Cheap SIM only deal

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07 Nov 2017 8:55 AM by Warrior123 Star rating in Spain. 3 posts Send private message


I'm looking for calls and txt only SIM deals don''t need data, my calls and txt will be 99% of the time to the UK , I can't find any Spanish comparison sites and going direct to e.g. orange etc they seem to be very expensive compared to my UK contract or is that just what it is Spain mobile being expensive, oh forgot to say I'm a resident in Spain not on Holliday and it must be mobile not a landline which I know would be a cheaper option.

Thanks for any info and help



Body p

This message was last edited by Warrior123 on 07/11/2017.

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07 Nov 2017 10:13 AM by juansheetisplenty Star rating in Cartagena. 283 posts Send private message

juansheetisplenty´s avatar

Look at lebara spain call plans. Paygo with  monthly packages without data


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07 Nov 2017 4:17 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

As juansheetisplenty says, Lebara is very good and do deals with international calls and texts at a very low price.

However (there's always a however) they use Vodafone networking which, in our area, is very hit and miss. I had to stand on our balcony to get a signal but I understand this is a problem in our area as Vodafone gets the best coverage report in Spain. Movistar was also a pretty poor signal area and, if buying a PAYG, you have to keep using it in a set space of time or they disconnect the number which means topping up before the time runs out.

We switched to Llamaya which is a PAYG and just goes on whether its topped up or not. It uses Orange which, in our area, is a better signal.

However, if you're mainly phoning UK, then juansheetisplenty's suggestion is one of the best as they have a €10 a month contract with unlimited UK calls and texts providing you are in an area which gets the signal on a reliable basis.


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07 Nov 2017 7:46 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

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Look at the plans from Masmovil

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