Marilyn from Essex
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I have a problem which I need help with.
We bought our beautiful 2 bed apartment off plan 4 years ago intending to retire and live there as we are now over 60 and leave grey England. Now with the credit crunch our earnings have diminished too early and although we have no mortgage to pay there in Spain there are costs involved in owning property. So with little earnings and increasing costs and lets very slow this year it has been really stressful.
The second problem is that my husband has now been diagnosed with cancer so any dreams we had of living in Spain have to go on hold for some time if at all. We decided to sell the apartment to raise funds but the market is flat and though the apartment is beautiful we still have no real interest. Our family have suggested that they become power of attorney so that we can receive help in this country but legally what is the position? Has anybody else had this problem? We are advertised on this site Casares Real but are still yet to get any interest. Sorry this message is so bleak but real worried
_______________________ We have owned our apartment since 2004.
Sadly all I can offer are my best wishes to you and your husband. I hope everything works out well for you.
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
Oh dear, what an awful predicament. I know Casares Real, it's a lovely development and the apartments are well-built and very attractive. The company I used to work for had one listed there (unfurnished, never lived in) for 219.000E. It got a lot of interest and, after about 6 months, sold for 212.000E. That was end of 2006/early 2007. (At the time, that was one of the only developments where there was not that much for sale) I just had a look at yours and it looks beautifully furnished, good price too (in my humble opinion!). Do you have it on with any agents? If not, that may be the way forward. I do wish you and your hubby all the very best, whatever happens. Stay positive.
One of the main issues is that it is a 2bedroom apartment which is what everyone bought at the same time. The apartment itself looks stunning in the photos with the lovely furnishings, beautiful drapes etc and the price is good. If you want we can send it out as a featured property in the newsletter not next week but the week after.
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Hi again
Thank you so much for your kind messages.
If you could feature the apartment in your newsletter Susan that would be great, I am having difficulty finding an estate agent who is interested as you say everybody bought 2 bedroomed apartments at the same time and the percentage the agents are taking mean we lose an awful lot. But we are trying to keep positive and doing our best in the situation. Any help is a bonus to us.
Life has a lot of twists and turns but we are hopeful of success eventually.
Best wishes to you and the team
_______________________ We have owned our apartment since 2004.
Hi Marilyn, I just wanted to wish you & your husband the very best.
My husband & I are your ages & I know how I'd feel if my OH was ill, even though I could knock his block off at times, especially since 13th March when he took early retirement & is under my feet (so to speak) all the time, & you have additional concerns too. As Vicki says, stay positive.
Make friends on here & you'll at least find chatting helps & you may even gel with some of us, as I certainly have.

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