wood for stove

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27 Nov 2018 4:50 PM by johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 posts Send private message

got a new fancy stove. I'm looking for seasoned, dry wood around San Pedro del pinatar. Using Leroy Merlin at the moment. Is their anywhere cheaper ?


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27 Nov 2018 5:14 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

I find this an interesting subject. Are these fancy log burner stoves worth the hassle? How much do they cost installed? How much cheaper are they than a bottled gas heater? What about carting the logs home, storing them and loading into the stove? What about cleaning and emptying the stove? Mr gas bottle man delivers to our door and puts them in the garage and takes the empties, all we have to do is put it in the heater and switch it off and on when required. We even have hot and cold air con, but I have to press the remote control.

My Granny had a coal fire as did most of the street, but the coal got delivered into the coal cellar by the coal man. They lived in the slums which were pulled down years ago.

So much for smokeless and going green. Be careful when you hang your washing out or open the windows, or is that a myth?

John I am not having a go at you, I just want to know all the facts.

This message was last edited by angeleyes1 on 27/11/2018.

This message was last edited by angeleyes1 on 27/11/2018.

This message was last edited by angeleyes1 on 27/11/2018.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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27 Nov 2018 10:33 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

got a new fancy stove. I'm looking for seasoned, dry wood around San Pedro del pinatar. Using Leroy Merlin at the moment. Is their anywhere cheaper ?

I was at a market a few weeks back and their was a chap with a trailor load of logs for sale by the exit, it was his business so he must be doing it full time, think the market name is Zocko or Zuko if thats spelt correctly and not to far away from you.

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28 Nov 2018 7:57 AM by johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 posts Send private message

Angeleyes we've got a bottle gas heater but didn't like the fumes. The stove was dear around 1500 euros including installation. I can get cut olive wood no problem but need to leave it to season for a couple of years. Thankfully I've got enough space to do that. Meanwhile I need dried wood

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28 Nov 2018 8:39 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

The Government are talking about banning wood / fossil fuel  burners in the UK ..apparently they give of up to 6 times more pollution than diesel fuel...at the moment if you want one installed you need planning permission from the council that chap over the road had one with agreed planning but had to stop using it as people complained about the smell and the ash dropping on very expensive cars in the street...personally i  would agree its like living in the past having one of these heater's ...if you read the manufacturing instructions you require a air vent in the room it is installed in that gives you at least 3 complete air changes per hour ...many people in the UK have died from carbon monoxide poisoning due to botched installation of solid fuel burner's ..the installers that fit them in the UK need a License along with a government approved training course  just the same as the gas installers  before they can install them ...SO IF YOUR WOOD / FOSSIL FUEL BURNER DOES NOT HAVE A AIR VENT FITTED YOU SHOULD HAVE IT DONE STRAIGHT AWAY.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 28/11/2018.

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28 Nov 2018 10:23 AM by mojito Star rating in Cupar Fife / San Jua.... 268 posts Send private message

We have a multifuel installed back in the UK.  Best thing we did.   We have to keep the lounge door open it gets so hot.  The kids arrive with their marshmallows and love the whole primeval thing.   Two logs keeps it going all night so pollution is not a concern.  A bus going up the road belches more pollution.  As for the smell apple wood or any hardwood smells lovely.  Enjoy your new fire!


Jo and Jim

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28 Nov 2018 10:54 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

The Daily Mail reported that wood burners give out more pollution then diesel fuel yet never made any mention of power stations giving out pollution, they told the Mail they don't so thats okay then,  Suffolk has a waste wood burning power station system that use's all the old wood from council run dump sites, Plywood, Old varnished furniture, Chipboard, MDF that has been proven when cut or burnt gives of cancerous forming dust, the next close thing to a wood burner is a pellet burner, which burns sawdust and waste Chipping's that are compressed into pellets, yet forgets to mention the sawdust has got many chemicals in it to bind the wood together in the first place, where does this pollution go.

In the UK many homes don't have mains gas,  have an oil boiler, any pollution from them? These don't have a DPF filter on them like diesel cars do, which 50% of are getting blocked.

A correctly fitted wood burner that is burning logs at a high temperature gives very little pollution of, fill it with pallet wood etc then a different story.

Even having a portable gas heater should have some kind of air vents in the room or near by, most people in the UK who have died from carbon monoxide poisoning have been killed by faulty gas boilers, even then you could argue that having a carbon monoxide tester in the house might have prevented these.

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28 Nov 2018 1:11 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Back on track to the original question.

There is a log yard by Torremendo lake. Go past San Miguel and turn towards Torremendo. Just after the restaurant (used to be called the Black Bull but may have changed) turn left and it's along there. 

Also Los Perez. Head to San Miguel on the road from the hospital. After the roundabout for the motorway, turn right and Los Perez is about 5 km and just before Los Montesinos. However, the wood there is left in the elements so can need drying out first whereas the one at Torremendo is under cover. You can also register at the one at Torremendo and he will deliver.

The chap at El Zoco market by Quesada also delivers.


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28 Nov 2018 2:07 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

One almost opposite Habaneras outside of Torrevieja as well.

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