Home Insurance
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I hope some of you out there can help.
We are planning an extended stay in Spain, for about 6 months.
We have discovered that our home inurance will not cover us for a long stay and we will not be insured after 60 days .
I am sure that some of you have come across this before, so can you please tell us what you have done about it, or an insurance company that will cover us.
Many thanks
 Hi Jencoo, Are you just relying on Home Insurance for cover or do you have travel insurance as well? I have Home Insurance on our apartment but I also have travel insurance that covers us for 3 two 6months at a time, that is with Saga if you are over 50.  It does grieve me that I have to pay out all this money on Insurance I must admit. Hopefully someone might have more advice for us. Regards Pat
I believe you are talking about cover at you UK home. 60 days seems too little time, as a general rule you are given 90 days and after that a lot of insurance companies now have whta they call a buy-back clause whereas you pay an additional premium for the rest of the period.
If it during the winter months you will probably also find that you are required to turn off your water and electric unless you have someone who is going to visit the property at least once a week.
I would call your insurer and ask if the buy-back clause is available.
_______________________ Russ
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