Is it correct to assume now that payment of accumulated debt is being PURPOSEFULLY delayed by debtors as opposed to those who require additional time to pay (is this mostly the Banks or is it a growing number of private individuals ?) in order to write off the debts, given the current time constraints identified?
BUT have other law abiding owners within the community been expected to absorb these purposeful debts in these lengthy interim and ongoing periods, due to the shortfall in community monies?
How does the existing system effectively deal with the financial burdens born from purposeful delay?
Doesn’t this expose a major failure in the system and horizontal property act if it is not effectively protecting the community of owners ability to gain timely enforcement with regard to the payment of debt and thereafter these time constraints only incentivise abuse?
Doesn’t this now result in a growing vulnerability affecting all community owners that needs to be exposed not only to the law makers but also to the media?. Have good community administrators who have owners interests at heart not thought of coming together en masse to identify these stark realities to the media?
Sadly it appears that any incentive to address this issue of timely enforcement will only happen when declining sales of community properties start to impact the Spanish economy as more and more potential purchasers become aware of the financial threat from purposeful delay of this nature.