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I was talking to someone today from Living in Spain TV (satellite channel 293) and they told me that they get around 3 million viewers a month.
Do many of you watch the channel?? If so do you watch specific programs or just switch over to it when the soaps have finished!
Be interested in your comments...
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I am a Living in Spain fan and tend to flick through the channels and find it every now and again when there is nothing else on. The programmes are repeated quite regularly and I have been known to watch one twice!!
Every now and then I come across items that are set in my local area there was a good programme about Jumilla and Guardamar Moors and Christians.
I watch sometimes in the UK.
Learn the Lingo is a favourite and the Costa Blanca programme.
The food items leave me cold and the ones where someone just sits and talks and talks...
No cant say that I get enthused about the programme , to me its not about the real Spain , but then thats only my opinion.
My OH & I sometimes watch though so much is repeated we often find ourselves watching repeats. However repeats are good as you have endless chances to see what you keep on missing.
Shame the forum was removed !!
I didn't know the forum had been removed!
Any idea why?
Hi Laury
I posted what likely is the answer in here >> Living In Spain TV. It went almost straight away. Shame too.
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This message was last edited by morerosado on 1/17/2008.
Interesting thanks More.
I was thinking how much the channel had improved since it started too. They have moved on a bit from the wobbly hand held camera film with built in microphones and now you can actually hear what people are saying on there.
It would have been nice to see the opinions on the forum.
It seems a bit silly if they were going to pay someone and went back on it. I would have thought that they would have had more advertising income now it's better.
Brilliant More, How Do You Do That????
Hi Flossy, it's called "copy & paste" ................
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh, well the miracles of modern technology, you know I'm technically challenged, let's not go down the bucket avenue shall we
Have watched a few times but we get irritated by the amateurish film making. Love the guy who does the cooking - can't remember the title - large completely OTT middle aged guy. Also quite like the deli cooking spot. One or two of the out and about type shows have been informative but some feel a bit like this is our friend who I promised I'd get on the tele with some free advertising for the business.
All Sky programmes are repeated endlessly sometimes the very same day or next so this one is no different.
We're suckers for all the 'foreign location' programmes, eg Living in the Sun, Place in the Sun, Fantasy Homes in the Sun etc etc. Especially when the punters are about to retire but want to live in the middle of nowhere with lots of land. Why? Don't they realise how much time and energy land and animals demand. Give me a nice built up area with easy access to shops and beach!
 Yes Sonia I agree ditto, although ours is a small village but not far from most things. Yes we do watch Living in Spain but when we know we have seen it before we turn over unless it's something we want to see again You can pick up some good information especially when they have lawyers on the programme  some of it can be a bit repetitive, but not bad. Gina don't start More of about the bucket she will start on me again Pat
Sonia - your in Carvajal, so you ARE in the middle of things! Though its not quite that built up!!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
It's great. Less than 10 minutes in the car to Myramar centre in Fuengirola, a few more in the opposite direction to Malaga (Factory outlet, Ikea etc). We spend last week there and visited shops every day - sale time!!!
We fell on Carvajal by accident after visiting (sorry to swear folks) a VIVA exhibition in London. For years we'd just driven up and down Spain on route to North Africa and I'd always said I hated it! (Sorry!!) But a few years ago our car broke down and we were forced to spend a couple of weeks with a hire car that couldn't go out of Europe so toured around Spain and consequently found some really really nice places. We eventually chose to buy on CDS as it's easy to pop over the water to visit the family. Didn't realise at the time just how convenient it was for airport and shopping. Now we can't wait until we are able to retire and make the permenant move.
I watch Living in Spain TV and it has been interesting to see how it has developed from when it first aired.
It is worth watching just to see the lovely Faye...!!
A J, typical man. 
For those who don't know her Faye Beaty is a Northern girl from Oldham who studied marine biology and loves the sun and sea. Faye moved to the Costa Blanca 3 years ago flew in love with the Spanish way of life and is now a fluent Spanish speaker.

Ah....thats more like it.....!!!!!