Resident or non-resident? Some non-resident can charge quite a lot in maintenance if you don't have a regular amount paid in and each bank seems to have a different idea of what that amount is. Some accounts will charge a monthly maintenance fee and a transaction fee as well. For example, pick the wrong account with Sabadell and you'll pay 30 euro a quarter maintenance and 65 cents per transaction (buying things, ATM, direct debit etc). Other banks just a quarterly maintenance fee.
If you are going to be a resident, most banks give free banking (including one debit card) if you have more than 700 euro a month paid in as pension or wages (Bankia is only 200 if you are retired).
Bankinter also seems to charge a lot for non-residents accounts. Other banks have been taken over by bigger banks (Sabadell took over CAM, Bankia took over Bancaja and has now taken over BMN for example).
Some bank managers are very helpful and some are the most miserable lot you would wish to meet. I have an English speaking personal manager who is very helpful when you're there but doesn't seem to know what she's doing later.
Pick a branch close to you and pop in first to ensure they get to know you. It does help. Also ensure there are ATMs around. Lots have closed and been removed (OK in big towns but outside not so good). For example, there used to be a Bancaja ATM in each of the villages around me. Now it's Bankia there is only one to cover 5 or 6 villages and 2 large towns.