What is the best way of learning Spanish at home?

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10 Nov 2017 10:38 AM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Spanish learning is very difficult for many older students. Living or visiting the Costa's is not much of a help as nearly everyone speaks or replies in English.

I have studied to level 3 both in the UK and in Spain and found that classroom learning for me does not cut it. The exams and certificates are of no use on the streets. Learning grammer and forgetting it does nothing towards speaking the language. Nor did many of the self help routes (Michael Thomas, many courses from the public library or the BBC) do much good.

Once you have a smattering, conversation groups can be a help, but beware if you find yourself in a group speaking English using Spanish words.

I have long said that a course that taught you the most common words and phrases and expanded from there would have been the most helpful. The way your learnt your mother tounge! But they do not do it this way.

But help is at hand. There are now many free and subscription courses online once you have made a start in the traditional way. Search the internet particularly u-tube, I have found the following most useful:

'Memrise' This site does many subjects as well as languages. It thows words and phrases at you and you have to respond and the voices you hear are genuine Spanish ones in most cases. I can't recommend it enough and there are courses at all levels. Select the ones that suit you, but if you can hack the Spanish 1 - 7 you will be on your way.

'Easy Spanish xx' (Put a number in the xx when you use the search engine as there are lots of 'Easy Spanish' out there) It's mostly latin american but very useful. A group of young interviewers roam the streets in Spanish speaking countries interviewing about everyday subjects. Much easier than trying to understand Spanish television.

'Senor Jordan' When you do need to check your grammer this is easily the best course online. It is done in a light hearted way & Senor Jorden has songs and stories to help you on your way.

'Notes in Spanish' Conversations between a married couple in Madrid. She is Spanish and he English. The conversations are free to listen to but you need to make a small subscription for the written sheets and information.

It's been a long slog! My advice is do not give up. Suddenly you will find yourself having conversations in the ferreteria or supermarket and realise you are making it.



This message was last edited by tteedd on 10/11/2017.

This message was last edited by tteedd on 10/11/2017.

This message was last edited by tteedd on 10/11/2017.

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16 Mar 2021 11:30 PM by romanKravziv Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Hi, I had the same Problem with Spanish at that time, when I had to learn it by myself, but I found Tutor, so it's easier and interesting to learn. I have found a Tutor on . Grate Platform with nice people.

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17 Mar 2021 2:57 PM by johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 posts Send private message

17 Mar 2021 5:01 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 posts Send private message

rowlandsbb´s avatar

Try the Open University GCSE course 





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18 Mar 2021 4:47 PM by cary Star rating in Southampton. 20 posts Send private message

HI, I'm enjoying the podcast which is free on  Spotify called Coffee Break Españnl. It's really great, love it! If you actually subscibe to it you can download all the written translations and helpful Grammar notes etc You don't need spotify to get it, I just happen to have it. They do quite a few podcasts, currently I'm listening to Coffee Break Showtime and have subscribed to get the notes as got a bit frustrated with the bits I didn't understand. Excellent speakers with great diction. I really recommend it! Loverly voices to listen to ..............here is the link




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19 Mar 2021 8:35 PM by justlearn Star rating. 1 posts Send private message


Over 4000 million people Speak Spanish.

Spanish falls in second place only behind Chinese, which is the most spoken language. Spanish belongs to the indo- European languages, which include French as well as many others.

I’m considering teaching Spanish, I’m native Spanish speaker and I’d like to know the teaching system you’re using or you might recommend. In fact, sometimes it is mandatory. I appreciate when people is learning my native language and I really like to help with it.

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19 Mar 2021 9:52 PM by cary Star rating in Southampton. 20 posts Send private message

Hi justlearn


I use this website 




you can listen to it for free, if you want written help then you have to subscribe to it if you are a pupil but if you are looking at it from a teacher's perspective then you could email the company to offer your services as a native speaker. I think they like to use lots of different native speakers and a variety of different teachers which can all be done remotely as they are pre-recorded podcasts.


Best of luck!


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25 Mar 2021 7:14 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


Anyone use 1001 reasons to learn Spanish?

Juan Fernandez is good at lighthearted videos on U Tube which cost nothing. His introductory course is also OK and his first paid course (El pasado) is good.

He has just started selling his latest course (Espano coloquial).

If anyone has bought it please le me know what you think? I have looked at the first part (free) and it is material I have seen before. Is the rest of the course good?



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24 May 2021 5:24 AM by ilovemylife Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Hello, I am studying Spanish at (spanishtogo.app)

I am a Spanish beginner, the site has a lot of Spanish vocabulary, articles (to help you find the best way) and tests. 

Buen suerte


This message was last edited by ilovemylife on 24/05/2021.

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24 May 2021 5:23 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Start by looking online/YouTube at:

Senor Jordan

Lightspeed Spanish

Notes in Spanish


Why not Spanish

Butterfly Spanish

There are many good Spanish courses on ‘Memrise’ (and some bad ones as well).

Get some dual language books (A1 is the simplest C2 the most advanced).

Let yourself search and find other YouTube videos and web pages that suit you.

As soon as you can understand and say a little seek an intercambio with a Spanish speaker learning English. There are several introductory sites. It can be fun and interesting. If is not fun or you do not get on, find another. Most want to help even if their standard of English is higher than your Spanish. Just talking with you helps their English enormously.

There are also many intermediate sites, the best of these I find to be:

1001 reasons to learn Spanish (Juan Fernandez)

BBC Mundo will be of interest when you reach this level.

There are many more and indeed advanced sites as well but by the time you are up to this standard you may be more inclined to listen to TED and BBVA (Aprendamos Juntos) talks in subjects you are interested in.

TV shows and films are difficult. But when you do feel up to attempting them look up LLN (language learning with Netflix) which will give you running subtitles, translation, speed changes and much more.

Try and do things you are interested in, don’t let it become a chore. If you buy a grammar book use it for reference, grammar exercises are good for sending you to sleep. Flash cards are good, make your own. The best printed ones I have seen are the Berlitz ones.





This message was last edited by tteedd on 24/05/2021.

This message was last edited by tteedd on 24/05/2021.

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25 May 2021 7:14 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

My wife does half an hour a day with Duolingo....she's become fairly fluent.

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26 May 2021 12:46 PM by moshestrugano Star rating in Israel. 2 posts Send private message

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** EDITED - Against forum rules **


This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 5/26/2021 9:56:00 PM.

Moshe Strugano (Attorney - Moshe Strugano and Co Law firm)

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