sky tv in spain.

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10 Feb 2011 8:13 PM by fortunasat Star rating in Murcia. 14 posts Send private message

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SKY BOXES & SKY CARDS IN SPAIN - When looking at purchasing a SKY box or SKY card to be used in Spain you should definately go for a box and card from a dealer in Spain as the new box and card will be registered as not being connected to the UK telephone line. I would suggest always finding a supplier that has been trading for many years in Spain to get the box and card for you plus you will not have to ever call sky directly.

If you are interested in SKY HD then do not be tempted in to buying from ebay, always look for a supplier here in Spain, so that should anything go wrong you have someone local that you can call.

If you get stuck feel free to PM me and I can try to point you in the right direction.

WARNING : "Special black boxes" many of you may have seen adverts in some of the local FREE EX-PAT papers offering a "special black box" that allows you to watch sky sports, sky movies, documentaries etc. These boxes are NOT Manufactured by SKY and are TOTALLY ILLEGAL "DO NOT RISK IT" always try and deal with a SKY TV SUPPLIER that is SL registered or that has been trading for many years. All "official" SKY boxes come with various user guides bearing the "SKY" logo, if it does not say "SKY" on the box then it is a "Illegal clone box" DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY only buy official SKY equipment.

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11 Feb 2011 9:46 AM by Jimbofinn Star rating in Chiclana De La Front.... 225 posts Send private message

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I see that the last post by Fortunasat is exactly the same post as that posted by Mrskytv on 27th November.  And as for obtaining "legal" sky boxes from a "sky tv supplier that is SL registered" - well, what a load of poppycock.  Virtually everyone knows that you can't legally have (at the moment) sky Tv in Spain.  Two years ago I emailed sky to find out why they were missing out on the business opportunity of  running their business in Spain.  After explaing their reasons, they suggested that I should forward my email to their intelligence section for them to investigate.  Needless to state that I didn't do this.

EOS team, why do you allow Fortunasat and mrskytv to post on this site as they are both in cahoots (or the same business) with each other?


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11 Feb 2011 11:43 AM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message


I think most on this forum know these expat types who all seem to get into SAT installations.

Half of them are driving around in UK regisered vehicles with nothing but a mobile phone.

Never pay a penny up front and then only when it has been working perfectly for one month.


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11 Feb 2011 1:01 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

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Virtually everyone knows that you can't legally have (at the moment) sky Tv in Spain. 

Yet every other bar, literally 100's on the Costa are broadcasting Sky, how do they  get away with it?, why no crackdown? how could they crackdown?





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11 Feb 2011 7:20 PM by jimbofinn Star rating in Chiclana De La Front.... 225 posts Send private message

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Team GB

I can't remember exactly the reply the Sky gave me, suffice to say that I said more or less to them what you have stated in your reply to me.  Why don't you send them a quick email and see what they say to you?  I'm really not too bothered about their legal argument, my own reason for posting on this subject was the blatant advertising by fortunasat and mrskytv.


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11 Feb 2011 11:00 PM by satandpcguy Star rating in Gandia, Valencia. 399 posts Send private message

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The use of a Sky card outside the UK and ROI is not "illegal", it is just against the terms and conditions of the contract you have with sky. As it is not a law, and just T&Cs it is up to Sky to terminate the contract should they find the terms have been broken. Perhaps there is a case for fraud, for saying that you are using the card in the UK when it is actually in Spain, but is Sky really going to chase and check up on all 10m cards? They will only do something if they suspect, or you say "I live in Spain and my card is number 123456789! This at least shows they are trying to do something to control the "grey" market, but then, if they try too hard then that is a lot of revenue from subscriptions they will lose. But then I am sure it is the same for all other EU pay TV broadcasters and expats in other EU countries...

If it were illegal, it would be written into Spanish Law, and the Guardia could arrest anyone using a Sky card...but they dont as they cannot. Commercial premesis may be different (a fair number inthe last few years have been told to get rid of UK sky and go to Digital+, as using another provider may be in breach of their commerical license), but they (Guardia) cannot do anything about it in your own home.

