From bad to worse, whats going on? wheres my money gone?

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15 Sep 2008 12:00 AM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

Hi there,

I am absoultly love living in Spain, the kids are loving it and so are we, but everything is going wrong, or at least it seems to be, can anybody help?

Just a quick re cap for those who have not seen my previous threads, we moved to Spain about 5 months ago with twin boy and girl who are now 18 months, All is great except we were and still quite lonely, having come from being socially demanded in England, started a thread to see if any one my age would like to meet up, or if they had young children even better. 

My husband got laid off last week so no work and no savings, we had been trying to set up our business in the work my husband has done for almost half his life. But the now the printer has packed in and cannot print anymore leaflets as yet, (husband looking at it).

My in laws are down at the moment as well, so if any one who lives here will know when peopl are here visiting they expect you do be on holiday too, go to bars, meals etc. It is impossible when you cannot even make ends meet.

Any way, my husbands last wage went straight into the bank along with another small amount of money i had been putting aside for emergencies. this in the bank was to cover the mortgage which is due out on the 5th of each month, whicj is just short of 500euros, so we had put in the bank 360euros and was gonna borrow £250 from my mum and dad who are in England this coming Wednesday so the money would be there to cover the mortgage and any small bits of shopping till we get on our feet.

Today we all went to Carrefour, with inlaws, we just went to get ten euros out to pay my husbands mum back for petrol money we had used yesterday, we got a balance and were stood there in shock for a bit staring at the screen saying 0,28c. I could feel my eyes welling up, we had gone to Carrefour to buy the babies some milk and to get some bread, and we were stood there both knowing we could not afford it, and we had none at home, I had to swollow my pride and ask my mother in law to lend us some money just to get the babies some milk.  In the 12 years I have known her I have never asked to borrow money so you could imagine how embarrased I was.

It was no problem she bought the milk for the babies, but just made me feel bad.

But I still did not know where over 350euros had gone out of my bank, the only money we have to live on. We checked the account on the way home and got a balance and Iberdrola had taken out 222 Euros, this is not due out and I think a hefty sum of money, we had only paid them 106 Euros at the end of July, I am sure it is every quarter we should pay it. so that coupled with some other transactions we are gonna have to check with the bank tomorrow leaves us with 28cents to live on. What happens to any one else with electric,? do you get a bill or notice of what is coming out and when and how often. Please help.

We also had a women at our door this morningasking us to sigh for a tax form, which is asking us to pay before the middle of October, after us only paying for 2 different taxes totalling over 160Euros within the last 4 months, we asked what it was for, but she said she does not speak english,

What am I gonna do, there is no work for my husband, there is no one ringing asking for quotes, he as been every where looking for work and everyone is saying the same thing, no work, There looked to be light at the end of the tunnel last week when we met up with a young couple with a young child and they also asked for quotes for a lot of work in their house, My husband spent time measuring everything up, for two different ideas, priced everything up to do the job and offered his work at a very very resonable price, as he wanted this job as it would give him a kick start. Sadley we were told they would ring us back, we recieved an email saying the money situation was difficult and will get back to us, so that looks like it is not promising.

Gonna go for a bit as my eyes are filling up again, and cannot see the screen lol.

Be back later, gonna cheer myself up with my kiddies

Please have a look at for anything metal.

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15 Sep 2008 8:04 PM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

I think someone mentioned that the Electricity bills were changing to bi monthly although I think I still pay quarterly.

Check your last bill to see if it was estimated, this might be why this bill is considerably higher.  It even be that this one has been estimated.

What two taxes have you paid in the last two months?

What does the tax form look like that the women delivered?

Are you able to scan it onto the computer so that we can help you further.

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15 Sep 2008 8:25 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Our electricity is now billed every 2 months and we do receive statements, but as we're not there all the time don't know if the statements come before or after the direct debit goes out.

I am really sorry to hear of your troubles and hope you can get on top of things soon. 



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15 Sep 2008 8:58 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

 Hi Twinmummy, right do as Semi has said and let's go from there. Which bank are you with?  Go there and get an up to date statement. A few people are saying that electricity bills have gone up have you had a/con on a lot?,  but that still sounds a lot of money to me   .    The lady at the door is the bill for local taxes or have you paid that?  Have you still gott a lawyer that requires a retainer fee for services?   Now try not to panic easier said than done I know,  I can remember going through bad times when my children were young,  but it must be worse when the bank is deducting money and you are not sure why.     l    Keep your chin  up Pat



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15 Sep 2008 9:11 PM by abbbb1 Star rating in Essex and Ciudad Que.... 306 posts Send private message

abbbb1´s avatar

In the last four years that I've had the house I've been billed, for electricity, every two months.  I've got tenants in the house at the moment - and know that it was slightly warm on the CDS over the summer, but asked others via EOS if my bill was excessive.  It was the highest summer bill that I had ever had, but have been told that the electricity prices have been "hiked up" by the power companies.  Just like England!!

Terribly sorry to hear about your problem, Twinmummy.  When my kids were small, and OH still at UNI taking his PhD money was so tight.  Have faced that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach when the bills were coming in and there was no money to pay for them.  I was pleased to have a friendly mum, and to be honest, now I'm always there if my daughters have any financial problems.  I know that you don't want to ask, but is there any chance of your folks helping you out temporarily until your OH gets back on his feet?

Good idea of Semi's to scan the bill in order to find out exactly what it is.  I haven't known anyone come to the door to ask for a tax form to be signed.



is where the heart is!

