The Comments |
Enjoy Christmas this year...that'll be the next "offensive" thing to be banned, then Easter!!!!
Off to sign the petition....but isn't the ban a "fait au complis"?
This message was last edited by Tish on 9/27/2007.
good on ya' for pointing this out.
form signed, i would hope you get mamimum support on this. What a stupid decission to try and stop our British pride and joy flying at this fantastic event. Whoever made that ruling needs a very swift kick up the arse!.
 Hi Harry and Helen, Things like this really make me cross, I will certainly sign the Petition. I do wonder what is happening to this country Regards Pat
As an ex RAF member having served 22 years, I am disgusted and find the idea to ban the Red Arrows another attempt by this Government to erase our identity, I travel the world and in every country I have visited the people are proud to display symbols of their national identity and also, their religeon. Could you imagine knocking down the "Great Wall" because it's Too Chinese, or banning ceremonies in the "Blue Mosque" in Instanbul in case it offends Christians. I have voted against. Not that I expect it to make a difference because as we all know the Government does what "It" wants anyway. I bet if France had won they would not have banned The Patrouille de France. What ever happend to the saying "Proud to be British" There is not much left to be proud of,
End of Rant, Viva España
Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.
That is so sickening and one of the reasons I have had enough with this country.
As soon as the house is sold we're off. Every morning I read the paper and find more madness.
Another nail in the coffin of the YUK sorry the UK.
An absolute disgrace but nothing that was not expected.
Bring the "Arrows" over here,they will be welcomed with open arms.
Johnone-My business partner was in the RAF for 22 years also,you should hear him moan about the UK after spending most of his life defending it!!!!
I could go on but i won't,fortunately i do not have to put up with it any more!!!
still here after all these years!
I have signed the petition, as has my OH. It is disgusting.
Sorry, tried to sign petition today after my return from England, but the last signing date was 17 Sept.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Deadline to sign up by: 17 September 2008 Karen !! (not 2007)
Blonde, senior moment................done it now!!
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Not quite as many years service as others, only managed 3!!
It was only last year I signed a petition to save the Red Arrows as they were going to be cut scrapped due to defence cuts! Tony changed his mind at the 11th hour realising what a good job they do of advertising the country and our aerospace industry to the World. They are as much a part of Britain as the Monarchy, and I can't see the Royal family staying away from the games, can you??
Just had email in..
RedArrows2012 - epetition reply
27 September 2007
We received a petition asking:
"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Allow the Red Arrows to Fly at the 2012 Olympics."
Details of Petition:
"The Department of Culture, Media and Sport have deemed the RAF Red Arrows as Unsuitable for the 2012 Olympics because they are too British. This is a ridiculous decision and should be overturned in the name of common sense."
Read the Government's response
The e-petition asking the Prime Minister to "to Allow the Red Arrows to Fly at the 2012 Olympics" is ongoing. This is a response in advance of the closing date from the Government.
It is not true to suggest that the Government has banned the Red Arrows from celebrations to mark the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The organising committee of London 2012 will decide what to include in the celebrations - but with five years to go, decisions are yet to be made on what the celebrations will look like, although you can be assured that they will be a spectacular showcase of Britain's best.
Yeah right... 
I'm sure they will present a lovely cultural mix of Britishness. So as not to offend any other nationalities.
The next thing will be all English athletes must show a Polish or Lithuanian Background to compete.
It is an outrage about The Red Arrows the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight should also be beside them at the Olympics !