The Comments |
Hi all, my name is Vickie, married to a body piercing with two children. Hoping to move to around Barcelona area in around 5 years when our youngest has finished school. Long time away I know but trying to do some research. Gonna have a couple of trips before then to try and find the best location, apartment rental and the possibility of my husband getting employment still doing the career he loves. Need to know about taxes, wages, heath matters etc but will probably find that out nearer the time.
Many thanks
_______________________ Vickie
Good luck Vicki. Barcelona is a fascinating city. Hopefully for you things will have taken a turn for the better in 5 years. At least that gives you plenty of time to learn the language.
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
thanks for that. It will prob take that long for us to learn the language!
_______________________ Vickie
That'll be Catalan, then.
Seriously, you can of course get by with Spanish (Castellano) but if you ever hope to integrate at all in that area, you must also learn some Catalan.
Just curious, Vickie, (and a little faecetious) what's it like being "married to a body piercing"?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Fancy a CAREER CHANGE then, Roberto.
Sometimes you're hole -lier than thou  (I AM joking so no  please. You know I  you.)
Hi Roberto, its very interesting being married to a body piercer. Life is never boring. You do get to meet a wide variety of people from all walks of life from teenagers to bankers and right through to pensioners.
After advice we will probably opt for the more touristy parts, perhaps Alicante way on but hopefully will be able to rent in a quieter part and travel to work.
Have a nice evening.
Vickie x
_______________________ Vickie
Vickie, Barcelona's nowhere near Alicante.
Check your geography.
544 kms according to HERE
My facetiousness was actually aimed at the "body piercing", (rather than piercer) - just had visions of you being married to a nipple ring or something.
More, I thought your suggestion of a career change was going to be as Forum Grammar Police. I would've deserved that.
Sorry Vickie.
Nothing wrong with Barcelona, or Catalonia, and plenty of "touristy" bits (as if Barcelona doesn't have enough tourists!) but More is right, Alicante - Barcelona? First thing you need to do is narrow it down a bit by visiting different areas, to decide where to focus on. Spain is a big country.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Now Roberto, you know we don't mention "forum" & "police" in the same sentence, from past experiences. I knew what Vickie meant.  She knows who she's married to & I have enough nightmares not to think too much about having anything other than my ears pierced.
My friend has her tongue pierced & her naval & I think she stopped there. I was looking at a body piercing forum earlier (the things I do in the name of research  ) where someone asked about her uvula being pierced & I thought  then I realised I'd been thinking of another word very similar, which I've heard people say they've also had pierced. Stay away from my uvulva or the other bit of me, I say.
Thanks all. As I've mentioned 5 years is a long time away so I'm doing as much research as possible. Dont want to be accused of turning up in Spain not having looked into anything!! It wasn't my grammer that was bad but just a typo error, having been typing legal documents all day I'm allowed some errors!
Please remember that body piercing is an artform and just because it doesn't suit some people doesn't make us bad people. It is only unpierced people that are prejudiced not pierced people,lol!
Anyway, I'm sure I will had loadsa more questions in the future so watch this space
_______________________ Vickie
Hi Vickie, I didn't mean to infer in any way you were bad people & I don't believe I did, did I ?
I wish you well & think you'll learn a lot about the ins & outs of moving to Spain from our forum in the time you have.
It actually makes such a refreshing change from new members saying they're moving to Spain end of month, don't know where, no work arranged, no schools arranged, no rental arranged, no Spanish, hardly a euro. We're expected to advise, what can you say ?
Sorry we made fun, we're pals Roberto & I & tend to irritate joke with each other on forum.
No worries you 2. I know you didn't mean we are bad people. I just get a bit defensive because I often get alot of people talking behind my back that we must be devil worshipers and stuff like that, lol. We are both very proud of our interests and the profession.
Anyway back to Spain, i'm taking time to look into the best place to be, having a couple of trips before we decide etc etc. We need to go to the best place to support ourselves. I don't think you can make a move like that without alot of thought.
I'm sure I will call upon your advice over the next few years and I should stop taking things to heart - sorry, lol
_______________________ Vickie
OK, enough joking (like saying we're pals, More  )
On a serious note, Vickie, I honestly have no idea about the piercing profession etc., but I would imagine that to set yourself up as self employed legally, you would need some sort of licence? Any business activity here has to be licenced, but there may be some 'elf & safety requirements in addition, so that's something you'll need to find out about. When you have selected an area where you think you'll be happy, and that ticks all of your boxes, seek out a gestor, who is something like a cross between a solicitor and an accountant, who should be able to advise you on what you need to do.
On area, if you think that the clients are, at least to begin with, going to be mainly British, then you are probably best looking at the Costas (~Blanca, ~Del Sol) where the highest concentration of holidaymakers, as well as ex-pats, can be found.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Roberto, you suit the piercing you've had. 
You had it done at the Burning Monkey piercing parlour too. 
This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/19/2008.
Hi again you 2, just a thought I had last nite. If we look at the Costa areas where the holiday makers go are there also small villages outside etc where we could live peacefully then travel to work?
_______________________ Vickie
Of course there will be, Vicki & great towns, not just villages. You need to decide on your area though, you'll be all over the Costas at this rate. You haven't kids to school, animals to bring over too, please say we're not looking at these too.
lol no animals thank god. ok then, first thing to do is have a trip over. Now thats settled you probably wont hear from me till we've been (breathe a sigh of relief!). Thanks for all your help so far.
_______________________ Vickie
Hey now, don't you desert us but good luck in your search, Vickie. We realise it's quite a task you're taking on.
Post anytime you want.
trust me I wont desert you, I will need all the help I can get. Just pleased I've got a while to plan it.
_______________________ Vickie