What a dilema, try to help and it goes wrong.
All i can say is dont gang up on the people that tried to do something to improve your community, believe me they are the heart and soul of your development.
!0 voulenteers and 50 others that will just sit back and complain when things arent right, every community has the same ratio of proactive residents and inactive terrorists who dont want to pay and have little respect or time for those that care about their investments.
nobody can stress how important the first 2 years are for a new community, thats when all the community rules and standards are set, you need a good presidente, a strong team of owners and importantly resident owners to ensure things happen and then an asdministrator that rules with a rod of iron and fires out letters to anyone who steps over the lines. You need to have a good cop, psyco cop team in your presidente and administrator so that the presidente doesnt fall out with the neighbours its the administrator running the show.
With regard to non payment of community fees, dont let this drag on (see the other threads on this) get legal letters in if they miss 2 payments, you will regret it like every other community if you dont. It takes years to get the money back so start sooner rather than later believe me. Everyone that lives on a community knows they have to pay community charges, but some think it doesnt matter. a legal embargo on them selling their property in the future seems to sort that out.
Coming back to the good owners that are trying to do things to improve the community, this will not be the only building problem you will uncover, there will be loads, and believe me we have had all the same problems.
Good luck and give the good owners all the support you can they only had right intentions.