The Comments |
I understand that this rogue company has finally filed for bankruptcy. Does anyone know further?
hi Fly 380,
the question is why would this company TU and many others allowed to hibernate for all these years and now they can go bankrupt without paying the millions of euors the courts have awarded purchasers.
it must be a corruption to the scale of government level? and no soul from the uk, europe or indeed spain wanted to open up the massive corruption at the expenses of you and me and many others thousands.
i hope that God will take revenge in his own way to the sufferings of hard working people who have committed one crime " wanting to live in sunny spain "
be patient ......
I have always lived in hope that those at TU, Aroca & Atlas would get their just deserts.
They put us through years of worry and stress which I know still goes on for those waiting for a conclusion to this wholesale fraud (we fought through the courts and now have our deeds).
There had/have been so many back handers going on I am surprised they downt have repetitive hand strain.!!
swmbo57 said " I have always lived in hope that those at TU, Aroca & Atlas would get their just deserts."
It may be closer than you think.
I sincerely hope so Fly 
technologia urbanistica
To Emilio Martin De las Mulas Naranjo.
- Thank you for selling defective houses on Greenbelt Land
- Thank you for talking our hard earned money
- Thank you for taking mortgages on our homes after we paid you in full
- Thank you for failing to provide title deeds to us
- Thank you for robbing us blind
- Thank you for the re possession orders safely received
- Thank you for the eviction notice safely received
- Thank you for the excitement of seeing our homes sold at auction on the 21/06/2012
In FACT thankyou so much for stealing our dreams destroying our lives, evicting us from our homes WE paid for!
Thankyou for putting elderly English people on the streets of Spain
Thankyou Mr Big Shot Administrator of Technologin Urbanistica SL for proving what an all round Dirty, Theiving Bastard you are.
The Victims
Bosque 3, Bosque 16, Lo Crispin.
This message was last edited by leighroberts1 on 08/05/2012.
Wow leighroberts1, where did you get that from? Softly softly catch a monkey. Try reading this week's edition of The Roundtown News which comes out on friday.
I have always referred to him as:
'The Thieving Spanish Bastard' !!
I really can't understand why the Spanish Government doesn't intervene. Stories like ours being published in papers and shown on TV must have cost them BILLIONS with more losses to come and with an unemployent rate of 24%! They really need to take a grip on the situation. It seems it's only a matter of time before the peseta returns and Spain will return to being a 3rd world country. Why can't they see this?
Because they don't care! They are happy for the British to spend their hard earned money though. Has anyone contacted the European Parliament surely some pressure can be brought from there especailly as this is now an acute situation for so many?!
Yes many people have contacted The Euro Parliament but apart from Ms Aukett (Denmark) and maybe a couple of others all the rest are too busy with their noses in the trough.
Appalling does not even cover it! 
We all need to write to itv bbc or any tv company that will publise our situation,i myself was awarded 95000 euros in court 3 years ago and have not had a cent,i gave my deposit in 2003 so much for spainish courts,anyway keep fitghing and when this is resolved the spainish construction business may start again.
BBC Watchdog replied that they have already covered similar stories.
MEP said they couldn't interfere in the working of a member state.
Trading Standards at Dorking (where Atlas is based) said they thought there were some errors but couldn't do anything as this was Atlas International.
I'm afraid many of us have been down this road before. Trouble is, even when some matters have been resolved and things like deeds are obtained (at a not insubstantial sum) other things like LFO and utilities haven't been. Everyone you speak to, lawyers - agents - local authorities - administrators etc, all blame someone else. Four times we went to court (or our solicitors did) and each time neither TU nor Atlas turned up and the case was simply adjourned to a different date. Eventually, on fifth time and after 7 years, one judge lost his temper and found against TU. Didn't do any good - yes they did hand over the deeds but we were the ones who had to pay four thousand euros for their unpaid taxes on top of the solicitors fees. My offer of paying off the mortgage TU took out on the land when this all started would have worked out cheaper for us although I suppose they would have stung us for the tax on that as well.
Still, keep trying. Even though it's like banging your head against a brick wall.
10 May 2012 Written by Louise Clarke
Couple fight eviction from their home
Stewart and Lynda Forrester
A COUPLE from El Galan is having to take turns in going out after solicitors told them that bailiffs could come any day to evict them. Stewart and Lynda Forrester bought a Tecnologia Urbanistica house through Atlas International in 2003. In 2004 the house, which was part of a row of six, suffered severe damage due to the subsidence of an end terrace that had not been underpinned properly. Structural engineers advised the couple to leave the house immediately after six inch cracks started to appear throughout the house. In the meantime, Tecnologia’s owner, Emilio Martin de las Mulas Naranjo, offered Stewart and Lynda another house down the road in Bosque del Lomas 16, where they are still living for most of the year. The couple paid in full - more than 149,000€ - for the property to Atlas International.
The couple never received any confirmation that the money had been paid to the builder and like with so many other cases that RTN has heard about, the owner of Tecnologia then took a mortgage out on the property. The couple has been fighting for their deeds since 2005 and have been constantly pushed from pillar to post. Their solicitors at the time, Aroca Seiquer, even phoned them at their home in South Wales to say that the deeds were in the office and then when the couple flew over to retrieve them, the solicitors said that the deeds weren’t there after all! The couple has known for some time that there was a debt on their property and even got a court judgement which states that all debts on the property must be cleared.
Unbeknown to the couple, the bank has since repossessed the property and the auction took place six months ago. This was only discovered after the pair swapped solicitors to the same company that is helping other Tecnologia homeowners. As a result, the bailiffs could come any day and change the locks and the couple will be evicted from their home. Stewart told RTN: “If we need food from the supermarket, we take it in turns to go. We can’t afford to both leave the house. If one of us has to go out, the other stays at home, but what kind of life is that? We are supposed to be enjoying our retirement together.”
Jose Ramon Vidal from the Atlas Group said: “Atlas forwarded payments received to the builder as per the contract they had with Tecnología, and is in receipt of a certificate stating that the funds were received by the builder and keys were passed to the clients by Tecnología.” RTN asked for a copy of this certificate but was told that it would be sent direct to the couple. Keep reading RTN for more on this story as it develops.
Do this couple not have any proof of Bank payment to identify the date upon which this transaction took place (i.e prior to the date of the subsequent mortgage), or was this a cash transaction?
Could an immediate injunction be placed upon the Bank who threaten to take eviction action of this nature, when it is the Bank who appear to have demonstrated negligence/lack of due diligence when issuing a mortgage to this corrupt developer, on a previously sold property? Is this mortgage and subsequent repossession "illegal" in the eyes of the law?
ads unfortunately the 'owners' like ourselves were unaware that our houses were still in Tecnologias name so we never had any information sent to us. Atlas International and their hapless lawyers Aroca Sequeir basically robbed us as they knew the situation as regards Tecnologia. Atlas are getting very nervous now and their new lawyer is sending out all sorts of threats about libel etc. Well you can't sue someone for libel if it's true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Ads
According to Spanish Law, whoever is the registered owner of a property in the Real Estate Property Registry (also known as Land Registry) is the legal owner of the property and if the Bank has lent this registered owner money with the property as collateral, it would not be considered illegal for the Bank to get repossession of the property.
That is why in the other thread about "waiting for title deeds" I strongly advised (I hope) against anyone buying a property without getting the Title Deeds and making sure it is registered with the Real Estate Property Registry. When a mortgage is taken out by the buyers with the property as collateral, the Banks make absolutely sure that the Title Deeds get registered to the lender in the Registry because that is the only way they can repossess the property and sell it at auction if the lender defaults.
There is some recourse for this couple but they would have to go to the Courts and start proceedings to get the Courts to rule that they are the "de facto" and not the legal owners of the property but this would be expensive and drawn out and the outcome can go either way. These procedings are called "tercería de dominio" but they are complex and expensive.
It is beyond me how some lawyers, Aroca or whatever they are called, could advise their clients to pay for the property without making sure they get the Title Deeds and these Deeds get properly registered, and making sure that there are no pending debts or charges on the property, but apparently this has happened to all these buyers. In their circumstances, I would go for the lawyers, but, of course, once again, this means investing good money with the possibility of never recovering it.
I hope this helps you to understand the situation.
If negligence and lack of due diligence lies with the conveyancing lawyer(s) in this case......... might a group claim against their legal indemnity insurance be a viable option to spread their costs? Has this option been researched/discounted in terms of evidence, case law etc? Have all those affected come together as a working group?