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Can anyone advise whether there are new rules in force for renting out your property in Spain?
In particular, I am interested in knowing whether the new rules affect the Almeria Area.
I have been told today that Estate Agents are having to withdraw property details from their windows unless they have copies of the Nota Simple, Basura, EBI on file.
In addition to those 3 items, I am being told that a licence is also required, from the town hall, if you want to rent out your property.
Any help gratefully received.
Hi Noreen
It's probably geared around stopping all those people who rent out but refuse to pay the 25% renta tax.  By doing what you say may be happening the tax evaders will likely be found out. Those who are paying their tax will be inconvenienced unfortunately but then so am I, having to pay renta tax on zilch earnings as we don't rent our villa out.
(I'll ask around & let you know if I hear anything).
The info that estate agents now must have, I think only applies to property for sale. It's likely to cause a lot of headaches for agents, since obtaining a nota simple costs something like €15, so if they have to get one for every property on their books, it could amount to a lot of dosh. Furthermore, I understand the nota simple must be no more than 3 months old, and since properties are not exactly selling like hot cakes right now....obviously, sellers are going to have to provide the valid nota simple and make copies for all the agents they list their property with, otherwise agents will simply have to refuse the listing, but it will take time to re-educate the market, since until now, the nota simple was only obtained (usually by the agent or buyer's legal representative) when a sale was agreed.
The issue of licencing properties for renting out has come up before, but at that time I believe it was a new law relating specifically to the Balearics, although there was suggestion that it may spread I think. Perhaps your local town hall would be a good starting point to find out if any new laws affect your area. Otherwise, best wait for Maria!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Dear NFM2862:
I am leaving today at 15:00 pm and my overrisponsability made me wake this early ( it is 5:40 am) and send some posts and leave the office clearer. Anyhow!
Well, as I have mentioned to you in my PM those requiements for rental sound to be ou fo the inforcement of Decree 218/2005 ( Andalusian decree: only enforceable in this region) . See related articles, also published in EOS.
Regarding the registration of houses for rentals, there is a legal obligation for communication to the Regional Authorities if the house is offered in the Tourism Market once or more than once a year.
I will be back Monday the 26th.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Registration is not in the Town Hall but in the regional department of Tourism. " Consejeria de Turismo de la Comunidad Autonoma" where the house is located.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
I have just read the following in respect of non registered lettings:-
Sergio Gambi, President of the Costa Blanca tourist apartments association, APTUR, is reported in the media today as saying that all adverts for holiday rental properties, including online ads and websites, must now state a registration number provided by the Ministry of Tourism. The Association is monitoring adverts and intends to report owners or rental agencies that fail to comply with the new regulations.
I dont know if other areas are adopting this but it shows that the powers that be are taking this more seriously.

Hello all,
New member here.
I was interested in that last post about displaying a registration number on all adverts, including on the Internet. Anyone got any more info?
I'm asking for professional purposes - I'm the advice guru for a company that advertises holiday homes and am always on the look out for current information. And from my experience, who better to ask than the people actually out there? The end result will be that we compile more relevant, up-to-date info so that we can then be ultra informative for our users.
So, don't suppose anyone can help me out here? It would be great to hear back from you!
Your friendly consejeria
Want advice on renting out your holiday home? Visit ...
Many thanks Maria. I'll have a good read.
Is the situation in Valencia similar to in other provinces?
Have a lovely weekend and thanks again! This message was last edited by Bellarina on 9/12/2008.
Want advice on renting out your holiday home? Visit ...
Yes, situation in Valencia is SIMILAR ( not same) as in other regions.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA