a extranjeros indocumentados y otros documentos.      

Asignación de Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE) a instancia del interesado.     Select for NIE application

Or choose an alternative reason as per lists.         

DECLARANTE                                   Person making application

Localidad (*)                                       The town in which you signed the form (that is a usual requirement on official papers)

Fecha (*)                                            The date of signing

INGRESO                                           amount of PAYMENT

Importe euros

€                                                         € 10.40   (if for an NIE)

Forma de pago (*)                                 how you will pay at the bank

En efectivo                                           Cash 

E.C. Adeudo en cuenta                         Show account info If paying  from your bank account


This message was last edited by johnzx on 02/05/2017.

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12 Jun 2018 5:17 PM by Swithin Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

June 2018 - I see a really helpful thread about paying for the NIE dated May 2017 - is this still the case, that I need to fill in the form online - or could I just print it off and complete a paper copy to take to the NIE appointment? Thanks! Swithin

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12 Jun 2018 8:18 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

You print the form off and go to pay the fee at a bank. They will then give you a copy to take to the NIE appointment to show it's been paid.

You need the tasa 790-012 if your appointment is at a National Police station or a tasa 790-052 if it is with a foreigners' office.


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12 Jun 2018 8:39 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

You need to complete the application and the payment form on line   Then you print the forms   Pay the fee into a bank and take the receipt for that with the application form to the National police  


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12 Jun 2018 9:35 PM by Swithin Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

Thank you both! VERY helpful! I'm a tad confused too, as to whether I need to take evidence of why I need an NIE - I'm buying property...I have the deposit contract which I was going to take along - the original and a copy just in case. Is this best? 

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12 Jun 2018 10:06 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

If you show on the application that you are buying a property that should be ok.   I have never known anyone being required to prove it

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13 Jun 2018 11:16 AM by Swithin Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

Thanks, John!

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13 Jun 2018 11:29 AM by Swithin Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

fao: Marie - Hi! You say... 

You need the tasa 790-012 if your appointment is at a National Police station or a tasa 790-052 if it is with a foreigners' office.

How do I know? I'm pretty sure the Tortosa office is a National Police Station, but how do I check?


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13 Jun 2018 2:48 PM by Swithin Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

Fao Marie - Marie, hi - please ignore last request; I've found it on the official NIE site - it's the 790-012 for Tortosa. Thank you! This has been a great help. 

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14 Jun 2018 5:15 PM by Fhanrah Star rating. 44 posts Send private message

If you live close to a Spanish embassy or consulate pop in there, it took my 20 minutes from start to finish to complete and cost me €8.75 to porcess. I did a quick serch of the dublin embassy and there seems to be an online aplication section now and an english version to help you fill it out.

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14 Jun 2018 7:40 PM by Swithin Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

Hi, thanks Fhanrah - we're in Spain, Catalonia, [or will be v soon] which slightly complicates things - but reckon it's all good so far, and actually really looking forward to the 'adventure' of doing it. Thanks though! Swithin

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