And remember the reason why Sky UK is not officially in Spain is that the channel it carries only buys the broadcast rights for the UK. Many Sky channels are actuall on on Digital+, and they own the rights for the programmes in Spain. So Discovery UK has the UK rights to Mythbusters, yet Discovery  D+ has the right to Mythbusters in Spain. If Discovery UK wanted to, it could buy the rights to the whole of the EU from the Mythbusters producers, and work out a way to get money from the subs...but better for the producers to get the most money and exposure by selling them to indicdual broadcasters.So its not about "sky cannot be in Spain", it more the channels they carry dont have the broadcast contracts for Spain.

Although, in the very long run this may change if the EU and UK courts have anything to say about this - re pub landlady vs FA, and selling rights on a coubntry by country basis, as opposed to on an EU basis. But then when the EU decided to interfere in UK FA rights last time on behalf of more choice and better deals for the consumer, UK viewers had to and still have to fork out for TWO subscriptions to watch UK footie (Sky and ESPN)...hows that in the public interest. And if the FA and all the other rights holders are toild to sell their rights on a Eurowide basis, then watch out for Sky Europe...I am sure that would go against the EUs monopoly rules...

And what about using non U cards, like ADMC, that show ALL UK premier league matches...(although that is OK for the UK as you need a 1.8/2.4m dish to get ADMC sport in the UK!)

(and this pub landlady was apparently using a domestic subscription and not a commercial subscription, so any ruling in her favour would mean the subsciption she is currently paying is incorrect, she should be paying the more expensive commercial rate, which may be lower than Skys but with less difference than she is getting using a domestic sub. So she will end up paying a lot more for her footie than she is already...i wonder if she thought this through properly.)

As for the posts prior, you only need a UK land line for Sky card if your card is part of a Sky multiroom contract, or you get your card dish and box installed by Sky in the UK and sign for their 12 month contract. Apart from that, for just new cards, no phoneline is required.

There are NO restrictions AT ALL on the sale of Sky boxes outside the UK and ROI.

PS. Not all of us drive UK vans and operate from mobiles....!


This message was last edited by satandpcguy on 11/02/2011.

_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.

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11 Feb 2011 11:39 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

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Yet another great post, it's been proven over time you really do know your stuff, irrespective of whether or not you drive a uk registered van.

Please keep us updated







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14 Feb 2011 11:18 PM by mrskytv Star rating in Alicante & Malaga. 31 posts Send private message

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Unless I am going mad have you just like totally copied and pasted one of my posts on a different thread Fortunasat? LOL

Cheeky Monkey...Can you edit post and put "Courtesy of MRSKYTV"  hilarious...

On the subject of SKY CARDS IN SPAIN

I have been testing a new satellite receiver from our suppliers in Germany that allows a UK SKY subscriber to bring his SKY card on Holiday!


Some people like the idea of taking there card to another room rather than having cables with magic eyes.

It has taken some time for expert programmers to eventualy back engineer the new encryption software that was introduced by SKY upon the launch of the new white sky viewing cards last year.

Will keep you posted after further testing...

I have read Jimbofins post and poppycock comment and I am rather upset as I am an SL Company that "officialy" imports sky boxes from UK and pay both IVA & TAX and have to pay €580 every three months to a gestor to do the accounts!

I also have a Spanish registered van even though it breaks my heart to see how cheap a new shape mercedes sprinter is in the UK!

I say "officially" as when my UK supplier bills me I get an invoice and that invoice is subject to VAT and TAX etc, so the importation is official and above board as the importation is declared in Spain and when I sell the box and card in Spain I am liable for the IVA & TAX on my profit.

 I do not want to get in to yet another discussion about whether you can use a sky card in Spain etc as there are 100's of threads that already deal with that side of things and I think that THE SAT & PC GUY covered below very clearly.

