The Comments |
I also visit El Gusto and have to say its one of the best restaurants I have had the pleasure of eating in since buying my place in Spain three years ago. Its friendly and good value for money. I recommend it to all.
I also visit El Gusto and have to say its one of the best restaurants I have had the pleasure of eating in since buying my place in Spain three years ago. Its friendly and good value for money. I recommend it to all.
I also visit El Gusto and have to say its one of the best restaurants I have had the pleasure of eating in since buying my place in Spain three years ago. Its friendly and good value for money. I recommend it to all.
We went in the evening and the atmosphere was really nice and the price of the food was excellent. The staff are very attentive and they have a real novel way of displaying the wine menu - will let you see for yourself if you visit
"They have a little room for children because, as he said, people don't want children disturbing their meals so he's put little tables & seats in there & crayons & paper etc. They are very well catered for (if we can ensure they stay in there  )"
well with a statement like that it's a big "mi no gusto" to that restaurant!!
has it got bars on this room??
The reason the Spanish children are so well behaved is BECAUSE they are taken out to eat with their parents and taught how to behave as a FAMILY.
I certainly wouldn't entertain anyone or give them my trade who thought my children were disturbing.
This is the MAIN difference in our cultures,matbe they think that we should leave them all at home or in apartment a few 100 meters away like a certain family did in Portugal and live to regret it.
By growing up in a enviroment with adults and Learning from an early age that they have to behave gives children standars and makes them understand how to behave in public.
I would love to see the look on a Spanish families face when they tried to cart the kids off to the back room......
still here after all these years!
Georgia, you have got TOTALLY the wrong idea of this & it was ME who, in brackets, said "if we could ensure they stay in there" rather tongue in cheek too !! No one "carts kids off to the back room" &, if I had kids/grandkids, I would react rather strongly if anyone suggested it should happen. The room is a playroom where they can have fun after eating if they want to.
The owner of El Gusto, & his wife, have created a perfect atmosphere for everyone as kids DO get very restless & want to get out of their seats & (yes, they do disturb me if I can't relax because some insist on misbehaving & worse still, their parents just don't see it) if they're told "no", often kick off. I do not want my meal spoiled, think of us how you like, ok ? I love good kids, I know many who do know how to behave.
I could imagine kids having a whale of a time in there after they had eaten whilst their parents also enjoyed a relaxing time knowing their children were enjoying themselves & safe. Did you really think I meant the kids ate alone in this room (without bars ) ? You may have little darlings but I know many who don't !
I am so in agreement with georgia, the kids should sit with you at the table in a restaurant. This is where the child learns table manners and how to interact with others. I always try to encourage my little one to choose what he wants from the menu, then let the waiter know when he comes to take orders. So in light of this regardless of it being great place to eat, i don't think i will be visiting it with the kids, maybe when its just me and hubby (if there ever is such a day!)
rgds mrs singh
THE children DO sit with their parents ! They can, if they want, PLAY after their meal in this playroom. Please take time to read my post, I thought I made it clear.
now that you put it like that..umm..well that changes things..I was under the impression that you would feel out of place if your kids were dining with you. Or you were made to feel guilty if your kids were talking loudly. with this diff perspective, might give it a go!
Why not pop round & take a look without going to eat, put your minds at ease as I would think kids would be fighting to get in that room, there's so much in there for them.
 No I agree with Georgia children should sit and eat with you I know I do that with our grandchildren, but when the meal end's they do get fidgety and want to do their own thing  here they all bring theirs nintendo's with them and communicate with each other, which I find a bit sad but they all seem to enjoy it. But we do not have the weather here for them to play out. So the playroom sounds a good idea, after a meal.  But I have spoken to a few couple's that have been to El Gusto  They say the food is great but expensive so depends on how much you are willing to pay. But I am willing to give it a go next time we have the grandchildren out. Pat
I agree its lovely to see children in restaurants - but there is nothing worse when they get bored and all they want to do is run about and scream - I blame the parents - the children are only doing what children do. Its a great idea the way they have the childrens area in El Gusto. Its also a lovely restaurant and therefore not a lot would deter me from visiting it. I find the spanish diners more noisy than the children.
Hi More and all,
Maybe i did get the wrong end o0f the stick slightly and as you can see from my abrupt answer i do feel very strongly about this subject.
Maybe has something to do with missing my brood as they have been away for 2 weks now.
I took my lot out for a really nice meal on Mothers day to quite a swanky restaurant and it was great to see families all sitting together behaving themselves.
Maybe if parents cant control their kids then a room at the back should be utilised for putting the whole family in there including parents then children who do know how to behave can sit and enjoy a meal with their parents.
Grumpy bugger!(georgia)
still here after all these years!
Great idea ! bit like the wee creches they have in RC churches. Called a crying room. Anyway as long as you enjoy your children thats the main thing.
Georgia, just because you're not getting your oats at the moment  it doesn't give you the right to be ratty, mate, so be warned. "More" bites back these days.  (You wouldn't want me any different either !) I'm feel just as strongly if my meal's disrupted by someones little darlings running about.
itrs not the oats i am missing ( too bloody hot for all that anyway!!!!) ,its my babies!!
I speak to them everyday as they have been in England(moaning about the weather and no swimming pool)
I would take the running around anytime over the deafening silence that fills my place at the minute..............
Eating in silence is vastly overated.
still here after all these years!
 Hi Georgia, I thought they were in Italy? Yes you must miss them I have had the grandchildren the last few days and the noise can be deafening. But you are used to it when you get older you seem to like a bit of peace  and quiet. But I do like to see children enjoying themselves. But back on thread I might go and have a look round El Gusto and see what we think and compare the prices?  Take care Pat
We have been to El Gusto really enjoyed it lovely food the some of the deserts were really unusual and to 'die for', it was a bit more expensive than the norm but well worth it. Can't say I noticed any children so if they were there they must have been well-behaved.
_______________________ Carmel & George
Probably enjoying their fantastic playroom !