This is from the Movistar website:
Se podrá solicitar a través de cualquiera de estos medios:
- Mediante Fax, al número 901 50 37 00.
- Mediante carta, al Apartado de Correos: 423 Código Postal: 48080- Bilbao.
- O por correo electrónico a la dirección:
Indicando los siguientes datos:
- Nombre y apellidos del titular. Si el titular de la línea fuera el cónyuge del solicitante, incluir también su nombre, apellidos y DNI.
- DNI.
- Número de teléfono para el que solicita el Abono Social.
- Documentación justificativa de la situación familiar
Translation into English:
The Abono social can be applied for by any of the following means:
- By fax sent to 90150 37 00
- By ordinary mail sent to Apartado de Correos: 423 Código Postal: 48080- Bilbao
- By email sent to:
The application must contain the following information:
- Full name, ID number and address of the owner of the line. If the owner is the spouse of the applicant, also include their full name, address and ID number
- Telephone number for which the abono social is being requested
- Document to evidence the family circumstances. (I suppose this means the age of the applicant, the fact he/she is a pensioner or a retired person as well as the annual income of the household falling below the threshold indicated in the website - some €9,500).
For further information go to: