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Hey Everyone
1st time on here, i am in need of serious advice ,,,, thinking of moving out to Spain very soon, within 1 month
Originally from U.K. been living in Dubai for a few years but really need to get some normality back in my life !!
Could never live in U.K. again soooooooooo next move looks like Spain
I hav found what looks like a really nice place, Bar / Rest & Accommodation
Its in Arroyo, Benalmadena ,,, does anyone know this part ??
Its supposed to be a good Residential / Commercial area ,,,, Local Trade
I hav negotiated the price & been accepted but just so worried its the right move, probably not the best time for business in Spain
wondering if it could make a living & cover overheads, i dont expect miracles i will need time to build the business up ,, but still worried
not been to Spain for a while & just gettin info of the websites ,,, its a bit confusing
Anyone got any thoughts or know this area before i jump !!! would appreciate your experience
I really wouldn't buy a bar without coming to Spain, having a look round and doing a lot of research. Bars are opening and closing all the time and you really need to investigate further before deciding if you could majke a go of it.
When not just rent an apartment while you get a feel for an area? There are plenty of bars for sale to choose from.
I would rent, in my area it seems that everythingis up for sale at the right price.
Good luck, by the way what is Dubai like my best friend is thinking about moving there.
_______________________ S.J
Hi & thks for your reply . the property is on a 10yr Lease + Rent ..
Dubai .. it depends what your friend does for a job.. not an easy place to live .. Cultural differences .. big time
extremely high rents .. so unless they come out to a very good job ,, wont be easy
hiya I live in Arroyo de la miel,
it is a lovely little town, very busy with all nationalities living together, it is a big step buying a bar in an area you know nothing about do you have any catering experience?, the lack of tourism has hit benalmadena this year so i would do a bit more research before you commit if i can help you with any advice please pm me good luck in your new venture r
I second the motion, move and rent. Price's aren't going anywhere but down so you not missing out on any major gains.
When you buy your committed, when you rent you can pick up and move.
Secondly I would keep your ties to home so you can go back if needed.
good luck
Decided after all I don't like Spanish TV, that is having compared both.
Hi & thks for your reply
Its a Leased property, i am not buying the property but the Lease + monthly rent
Things seem pretty dismal everywhere at the moment .... but this place looks nice
I will be out in a few days to view .... so i will get a much better insight
Thks again
Hi Desres
I cannot help but wonder why (especially in the present economic climate) you'd think of buying a 10 yr lease & rent a business in an area you have no knowledge of.  I also wonder why present "owners" are going ...maybe business was bad for them. I think you've already answered your own questions. If you haven't already committed (seems you haven't) maybe now's the time to do some harder thinking. Seems everyone says they're fed up in UK/wherever so they'll run a bar in Spain.
All the best.