In closing; I still advise people to deal with a SL registered Company in Spain when looking to purchase a SKY BOX or SKY card as per my post that was posted here without my knowledge or permission. It is a constant irritation to find people copying what has taken you quite often several hours of work simply by clicking a couple of buttons in 5 seconds.

The reason I have taken time out from watching TV & eating my family size bag of peanut M&M's to write this is that Jimbofins has suggested that I am not official selling sky cards and boxes in Spain.

This was his rude comment:

And as for obtaining "legal" sky boxes from a "sky tv supplier that is SL registered" - well, what a load of poppycock

It is shame that threads always get hijacked by people that drone on about the "legaility" of watching, obtaining etc of SKY TV in Spain. AGAIN there are plenty of threads that deal with that there was one thread on EOS that was started by someone who then used a 2nd identity to keep backing himself up... It now appears to be clear that the same takes place on other threads.

I am happy to share my thoughts, my experiences, what I have been up to or thinking of doing, however if I am going to keep coming up against annoying people that use several identities to wind up genuine chaps like myself then I will be saying good bye to yet another forum as I simply cannot put up with the hurt that I feel when someone says that I am not official or not legal.

Whilst Forum rules prohibit blatant self promotion of wich I have never been accused of and totally agree with and have avoided falling foul of I am certainly not going to sit back and allow people to call my integrity in to questions as done by Jimbofins.

I trust this confirms my position and as the owner of a Legal SL registered Company with an official CIF number and an official Escatura that pays taxes & IVA in Spain etc should not be subject to your snide I am constantly up against people that are not "officially" registered in Spain that do not have IVA to pay, that do not have Tax to pay, That do not have a Gestor to pay either, and any receipt and or invoice you will receive from this type of "unofficial" installer is worthless.

Ah I feel better now I got that off my chest.. Can post pic of my van to anyone that is interested!with me in a Bikini..and wearing a sombrero...


This message was last edited by mrskytv on 14/02/2011.

This message was last edited by mrskytv on 14/02/2011.

This message was last edited by mrskytv on 14/02/2011.

Jason Harding 618585051 Suppliers of SKY TV in Spain

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15 Feb 2011 11:04 AM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Can any of you TV experts confirm how I can receive German TV in Spain. Do I need a German digi box? I have been told a Spanish box will do as long as I have the dish moved to align with the German satellites, someone uses a German box when wanting to receive German TV.  Any advice would be much appreciated as I haven't a clue how it all works.

Many thanks.



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15 Feb 2011 2:55 PM by satandpcguy Star rating in Gandia, Valencia. 399 posts Send private message

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For German free to air channel: a 80cm dish, pointing towards astra 1, and any free to air receiver (makes no difference where you buy it, as long as it is free to air satellite receiver!)

For German pay channels: as above but with a Sky Germany box and subscription card.

_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.

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16 Feb 2011 8:15 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Satandpcguy, thank you, that has helped a lot.



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21 Feb 2011 7:10 PM by lone Star rating. 2 posts Send private message


you say you are testing boxes from germany!!!!!!!!!!! you should know  (being in the busines) that nearly all boxes that can be programmed with linux (which is nearly EVERY sat receiver)  Has the Ccam file which enables you to watch Sly tv with your own card anywhere. None HD boxes retail around £50 But there again you know this!!!!

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22 Feb 2011 11:24 PM by mrskytv Star rating in Alicante & Malaga. 31 posts Send private message

mrskytv´s avatar


Hi Lone

What is your point exactly? Did you decide to join this forum just to question why I am testing a Box from Germany? or are you someone that is already a member? I know what I think!!!!!!!! It is a shame that "certain" members choose to use several identities to try and discrespect other members, this practice has now infested most of the Costa Blanca forums and is such a shame.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that certain members who are always being praised are in fact masquerading behind several identities. It is alos interesting that "LOne" is a new member who's first post is targeting me? mmm oh well I am sure that anyone reading this thread will see the pattern...

If you would like to come and help me with my German satellite receiver testing you are more than welcome to pop round for a cup of tea and a slice of cake, if you want a sunlounger I would get here early...



