mobile home information please
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Hello everyone
I am feeling very daring typing this out as I am a complete novice. Please bear with me as I have never contacted any kind of forum before ( I'm not very i.t.literate at all, I'm afraid ). My question is this. After many happy holidays in Spain and loving everything about the country my husband and I have deciding this is where we wish to retire to. This will be in 2010/11. As we will only have the money from the sale of our house plus our pensions we have been looking at mobile home sites around the Antequerra region. We could afford to buy one of these mobile homes as opposed to bricks and mortar and it would leave us a nice little buffer meaning that we could visit family whenever we felt like it. Having had a static van in England which we used only for holidays we feel sure that we could be happy on one of these sites. Is there anyone out there that is actually living on one? We would love to hear some feedback from anyone who is. We have tried looking for information from people actually living on this sort of site but all we can find are sites relating to buying the actual homes. Hope this reaches someone who can enlighten us.
Dont know about the area you mention but there is a huge site in Murcia called Camping la Manga. We know lots of people who love living there. What we have to remember is that air con. is needed in the Summer and heating in the Winter. These sites are a great way to enjoy the outdoor life in Spain as the climate is so good and they have so many amenities. If you look up Camping La Manga you may find some other links too.
Best wishes
Hi Nossie, welcome.
EOS have done an article on this HERE by Martin Theobald
includes >> "dedicated residential mobile home parks have opened up big time in the Antequera region and now there are 4 parks with almost 600 mobile homes"
Hi again - I can't believe I am actually communicating with strangers via the web ( can you tell I've only just got broadband?) They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks but I am living proof you can ! Thanks so much for answering my question. I will certainly be having a look at Camping La Manga and meanwhile I would love to hear from anyone who actually lives on one of these sites - here's hoping - Nossie.
hi Well done for getting this far
If you enjoy reading this is a book I could not but down, Our Spanish Winters (a diary) by Julie A Wilson.
This is a story of two winters in La Manga cataloguing the perils and pitfalls of caravanning , but also the tremendous pleasure and
friendship you can find when venturing into the unknown. The community spirit that exists on a long stay site, you can get it on Amazon
best of luck
Hi "M", fancy meeting you here ! My Virgin mailbox is full of funnies from you tonight. Thanks.
Nossie, if you fancy this book that Harley told you about (I've been meaning to get it from the library but it was only available from the town one & it was constantly out so I'd need to order it & it just got left), here's the link to BUYING BOOK £7.13 inc dely from Aphrohead books through the Amazon site. If you go toTHIS PAGE you can click on book shown on far left & you can actually read a bit to get the flavour of it (by clicking at right side of book on next page) or just click on Search inside this book & click at side of book.
Nossie, not only do I communicate with strangers on forums I actually arrange meets with many in Spain. Harley & her OH are now great pals with my OH & me & we've spent many happy hours together.
Think this one is good, don't you ? 

This message was last edited by morerosado on 5/1/2008.
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