Has anyone got any suggestions, helpful ( of course!!)
We have had several written compliaints against a Spanish owner who keeps racing pigeons on his solarium ( the solariums are private ) and he has built hutches and whatever on his solarium to keep them in ( he also breeds them ).
He flies them several times a day and they fly near the apartments and over them and drop their droppings and feathers along the way.
Several owners have complained quite severely about the pigeons and the mess and it was brought up at last years AGM. It was decided to take legal proceedings against this person ( bearing in mind that he is contravening the community rule that all pets should be kept under control and owners must clean up any mess made by their animals ) but before this action was taken, he himself requested a meeting between the Presidente and the community lawyer and himself.
A meeting has been arranged several times but the owner says he cannot attend cos he never goes to the area our administrator works in ( about 10k away ). He says he has all the licenses he needs from the town hall but he will not let anybody see or copy them. He has said he will wait for the judge in court to decide what should happen to the pigeons.
The community buildings on the roof, where the solariums are, ie. TV rooms, lift housing etc. are covered in pigeon droppings so this is causing a bit of a stir.
The 2008 AGM is just weeks away and I know it will all raise it's ugly head again........in fact, one owner who lives directly under the pigeons has not been able to visit his apartment because he suffers serious allergies compounded by the birds.
In England, pigeons are classed as vermin ( wild ones ) but I know here in Spain Palomas are liked.
How do we solve this????????????????????