The Comments |
Could any body point me in the right direction to buy white goods and lighting in the fortuna/Murcia area or is best to go to one of the big shopping malls, and what is the normal delivery times.
cheers Derek.
_______________________ Despreocupado
Hi Derek
We took Paul & Pauline (PVP) to the large Garcia store on outskirts of Torrevieja as they were after furniture etc for their place in Las Kalendas & Garcia said they went daily & delivery was free. If they need to order an item, they get it in a few days. We've bought from them, they're very good & speak good English. It's a very large store on three floors that sells everything you could want (pretty much) for a new place. Click on photos to show pages of goods. Click on "Donde Estamos" to show where the store is, they actually have three in that area but the one I'm talking about is Garcia 3.DONDE ESTAMOS This message was last edited by morerosado on 7/16/2008.
Thanks More.
Has Paul move in?
_______________________ Despreocupado
Paul & Pauline expect completion will be available around the end of October, Derek, I understand but would prefer later completion I also understand.
We'll be going over from Guardamar in December to stay with them. Must get invitation in writing, ha ha !!  See you then for that drink. This message was last edited by morerosado on 7/16/2008.
Hi More
Just found this thread! So we did not put you off on your last visit!!!
I should think there are enough Eye On Spainers at Las Kalendas to warrant a meet! What do you think?
We are down your (UK) way in early September - our son is getting married at Long Ashton and we are renting a cottage at Christon for a couple of weeks.
Ha ha, Derek, WE'LL be in Guardamar 1 - 25th but will see you maybe xmas, dependant on Paul & Pauline's completion.
Have a wonderful wedding.
I know we are getting away from the subject.
but we was thinking of comming over christmas whats it like?
_______________________ Despreocupado
In Vera/ Mojacar Christmas Day 2007 was 70 degrees & sunny - much better than Welling
The evenings were quite cold & we did need heating on from late afternoon onwards. We were over for 10 days & I would say we had half good & half not so good.
The last two years it's been in the mid teens C. X Mas Day was bright and sunny, could have had a barbie (oops Q).
**** Apologies to Dennis as I called you Derek. ****
I didn't reply to Derek as I thought that he was relating to anything actually going on in the Las Kalendas area rather than the weather.
We have spent the last three years in Guardamar over Christmas & New Year & it's been really pleasant generally though you do feel that cold after around 4-5pm. We were drinking Cava with half the world last Christmas Day on La Marina beach. People were having BBQs & it was excellent.
Just booked for December 14th to January 9th.
Having just come back from our apartment and had the last three days ruined by continual rain (well a couple of weeks ago to be accurate) my mind has turned to the benefit of being able to dry the clothes, towels etc that we leave out there. I am trying to persuade husband that we need a tumble drier.
Stupid question, but do they have washer/dryer combos in Spain? All I can find on Urende/Boulanger/El Corte Ingles sites are separate tumble driers and there is no room for one of those without turning bathroom 2 into a part bathroom/part utility room affair.
Anybody know the answer to this?
Most of the big hypermarkets and electrical shops sell them. They are called Lavasecadora. Media Markt, Carrefour and Eroski sell them.
A tumble dryer is so useful out here during the winter, although we have survived four winters without one. How? I don't know because everything takes ages to dry indoors especially without central heating. I would love one but can't think where to put one since we changed the lavadero room in our new house to an office.
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Hello all,
Can anyone help me please?. Can we bring electrical appliances over from the UK and safely use them in Spain. I thought I'd seen somewhere that we can change the plugs as the voltage is compatible but OH disagrees. I understand that the difference in costs is really noticeable now with the pound being so weak, therefore buying here and 'shipping' over may well be our best bet.
_______________________ Pumpkin
Do an EOS search under 'electrical',all your answers are there!.
Yes, appliances are realtively costly here with the ex-rate as it is, so if you already have them, bring them with. If you have to buy especially to ship, check how much it's going to cost to transport them in case any saving is lost, though.
You can change the plugs, or use adapters, which is not a bad idea since UK plugs are fused and Spanish ones usually aren't.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Most domestic appliances now have a label on them that shows their operating voltage is between 220- 240v. This takes into account the fact that under EU law, we should all now be as close to 230v as possible (yeah right!!) which was brought in to try and standardise the low European and high UK voltages.
With regard to the tumble drier, we couldn't justify the extra cost with rentals, so we did the next best thing and bought a spin drier! The washine is now almost dry before you put it on the line and dries that much quicker, even in poor weather.
I'm not sure about larger items. But I have recently bought a couple of small items from Maplin in UK. Many items have a two pin plug, just ask. They will even extend the money back guarantee. The have worked out half the price of PC City.
Isn't Pc City American? (i.e. 110v)
I am buying a cable router fro PC World next tweek (£24.99 against€65 ) which is listed as 230v. As it is for sale in the UK, it must have a moulded plug, so I shall check it works with a convertor before replacing the plug.
If you are buyinh from Maplin in the UK, you are virtually guaranteed that it will work in mainland Europe. I see a lot of "returned" goods being sent to Europe via eBay (after being tested of course!!)
PC City is the Spanish arm of PC World. We went into one in Tenerife and it is identical in layout and signage. We found a English employee in there and he confirmed thay were the same company. You can access the web-site and check their prices. Prices may be dearer in Tenerife bacause it is an island. So things like DVD player and satelite receiver I have taken from Maplin.