As I said, I was saying what a surgeon had told me. I was going to pay for a breast reconstruction for a spanish friend. It was to be a one off jesture. I decided not to go ahead Shortly after, my friend was called in by the health service for the operation I believe the surgeon probably had a hand in that
As for A&E in an emergency situation, from a best guess situation: Life saving attention by A&E I hope it would be available, but life saving or putting right a problem may be far apart. In the prostrate opetation situation. If one were left incontinent, sterile, etc. that would not be life threatening
So Bill before opting for private, you would be wise to check if what I quoted was or was not correct
This message was last edited by johnzx on 21/10/2018.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 21/10/2018.