What is the best way of learning Spanish at home?

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02 Dec 2007 7:15 PM by HybridAnglo Star rating in Leeds & Manilva. 73 posts Send private message

HybridAnglo´s avatar

I know it's a little late, but thought I'd reply anyway, in case you're still looking.Recently bought a set from Amazon to help the missus with her Spanish and to knock the rust off my own.

We bought a BBC Active pack called "Get Into Spanish" which has a study book, audio CD and 2 x interactive DVDs - these are particularly useful as you can enter any number of virtual settings and record example conversations before checking your pronunciation against a native speaker.

We also purchased the companion Phrase Book and Dictionary. In total, they cost about £24, but their value has been so much more. Definitely worth considering, in my humble opinion.



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10 Jan 2008 8:57 PM by Jock & Elaine Star rating in Falkirk & nearly Dre.... 29 posts Send private message

Jock & Elaine´s avatar


I just wanted to re-promote the coffee break spanish course.  I am taking a beginners conversational spanish and found the coffee break spanish podcasts really reinforce what I am learning.  I must admit that I don't think I will be enrolling in any further courses as the podcasts are free and they are teaching me everything that I have also paid for.  Would thoroughly recommend these podcasts to anyone from total novices, like myself, to refreshers etc.

You can also register on thier website and subscribe (for a small fee) to workbooks, flashcards and loads of other bits and bobs.  Log on and have a listen.


Elaine & Jock Nearly at our place in the sun picasaweb.google.co....

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10 Jan 2008 10:58 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Don't know if I've ever mentioned my friends website but you might be interested to look at it.



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11 Jan 2008 12:31 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
I thought this was quite brilliant, please watch it to the end.


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22 Jan 2008 3:29 PM by J&N Star rating in Nottinghamshire. 342 posts Send private message

J&N´s avatar

As well as having the Berlitz package, I also bought the Learn Spanish for my Nintendo DS, and this has got my husbands interest where no other learning method has. It is a great way to learn basic words so that you can recognise menu items, road directions, meet & greet etc and I take it out with me in my handbag so if I have sometime over a cafe con leche, I can use it as a refresher, and you don't need to be sat infront of the computer.

I did 'o' level spanish 30 years ago and without that I would have difficulty understanding the manner of constructing sentences, and the masculine and feminine to words, but just to start to learn basic words, it's suitable for a complete novice. My hubby now knows the days of the week, months of the year and colours and how to order a beer rather than just saying 'beer'.




http://relocatetospain.blogspot.com our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.


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22 Jan 2008 4:33 PM by lifeline Star rating in Murcia. 365 posts Send private message

lifeline´s avatar


Thanks! loved the video! I do like your contributions!

.My husband is in Murcia for the week so I am on EOS every day.(wishing I was there)

 We have 2 boys at school and cant go together but there is work to do at the house.

All those cheap Ryannair flights booked away back have been good. My friend and i go out end of Feb.

Coffee Break Spanish is worth using.They are not so demanding on the brain as other courses.

This message was last edited by lifeline on 1/22/2008.



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22 Jan 2008 6:32 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 posts Send private message

rowlandsbb´s avatar

If you go to

www.collins.co.uk/easyconversation you can get a free audi download which is very good

their easy learning range of books for Spanish are very good - the dictionary and grammar are part of my set books for the Open University beginners Spanish course and the Easy Conversation also helps





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23 Jan 2008 7:39 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar
I would say DVD spanish version with English subtitles.


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23 Jan 2008 4:21 PM by pooley-santos Star rating in London UK/Huercal Ov.... 57 posts Send private message

The easiest, simplest and most enjoyable way to learn Spanish? Take a Spanish lover!

Pooley & Santos -Builder/ Delelopers - Plant Hire - Swimming Pools -...

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23 Jan 2008 5:00 PM by J&N Star rating in Nottinghamshire. 342 posts Send private message

J&N´s avatar
Nice idea, but I fear the husband may object!



http://relocatetospain.blogspot.com our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.


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23 Jan 2008 5:12 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

The easiest, simplest and most enjoyable way to learn Spanish? Take a Spanish lover!

POOLEY-Y-Y-Y........... tried it, did you ??


Jacqui.. I don't think we're meant to tell the OH.  So, watch out all you husbands whose wives suddenly come on in leaps & bounds with their command of Spanish. (Goes for women thinking same of their OH too.)

This message was last edited by morerosado on 1/23/2008.


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24 Jan 2008 11:00 AM by pooley-santos Star rating in London UK/Huercal Ov.... 57 posts Send private message

As a single man I felt it would have been rude not to!

Pooley & Santos -Builder/ Delelopers - Plant Hire - Swimming Pools -...

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24 Jan 2008 1:18 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar
Did it work??? Are you now fluent???


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!


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24 Jan 2008 2:21 PM by pooley-santos Star rating in London UK/Huercal Ov.... 57 posts Send private message

A lot of what I learnt is totally unuseable in polite conversation; but very useful in other erm circumstances! As for the rest of my Spanish; written- terrible, reading- could do better, spoken- can be understood and understands. I make a point of never going out without taking my pocket Eng/Spa dictionary and even when those I speak to have perfect English I ask that they 'indulge me' and perservere with my Spanish.

Pooley & Santos -Builder/ Delelopers - Plant Hire - Swimming Pools -...

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26 Apr 2013 6:35 PM by paroofczak Star rating. 1 posts Send private message


We created Lingling - free app for language learning designed for Android phones. With it you can learn about 750 words of foreign language per month! Until now we released several versions: for learning Spanish, English, Thai, Chinese, German and French. You can download it for free from Google Play

Our application becomes a hit and now it is being used by over a million people all around the world! We are constantly working on its improvement and that is why I would like to know what you think about LingLing. Is there anything you would like to change in it?


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27 Apr 2013 7:51 AM by dalmata Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

You could try Lightspeed Spanish, they offer a range of free podcasts and helpsheets, plus some stuff  to pay for including Skype lessons.

Lightspeed Spanish is owned and run by Cynthia who is from Madrid and Gordon who is from the North East of England, they both have language degrees, are qualified teachers (working in schools and colleges in the UK) and best of all they truly understand what it is like to learn a foreign language and so make lessons practical and fun. My husband and I both did our GCSE Spanish with Gordon before moving to Spain.

There is also a Facebook group for Lightspeed Spanish where you can write in Spanish and ask questions etc.

Gordon and Cynhia are both great teachers and because of their close links with Spain (all Cynthias family live here) they are also able to give cultural insights as well as language lessons (they are also able to to do translation and interpreter work too)

In a nutshell I  can't recommend them highly enough


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27 Apr 2013 10:18 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 Yes I have used Lightspeed Spanish advanced and it is very good.  The podcasts are interesting and excellent.

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27 Apr 2013 11:08 AM by chrisinspain Star rating in Los Alcazares. 195 posts Send private message

chrisinspain´s avatar

The BBC languages website is pretty good for learning basic Spanish. They have free on line courses which go from the beginner to the more advanced


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01 Nov 2017 12:03 AM by teresacuesta Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Spanish Conversation Club SCC  offers custom online spanish lessons online to reach the level that you need. Without paying fees, without waiting for the start of the course, without relying on the level of other classmates, without being committed to an academic institution.  





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01 Nov 2017 11:09 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

I am a big fan of online Skype type lessons, and this one looks good - but it is between 20 and 35 euros per session depending on how many sessions you sign up for.    This makes it a bit expensive compared to other sites?

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