The Comments |
Nice one Bobaol
This is a reply to Kelju
Nae offence Kelju - but your comment in your final sentence does it all for me. There are more people who speak English than the English. There are more people in Great Britain than the English. Sorry but it really does my head in. What about Scotland, Ireland or Wales - not to mention all the other countries in the world where the mother tongue is English. It is just that sort of attitude which causes problems in the first place. Oh and before you go off on one - I am not anti English. I just appreciate the other folks in the equation.
Great Post Bob

And for you Mackie, just a playful bit of banter for a saturday night....................
Just Kidding  
This message was last edited by Candyfloss on 4/12/2008.
The only problem I have with the Kelju post is that it uses the word "Great". Britain is no longer great and the whole concept of the union is a busted flush. What pisses off the English is the fact that the Scots (and to a lesser extent the Welsh and irish) can make their own rules whilst the ruling Scottish clique ensure that the English have little, or no say in their own country. You can make your own laws, decide on your own education system, prescribe what you want in your own health service and pay to care for your elderly if you wish, but the English have to live under rules made by Scottish politicians. Even the Welsh can decide to scrap prescription charges, but the English, as long as they pay up who cares about them. I really like the SNP and wish them all the best in their aim of independence because what it will really do is give the English theirs. That having been said, if the an English team loose, we support whatever other British team is still in the race and I think that to do otherwise would show us up to be less than we should be, what a release it would be to simply have to think of ourselves for a change. Yes, I am English, born in England and once I was proud of it. No longer am I proud of the land of my birth, instead it should be called Babel, perhaps we can then all become part of Great Babel, anything, if only we can get rid of this awful, awful Government, kept in power by the fact that Britain still exists.
Yes, there used to be so much that was noble and fair about Britain, but that has gone and the place changed beyond recognition. It's Ok for the other nations in the Union to carp on about their own problems, but you can be sure as soon as the English start to talk about themselves, someone will jump up and remind us that we are British. It appears the only way we can all get on together is go to somewhere else, like Spain when we can all be friends because we have turned our back on the petty, small minded attitudes that now infest our homelands.
I agree with you 100% xetog.
Sadly the post prior to Xetogs illustrates the petty mindedness he talks about.
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
The post was supposed to lighten the mood as we all know how Britain has slipped into doom and gloom.
Come on guys lighten up and see the funny side of life. As I said at the end "Just Kidding" 
On reading the posts again I think I may have taken things a little out of context. Maybe a bit to early for me after a late night. I must admit though I do find the bitchiness between the British countries annoying. I have freinds from each of them , in fact 2 of my grandsons were born in Wales and like the Welsh flag best because it has a dragon on it and it seems my ancestors were Irish. Neither fact bothers me.
If I knew how to edit posts I would have simply removed the last one but what the heck, it matters not. I just want to get out of here.
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
It's Ok Candyfloss, I took your post in the spirit it was intended and I passionately believe in the right of the great nations who have stood back-to-back with the Engish for centuries to express whatever opinions the wish about us, all I ask is equal treatment in the eyes of the "British" liberal establishment.
Candyfloss,our posts crossed. My second one was supposed to be before anyone could respond,
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, English citizens of whatever race, creed or colour will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths and allow themselves to rekindle the patriotism that put the Great in Great Britain.
Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, British citizens of whatever race, creed or colour will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths and allow themselves to rekindle the patriotism that put the Great in Great Britain.
Just as a matter of debate - what has the current leader of the Labour Party's birthplace got to do with the current mess? Seems to me that his predecessor didnt do much better. Surely its the politics that count? Or am I missing something?
A bit of banter is one thing, and we are all guilty of that, but as others in this thread have pointed out, its getting harder to think of a reason to be patriotic and proud.
Oh, and the cheque to pay for the car from the Social Security..............they obviously lied about why they needed the money. No way would someone get a Social Security handout to buy a car. Suffice to say I have first hand knowledge of the system.
Agree that the PM's birthplace has nothing to do with the miserable state of GB. They may have lied about what the money was needed for but it was still easy for them to get it. I am sure there are lots of Brits that know how to "play the system" as well but my point is that the system seems to favour the cheats and the wealthy. The average working man,those on low pay and those on government pensions are being shafted IMO.
I appreciate that it must be very difficult for those working in the benefits system .They can only play by the rules,crazy as they may seem at times.
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
If we were truly a single nation we would be just as proud to have a Scottish PM as if he/she were English, Welsh or Irish and we have had some great PM's in the past. Then the decisions of his Government make effect all of us equally. As it stands, he (as the head of the Government) can make unpopular decisions that do not affect the only people who ever elected him. I realise there are many decisions that will fall on all of us and I will avaiod enumerating the list I laid out before of those which only effect the population of England. If he said "This is just a matter for those living in England, I will abstain and let their represeantatives make the decision without influence"....Fine, I could live with that, but this man makes up his own rules as he goes along, generally browbeating his cabinet and mostly ignoring Parliamentary process.
I had more to say, but I am told by my PM that I am climbing on my soapbax again, so I will say simply, just give the population of England of whatever race, colour, creed, or political leaning, the same rights as those enjoyed by the other nations making up the UK.
I will now let my case rest.
Yup - we said the same about the Poll tax the year before everyone else had it. The gentleman in question I assure you rides roughshod over more than your nation. We are all affected by a lot of his decisions.
However, this is the type of debate which is best dealt with between friends and over a beer dont you think? If you are ever over in our part of Murcia or in fact in our part of Lanarkshire and wish to continue this debate Xetog (or anyone else for that matter) we would be only too happy to oblige. We will even buy the first round.
Suffice to say, if everything goes according to plan, my OH and myself will be taking early retirement and removing ourselves from the situation to warmer climes and a step back in time to when respect was an integral part of day to day living.
Viva Espana lol This message was last edited by macki62000 on 4/14/2008.
What wonderful news today. We can once again be proud of skilled UK personnel involved in returning the only remaining, whole Vulcan bomber to flying status (see here). Should never have been retired in my opinion, and what a lot of money to restore it! Well done Bruntingthorpe airfield .