The Comments |
 Happy New Year to all members This message was last edited by Candyfloss on 12/30/2007.
I too wish all EOS members a Happy New Year!
Shall we bite the bullet and be the first to make friends on the EOS forum ALLCONNECTIONS?
I hold out the hand of friendship and wish you and your family a very Happy New Year.
Kindest regards,
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Absolutely, FibbyUK Have a great new year to you and yours
Thanks Pat & Roy, Have a great new year
Sugestion for the forum Lets start the festivities early, I drink a wee dram to you all 24 Hours early
Sounds good to me Michael,
Work 2 morrow boo!!!! 
Then the partying starts hooray!!! .
Ditto to you Pat, Have a good 2008 and there will be more questions for us to ask for the future I'm sure. A reliable management company is worth its weight in gold. I'm glad you are enjoying your new place as are we. Just wish I was there now .
 Yes ditto their, the weather seems to be a lot better their, never mind as they say all good things come to those that wait.  At least I do not have to work now but sometimes I miss that, but only now and again. You can all have a drink of me.  Pat
As the gubment, in their wisdom, have decreed that GP practices must open tomorrow until 6:30 and not allow a deputising service to look after "man flu" and assorted coughs and colds, (whilst they, of course, have a month off for Christmas and New Year) I too am working tomorrow. Still, moving over in March on retirement so I can put it all behind me. No more targets to achieve, not more form filling in to keep the bean counters happy, no more irate patients demanding sun cream and immodium on free prescription etc etc. Sadly, no more pay coming in, either.
Happy New Year everyone, and many thanks to all the invaluable snippets of information which have come my way on this forum. You really are a helpful bunch.
((Due to very busy couple of months coming up, selling house, packing up, arranging post etc etc, my next submission on this site might not be for some time. Hopefully I can update you all on the move in a few months time and let you know my successes and failures))
 Hope all goes well Bobaol, At least your on the move you will not miss the money it's surprising what you can live on in Spain. Take Care Regards Pat
Good luck with everything Bobaol. Hope 2008 is the start of a great new adventure for you. Come back to the forum soon - your posts are always so helpful, you'll be missed very much. Best wishes.
Great News Bob,
Hope you will enjoy every minute of it. I'm sure you will. . Yes come back to the forum soon your directions are always spot on 
This has nothing to do with the posts but is anyone suffering as much as me??????????????????
What a weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to 2008
Well Michael
Must have been some weekend, don't know how to tell you this but it is wednesday!!! But yes if you're talking about self inflicted alcoholic abuse then yes I am suffering too 
** EDITED ** Commercial post This message was last edited by EOS Team on 1/10/2008.
Hi Guys, well not been on for a while due to man flu, which i am sure all you ladies are aware is approximately 79.7% worse than any cold or flu a woman would have, or at least thats how we complain about it. Is it me or is there loads of people down with this cold virus at the moment. I tried to go back to work after the new year and it was like the marie solest (not sure of the spelling) everyone was off with a virus. Now being a sceptic you may raise an eyebrow when you have 40% of the staff off but it really was genuine, as lots of them are friends and i believe them.
I was banished to the couch as my wife of 18 years told me if i snore one more time she was phoning her solicitor, So much for marital support!!!!! If i wasent so poorly!!!
Anyway going to start a new thread about support for husbands without support (for colds & flu's)
Hi all,
Long time no speak (hope you're well FibbyUK)
We advertise under the Residential Santa Ana del Monte part of the Forum however, I would like to bring this extremely useful piece of information to the whole forum which was sent recently to a local newspaper in our Region. Make interesting reading...especially regarding insurance.
"I live in the UK for parts of the year and in Spain for the rest, as I’m sure many of your readers do. I recently had the misfortune of my house in Spain being broken into and possessions taken. I went through the usual channels of the police and my home insurance company, only to find out that my home insurance was invalid due to the fact that my neighbour (who is also the urbanisation president) held keys for my property and action would be taken against my neighbour by the police for improper trading. I was dumbfounded!
Like many of us I had been paying my neighbour 50€ a month to look after my property and keep an eye on it only to find out it was all for nothing! I trust my neighbour implicitly and know that none of this is his fault and feel really sorry about the whole ordeal.
I have now replaced most of my stolen goods at my own expense and use a licensed property management company to look after my property when I leave the country, it was a very expensive lesson for both myself and my neighbour."
Regardless of who you choose for PM services, make sure you are totally covered.
And the company is legal! That mainly means that they are registered to trade and not just a neighbour of someone living here who make sa few euros cash on the side
I have been hearing of increased reports about this with people being fined for working illegally and I agree with it. Us legal firms have overheads - at the very minimum a gestor to pay for our tax returns, and 250 eruos per month social security.
Its unfair that people come to live here then try to top up their pensions or income with cash money while we struggle on legally.
The police will become involved and the fines are severe on this matter.
Also you have recourse if theres is any impropriety.
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Rixxy, hi. Hope you're ok.
On our community, especially when it was new, there was a couple who befriended us & for a very good reason we found out later. They introduced themselves as we were visiting our property the trip prior to us completing. They said they were new once & knew exactly how we felt, not knowing "things", so they helped any new owners & commented that, after all, this is a community & everyone should help if they can, to help new owners settle in etc. We remembered having the feeling we were not on our own any more. (Our buying process had been a bad experience & we were washed out by then).
After a few emails to & fro we went over to complete & had taken many jars of coffee too which they'd asked if we could bring & we said it was a thank you for their friendship towards us & we didn't want payment. They gave us phone numbers of a builder, grille people & aircon firm. Later we found out they were getting quite a handshake from these firms for pushing new owners their way. We went to see them one day after they'd said previously that they would be more than happy to hold a key for us, water any plants we may put in & open up our house a few hours each week as we are non residents. They had befriended us a few months by then & we thought we were all pretty good friends so got a shock when, over coffee one day at theirs just after our completion, they produced a file with paperwork in & handed us a sheet of paper with their charges on. They said they had befriended many & were being used so had decided they needed to charge as looking after properties was becoming a full time job, rather than just a friendly hand. We declined their kind invitation as, by then, we had got to know genuine friends on our urb &, to this day, we leave our keys with a couple who do it out of friendship.
Later, another couple, husband was our President by then too, were doing the same. Good game, innit ? Legal ? Of course NOT !!! Oh, & they all do "taxi" runs too.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 5/9/2008.