do spanish class ex pats as equals
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i am in the process of researching loads of books, web sites, tv programs and talking to people about moving to spain. one minute i would feel really positive about it and then i will hear something negative and it knocks me back to square one. one of the things i have heard is that the spanish don't treat the english very well especially if they don't speak good spanish. how have other people found this. i look forward to your replies.
_______________________ susan
I can't say that has been my experience over the 5 years I have lived here.
I have only limited Spanish but have had no problems ( only my own insecurities ! ) and have often found the Spanish people have been more than helpful in adding the odd word for me and telling me how to say it in Spanish.
I have NEVER been made to feel 2nd class by the Spanish and my spell in a Spanish speaking hospital showed me the caring, thoughtfu,l friendly way of the Spanish in a time of real trauma for me.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
In general.... we LOVE having people enjoying, appreciating and respecting our culture and our country and we generally welcome expat who has a respectful behaviour.
We are a hospitable culture... for sure.
Best Semana Santa!
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Reply to Maria
In my experience it depends what colour the expat is!!!
As a brown brit, you wouldn't believe the problems I have faced. Here are just a few.
1. Police harassment
2. Old ladies clutching their handbags closely when I happen to walk by.
3, Being stared at! (or does that happen to everyone in this country).
On one occasion I walked into a coffee bar and a guy had wondered away from his chair on the back of which he had hung his jacket, as soon as he saw me he moved sharpishly to stand guard beside his jacket! Probaly the sharpest he's moved in his life!
Shall I go on?
No the new generations.... they do like colors, yes!
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Hello everyone,
Apart from the harrowing experience of buying or trying to buy a property off plan, waiting 4 years and its still not built. When in spain i have found most spanish people to be extremely polite, very helpful and with a great sense of humour, they in no way make you feel uncomfortable when trying out your spanish speaking skills and they are very family orientated and i have been told that mothers with children are much better treated in the workplace than in the uk.
Having observed the behaviour of some ex pats i dont know how the spanish put up with them!
I think the british could learn a lot from them for the better but the government needs to get its act together to stop the mistreatment of people from other countries who are in the process or have bought property in spain.
You reap what you so and this mistreatment is already coming back to haunt them, spains reputation is so bad in this regard that no-one wants to buy there anymore!
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