Jason Harding 618585051 Suppliers of SKY TV in Spain

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23 Feb 2011 10:34 AM by lone Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Dear mrskytv

Firstly i was known as Lone stranger in the seventies on bulletin boards, (before the internet was born) way back then.

I used to brute force algorythems for tv encryption for fun (and educational purposes) This was and always has been a HOBBY.

When the internet was born, lots of people claimed they could give you subscription tv for "free", all they were doing was programing the old philips boxes D2mac (M) etc. And claiming it was all THEIR own work. Then came the gold card revelution. and seperate cams (seca1). I dont need to tell you the rest of the history ....Videoguard,  NDS, tunneling through, Nagra3.

As The internet took over i dropped the stranger part of my name and just became lone, (back in the eighties)  I have never hid or 

Changed my ID  as i am proud of it. i have been around this forum for a long while, but just because i dont post it doesnt mean i am not here.

Now regarding my first post, it wouldnt matter whoever it was, (just happened to be you)  AS you are "in the trade"  It peeves when you make statements, and think that everone on this forum is THICK, (and i assure you i am not).

The game of cat and mouse in this industry has and always will be a challenge.(for both sides). Regarding your "testing" of a WHITE card (box) system System That has been cracked over 12 months seems rather pointless, 

As i said in my last post, programable sat receivers (although NOT sky epg) are available for less than £50...... These will accept your LEGAL sky cards, but if you go down the cardshare route, this is more expensive (AND HIGHLY ILLEGAL).

AS i have been around the sat scene for over 35 years (before sky) And as YOU said you just like to be credited.

Cheeky Monkey..... Can you edit post and put "Courtesy of MRSKYTV" hillatious..... On the subject of SKY TV IN SPAIN


sorry to disappoint you Regards.......LONE>>>>>>(stranger)

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28 Feb 2011 11:12 PM by mrskytv Star rating in Alicante & Malaga. 31 posts Send private message

mrskytv´s avatar

Why dont you pop over and I will show you the box? you can then take back your silly comments..or perhaps why not pick up any local paper and see all of the other engineers offering the same box?

There's always one!

This message was last edited by mrskytv on 28/02/2011.

Jason Harding 618585051 Suppliers of SKY TV in Spain

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14 Sep 2012 11:33 AM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

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Sky TV Movies Signal

Hello, can anyone advise please.

I have UK Sky system with the 1.9 dish. I decided to take out Sky subscription world package (Entertainment, Sports, Movies) everything works apart from a lot of the movie channels which just show ‘’No satellite signal is being received’’.

Frequency is set at 12.207


NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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15 Sep 2012 8:48 AM by satandpcguy Star rating in Gandia, Valencia. 399 posts Send private message

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If you are receiving "no signal" messages, then either your dish is not aligned correctly, your LNB is not aligned correctly, or (more likely) your dish is too small to receive the frequency that carries those channels where you are.

Most of the Sky Movie channels are on a frequency that are on a "north beam" of the satellite. Even 2.4m dishes can lose this signal in the afternoon, especially when it is at its weakest (at around 6 or 6pm).

(Also this will affect a few other channels as well, like the SD versions of Sky Sports News, Sky Sports 4, Eurosport 2)

No Sky Movie channels are on frequency 12207. 12207 only carries about 10 Sky channels including SKy News Pick TV Sky 1, and Sky Sports 2.,

Although you say "Frequency is set at 12.207", I presume you mean this is what you have set your default transponder to. Changing the default transponder is only required to help boot a sky box up when the main default transponder frquency of 11778 is unavailable. Changing the default transponder does not help individual channel reception. In fact, once your Sky box is working, and has downlaoded some "Sky Guide" information, and you have channels, then your manually input default transponder is ignored, as the Sky box will use whichever of the 100 plus frequencies it needs to for the channel you have selected. EG if you select Channel Five the Sky box will use frequency 10964h 22 5/6, not 12207, as channel Five is only on 10964!


This message was last edited by satandpcguy on 15/09/2012.

_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.

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