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11 Nov 2009 4:59 PM by swmbo57 Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

If Atlas are holding property exhibitions again BRING IT ON!!  I have vowed to hand leaflets to people ouside the exhibitions locally if ever they do it again.

I have also prayed to see Atlas meeting people at Alicante airport so that I can go up and warn the but as yet this has not happened but I live in hope.

Atlas are a family run company would you believe.  They have ruined so many peoples lives and continue to do so. 

Our representative would not believe the link between Atlas, Aroca & TU  until in Aroca offices picking up some documents for a client who was leaving Aroca's "services".  Having then witnessed Atlas van after van coming and going the penny dropped.  All in it togther.

Good Luck to those of you who have yet to win the fight, it may be long but in the end honesty prevails so keep at it.

Best Wishes to everyone.

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01 Feb 2011 10:39 AM by Fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

It looks like "The Spanish Dream" might be over for hundreds of us  here on the Southern Costa Blanca.


For Maria. You said TU had not filed for bankruptcy. According to this article they are bankrupt.

This message was last edited by Fly380 on 01/02/2011.

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03 Feb 2011 2:23 PM by swmbo57 Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

There have been many reports whether true or false about TU being bankrupt.  It is however true that he (The Spanish B*****D as I call him) used peoples 'cash' sales money to buy land and take out mortgages on the same properties that people thought they had bought to ease his cash flow.  There was an embargo on our house due to unpaid taxes by TU.  During our legal process this was resolved and we obtained the deeds and have in fact sold the house as the dream was tainted.

When in court it was very daunting to see wigs and gowns of the judge and barristers and not to understand what was being said.  Fortunately our representative was there to translate and saw us through the nighmare to a positive outcome.  Our representative is French Canadian and not Spanish by the way!

The new owners can enjoy the property without fear but it was 6 years of worry and sleepless nights something most of you still in this mess will recognise.  Just glad it is behind us although a very expensive dream gone bad.

Good Luck to you all.

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24 May 2011 5:53 PM by ukhcc1 Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

why is it hard to find our a simple information? is Technologia bankrupt or No? it seems to me even lawyers cannot provide a simple information such is the protective spanish administration!!!!

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24 May 2011 5:56 PM by ukhcc1 Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

hi FLY 380,

any news bad or good about las filipinas4, certificate of habitacion deliverence, electricity/water connections etc... TU ?? etc, please update us thank you

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24 May 2011 7:12 PM by swmbo57 Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

It is disturbing to read posts where people are till waiting for documents.  You really must get your case in the hands of the court.  If you have not done so and TU are/do go broke you will loose everything.  Please do not leave it to chance.  I appreciate it will cost (we paid around 9,000 euros in all) but that is a drop in the ocean compared with the cost of Spanish properties.  Getaway from Aroca and ask for any money you have lodged with them back - that is what we did and it paid for the court action we needed to take.  If you need a recommendation contact me via a private message and I will give you the name of the person we (and about 7 others used where we live) used.  Not Spanish and very trustworthy.  Good Luck in the meantime.

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24 May 2011 7:26 PM by ukhcc1 Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

thanks for your reply swmbo57,

we are employing a private solicitor  but it has been 4 years and we still waiting for a court date, morover we are not confident that once we go to court and win our case that we will get our money refunded as no one want to confirm if Technologia is bankrupt or no? and if they are still solvent we will have to chase them again outside court with a court judgement to claim the money ooooooooph i am getting tired already buy just thinking about it.


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27 May 2011 10:00 AM by Fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

Hi ukhcc1 - I don't know about Las Filipinas 4 but things are very slow on our urb. About 2 years ago we all contibuted 534 euros towards having a proper electric supply. Finally last nov/dec the contractors turned up and did the work which was completed before Xmas. We still have not been connected!!!!! Still no certificate of habitation and 12 of us still without deeds. As for TU, they have not filed for bankruptcy. I have a feeling that a big fish ( maybe a politician) is involved with them. There are even rumours that they are involved with the building of the new La Zenia Boulevard super commercial centre. Other people say that they are working under a different name. All a big mystery but I guess - just like they got Bin Laden - the truth will emerge one day but will probably pushing up daisies by then.

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27 May 2011 10:15 AM by claire T Star rating in Torremendo, Orihuela. 688 posts Send private message

EOS Supporter

Hi - the elections which were held last week have meant that the PP have lost their majority in the Orihuela Council, so hopefully there may be a better response from the town hall over the whole mess regarding Habitation Certificates in the area.  There are still discussions going on about a coalition council, but I think that there is now some hope that the town hall will work to resolve all these issues for our community.  I think TU are the worst offenders, but there are other urbanisations still waiting on their certificates too.


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22 Dec 2011 11:03 AM by Fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

I understand that this company is now in Administration and that as they fraudulently borrowed money from Cam bank on properties that people had payed cash for, there may be problems for people still wothout Title Deeds. Banco Sabadell who bought Cam bank now want their money back.

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22 Dec 2011 10:11 PM by ukhcc1 Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

hi fly380

how are you, you should be a pilot flying Airbus 380 lol

we were in las filipinas 2 months ago, and there is a lot of empty properties, does that mean this banco sabadell gonna claim them, we also find out that they all have embargos from hacienda, tax, etc...

is you bosque de liomas all sorted , all electricity, title deeds etc....


any news please let us know.


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23 Dec 2011 9:43 AM by Fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

Hi ukhcc1

I did actually fly the A320.

The situation on our Urb is that it is unfinished and we are still on builder's water and electric supply which of course we pay for. I think there are still about 13 of us with no deeds. I will have been here 7 years on Jan 5th! The situation is I believe that banco Sabadell has bought Cam bank from the government for 1 euro and in return the government gave them a massive cash injection. It now seems that they want their money back that the builder stole and they are coming after us for it. but I have not heard anything yet. When I know what is happenning I will post - cheers

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23 Jan 2012 5:34 PM by ukhcc1 Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

hi fly380,

i was also an Airbus 310 Avionics myself, i trained in Toulouse.

what happened with the 13 people with no deeds, did you actually pay all the money to Technologia but did not recieve the deeds???

and what is next???

do you have the habitacion certificate??

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23 Jan 2012 5:56 PM by Fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

Hi ukhcc1

                    Yes I did my A320 course in Toulouse in 1988. All the money was paid to TU or Atlas who transferred it to them. Out of the 13 people - 2 have given up and gone back to the UK and Ireland.. 1 or 2 of the others have received a document signed by the Mayor but I don't think this means much. It enables them to sign on The Padron. We don't have a Habitation Certificate and I doubt if we ever will. We are still on builders water and electric which of course we pay for. Last April I payed Aroca 3000 euros + iva and have not heard a word from them since.  They made me sign a declaration that I understood that due to the current situation of the company TU that it is not guaranteed that I will receive the Title Deeds to my property. SCANDALOUS. I have been here over 7 years now!

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23 Jan 2012 7:18 PM by ukhcc1 Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

i did toulouse in 1987, it is so sad to know that people's dream turns up to be a nightmare.

Did you know that Aroca are the dodgy solicitor acting for Atlas??? before you paid them 3000 euros.

did you not chase Atlas legally to get you your deeds as they are the one that took all your money and paid TU , hence the onus that title deeds should be collected in exchange for final payment.

may be squatters right will enable you to claim the house through the corrupted court?!!

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23 Jan 2012 7:38 PM by swmbo57 Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

I am amazed that people are still sitting and waiting.  We denounced TU and together with 5-6 other in our area went to court (over the space of time) using a great company in Torrevieja.  It took about 3 years but we got there in the end and have our deeds as do the others .  If anyone wants to message me privately I am happy to pass on the details.  However due to the current state of things with TU it could be too late as once he is officially broke there is not turning back.


Good Luck to you all.

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23 Jan 2012 8:22 PM by Fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

ukhcc1 wrote


i did toulouse in 1987, it is so sad to know that people's dream turns up to be a nightmare.

Did you know that Aroca are the dodgy solicitor acting for Atlas??? before you paid them 3000 euros.

did you not chase Atlas legally to get you your deeds as they are the one that took all your money and paid TU , hence the onus that title deeds should be collected in exchange for final payment.

may be squatters right will enable you to claim the house through the corrupted court?!!

Yes of course I did know about Aroca. I went to them last April to tell them that I was changing lawyers but they pointed out that it would still cost me the same if not more so I figured that I would stay with the devil I knew especially as many others had changed lawyers and still got nowhere. Atlas were reported to Trading Standards but wriggled out of it by saying that it was nothing to do with them. If you look at their flashy brochure, despite all the promises, on the bottom of the back page it says 'Your contract is with the developer'. Squatters rights in Spain - 20 years. I've basically written it off so long as I am not kicked out by the bank in which case Aroca lawyers may get their dues. 


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24 Jan 2012 12:06 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

At the start of this thread back in 2007 it was stated "Mr Bird went on to talk about the legality of Tecnologia placing mortgages on people’s homes when customers had paid cash for their properties. He said: “Under Spanish law, what Tecnologia have done is legal. The developer has got you to sign a contract and at the time they sign your deeds over to you, they have to clear the mortgage.” "

Has anyone asked the legal question if the Bank(s) that provided these mortgages and the conveyancing law firm who acted without due diligence have a case to answer? If so what was the outcome?

It’s ironic that in that first posting in 2007 the following was quoted (by councillor Moreno)

People from Europe have brought with them good examples of positive citizen action and democratic rights. We don’t understand why you have waited so long to ask for those rights when for years you have given us so many important lessons.  

Sadly, as we all bear witness in Spain, rights are only of value if they are enforced in a fair and timely manner.


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22 Feb 2012 8:00 AM by fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

I have just received an email from Louisa Clarke of The Roundtown News that CAM Bank are going through the courts to repossess our properties. There will be an article in the Roundtown news on friday. Where are the cheating lawyers Aroca Sequeir and the robbing agents Atlas International? I am in Australia at the moment so can't do much. Will have to wait for Friday's article.

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23 Feb 2012 1:47 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Written by Louise – ROUND TOWN NEWS

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Dream home horror

IMAGINE BUYING your dream home in the sun and paying for it in full only to have it re-mortgaged by a rogue builder before being repossessed? This nightmare scenario is a reality for more than a dozen homeowners who bought properties on Bosque del Lomas III from Tecnologia Urbanistica.

RTN met with Iwan and Jill Williams last week, who arrived for a half term break in the sun to be greeted with a two foot high pile of official documents on their doorstep; papers from the Orihuela Judicial Court stating their property was to be repossessed by the CAM bank as part of their lawsuit to reclaim €4,885,000 in debt from the owner of the now defunct property developers.

According to the document, Iwan and Jill’s house had been remortgaged by the owner of the company for €77,000 - accumulated to €132,883 with interest that is increasing daily.

61 other properties in the community 15 of which were paid for in full were ‘remortgaged’ by the rogue developer. Iwan explained: “We bought the house in 2004 for €150,000 through the estate agents, Atlas. They recommended Aroca solicitors and we gave them power of attorney to deal with the purchase.”

The couple then moved into the property and set about on a four year battle to get their deeds from the developer. Every time they came over on holiday, they would enquire with the solicitor as to where the deeds were and every time they were fobbed off. So they found new solicitors that unfortunately turned out to be best friends with the solicitors of the property developer - so nothing was done.

The deeds were used by Emilio, the owner of Tecnologia Urbanistica, to remortgage the properties to enable him to buy more land to develop. When the property boom went bust he couldn’t afford to repay these mortgages. He then conveniently disappeared to Brazil. As CAM, purchased by Banco Sabadell for €1, couldn’t recover their €4.8 million plus interest from Tecnologia, they filed a lawsuit to repossess the properties mortgaged; of which Iwan and Jill’s is one.

Meanwhile, the couple’s new solicitor advised them to remove their belongings from the property; she suspects the house will have been taken by the time they return for their summer holidays.

And as if that is not bad enough, Iwan said: “House prices here are rock bottom so even if they sell they will only get 60,000€ maximum - so what happens to the rest of the debt? They could still come after the remainder and our UK home would also be in jeopardy.”

RTN has contacted all the other homeowners listed on the court documents and will be liaising with them to help find a solution to this scandalous situation.



LEY 57/1968



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