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Need info for a friend.He wants to know if an elected president
of a community gets ANY form of payment. THANKS
Expenses can be claimed. Roberto will tell you, Karensun, will too, also Promedia. A President does the job out of the goodness of his or her heart.
Being the president of a community is a legal obligation as member of the community. Even though, the community can agree on payinh him/her if that is convinient.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Our president has a "salary" of 3,300 euros a year !! For doing not a lot !!
Most communities I know of allow their president to claim expenses of between 50 and 100 euros a month.
I apologise for saying expenses only can be claimed as that was 100% what I understood from reading endless posts in endless forums.
No one should be paid for being a president, out of pocket expenses yes but not a salary!
Audrey - The amount you quote is obsene especially when he doesn't do anything.
As I frequently tell my Presidente, what you're doing is for the benefit of all the community. Does fall on deaf ears as I think it's more a power thing now. As I haven't got the time or the energy to do anything about it I let them get on with it. They get a small amount to cover paper etc haven't got the figures to hand but I understand some people moan about that.
Incidently I think what you are doing in your community is the way to go, keep everyone involved and informed - good idea to translate it into all languages for all owners - hope you succeed.
I'm sure there are a lot of them who deserve to be paid for all the good work they do. But for every good one there are more who do it for the power, do as I say or else.
Paying them for it is asking for trouble IMO.
Keep people informed, after all rules are there for a reason. It's a community and sometimes you need to remind people what you are trying to achieve.
HI i think paying for a president is wrong it costs so much to run a community as it is and our c/charge is quite a lot as it is, and i dont no what next years will be bye irene
Unfortunately it's one of those thankless jobs. No one wants to volunteer to do it but they soon become vocal when the community isn't working how they want it too.
In otherwords when they think they are paying too much in fees most want to get involved but purely for their own financial reasons.
I have read of someone on a forum who lived in Quesada who was paying 3k euros a year, never did find out what the breakdown was.
Main thing to do is look at the yearly budget and if there's anything on there that you don't understand ask for an explanation. Perhaps that might also trigger others curiosity and you might be able to find a solution to reduce the annunal costs.
I've been through ours with a fine tooth comb!! But nothing jumps out at me as being wrong. Translations cost a lot, but with such a mixed community you can't avoid that one - except to put it out to tender again.
It seems that we were "rooked" at one point by our pool cleaner - who was also responsible for carrying out repairs on the pool. It seems that he worked for a few other communities, and if something broke down our community was billed for a new replacement item - which had been "acquired" from another community!! Needless to say, he was found out, slightly late in the day, and is no longer employed by any of his old communities!!
Our president is in a good position to employ whoever he likes to carry out work. A couple of years ago his step-son, who lived in Germany, suddenly appeared on the scene to do the gardening and the pool work. Poor chap, was out of his depth, in more ways that one, and soon had to beat a hasty retreat back to Germany.
There was a concensus that the President and Vice President had to be a permanant resident, and I'm sure that they do get a lot of "stick". However, I've probably been on more committees than had hot breakfast, and it always seems to be the same. The people who moan the most seem to want to do the least! until it hits their pockets!!
Hope that our community charge doesn't go up as high as 3K - wonder where the mansion is?? We pay about 500 euros over the year c. charge - and sometimes there is an "emergency whip round" on top of that amount. Some of our friends in Los Balcones only pay a fraction of that.
Home is where the heart is!
Wasn't a mansion, that's what everyone asked. It was a small town house.
Like most threads on forums, no one ever answers after dropping a bombshell like that.
You can normally work out why fees are so expensive, exteriors painted by the communities at regular intervals. Lifts, indoor pools, gardening, security. Pools open all year, street cleaning the list is endless.
I agree 3k is expensive but we'll never know why.
Yes Semi, it was "Jessi", I remember that post. As you said, she never returned to tell us why it was so high. I do recall her saying there were lots of properties on their community so a lot of money lining someone's pocket.  I met "Jessi" & her OH in Quesada. Remember reading about how she pushed an intruder over her balcony one night ? He bounced !!! This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/17/2008.
Abbbb, it is cotogran or same sounding name. Just hose it down, looks like speckled granite that twinkles in sun.
Yes More that's the person.
One of my bug bears when someone doesn't follow through to the end with a question of forums.
Abbbb1 - your yearly charges don't sound that high but then again it depends on what you get for them.
Mine are a 1/4 of yours but then our pool is open from June to September and the only other thing we jointly pay for is lighting. You pays for what you receive and we get sweet f/a but for a holiday home it's ideal.  Still doesn't stop our owners complaining especially the english ones.
Can't wait to live there full time and listen to it daily.
We have insurance, especially for our electric entry gate.
Someone drove into it and broke the mechanisation. It was taken off the hinges and propped up by the arch, luckily some nearby neighbours managed to stop some "people" from running off with it. Scrap metal big money out in Spain as well as here in UK.
Only thing we pay for is someone to look after the pool. Residents also chip in during the winter to save money but it is only a small pool.