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15 Sep 2008 10:07 PM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

abbb - I think it was a hand delivered bill, dare I say it IBI tax  - I seem to be talking about that a lot lately,

Twinmummy - I think you need to have a long talk with your husband and also involve your in-laws as well,  Perhaps they and your parents can help you out for the next 6 months.  That should take the pressure of you both to allow you to concentrate on getting your husbands business of the ground.

You have an idea now of what you will need to pay all bills, I suggest you add another 20% just to be on the safe side.  You're not the first person to get into this situation and definately won't be the last.  It won't be easy but swallow your pride and be honest with both your families.  


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15 Sep 2008 11:15 PM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

Hi and thanks for all your supportive replies, me an my OH are going to the bank tomorrow  which is Banco de Valencia and gonna call iberdrola to see what as happened, but surely 222euros for a small two bedroom flat for two months cannot be right, well I hope not. we dont have the air con on a lot, but we do have the celing fan on in our bedroom over night, and a portable air con unit for the babies bedroom in case it gets hot in there. I dont know what you mean by a lawyer and a retainer fee, pat, you lost me there,

My mum and dad are well aware of how we are struggling and they are helping us out as much as they possibly can, they do not have a lot of money them selves, as for my OH parents we have a history with money and to keep peace in the family we dont let it come between us, ( they borrowed a lot of money when we had it and things went wrong, they fell out with us for over 4 years) anyway water under ther bridge but I wanna keep the peace, I want my children growing up loving both sets of grandparents and do not want anything to come between that.

I really do not know how people live in Spain when things are not running smoothly, there is no financial support that i know of, its so difficult.

I will get onto scanning that tax bill in, but i want to check the two that we have paid first to see if any of them are duplicates. But they all look the same SUMA a lot of spanish an amount and a date to be paid by, blue and white a4 letter, but always different amounts, ( dont know if there is any fines or not)

If any one has any good ideas of free advertising to get the business advertised please let me know.

Oh and I dont know why but we have never been billed, we just get the money taken out of the bank by direct debit.

Theres another question, I dont think we will make the next payment on the mortgage, what happens here in Spain if I think I may miss it? I am getting in such a muddle, I have had hard times before but I know what I was doing in England and I did not have kiddies and no income.

Any help??

Abbbb1 how much was your bill?

Many thanks forlistening and your supportive replys, they help when you have no one to turn too.

bye for now

Please have a look at for anything metal.

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15 Sep 2008 11:43 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

Hi Twinmummy, when you bought the apartment who was your lawyer of solicitor who did all your legal work??????? If it was from the agent who sold you the property then maybe  they are charging you a retainer fee.  I am only quessing  probarly completly wrong. Pat



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16 Sep 2008 8:21 AM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

With regard to the two bills you paid labled SUMA at the top.

If you paid one around March that could have been the annual Car Tax.  If you don't pay these bills produced by SUMA then a penalty fee of 20% is added.

Take these bills into the Bank with you and hopefully the person you talk to can explain what the they are for.

Can understand that you want to keep the peace with your in-laws but you need to eat and pay bills.  I cannot understand any parent or family member not trying to help when it's needed.  Especially if you have helped them in the past.

Desparate times call for desparate measures.

The only free advertising is flyers and that's going to cost money to produce. 

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16 Sep 2008 11:18 AM by chrisfisher Star rating in Malaga. 36 posts Send private message

chrisfisher´s avatar

If your husband has worked in Spain and paid S/s he is entitiled to some benefits, I would go to your local Social office and ask if i were you, if you dont speak Spanish take a friend or someone you know who does who can do it as a favour till your back on your feet, I know how your feeling I have been through the mill a few times in the 7 years i have been here. 

Good Luck

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16 Sep 2008 11:23 AM by chrisfisher Star rating in Malaga. 36 posts Send private message

chrisfisher´s avatar

also you mentioned people coming to your door with tax bills, I have never heard of this, sounds a bit dodgy to me, I certainly wouldnt sign anything  or give money to anyone cold calling as they prob arent legit.

Be aware!!!!!

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16 Sep 2008 12:56 PM by abbbb1 Star rating in Essex and Ciudad Que.... 306 posts Send private message

abbbb1´s avatar
Hi Twinmummy.  My bill was just a few pence under €165.  I've got a two bed house, and there are three air con units (2 in bed and 1 in lounge) and three ceiling fans - in same rooms.  The cooking is by electric oven - and gas hob.  The other electric appliances, apart from lights, are washing machine,&  fridge/freezer - and I hope that the tenants didn't use the tumble dryer!

Just something else that comes to mind is to try to do what's suggested in England - regarding mortgage.  That is, to have a word with the bank and see if you can renegotiate payments on the mortgage.  Don't know just how sympathetic banks are there - but anything is worth a try.  I wonder if utilities accept negotiated payments.  Have never tried it - but no doubt someone resident in Spain will be able to tell me if this is a practical option.

Hi Semi - Must have got the wrong end of the stick over the bill.  I thought that it was just some "odd bod" off the street asking Twinmummy to sign something!


is where the heart is!

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16 Sep 2008 2:54 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar
Are there many urbs near you? Our urb has a noticeboard that allows small adverts. There is one ad for gates and wrought iron work on our urb where the president/ committee have agreed that this will be the supplier and designs allowed for any metal work on site. Maybe you could try something similar?

Exchange and Mart offer many different leaflet producing compaies with 5000 A5 leaflets from £30. Add another £20 or so for delivery to Spain, and it is a lot cheaper than printing them yourself.


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16 Sep 2008 8:50 PM by Candyfloss Star rating in Cardiff / Mar Menor. 1605 posts Send private message

Candyfloss´s avatar
Hi twinmummy
Our community have all had really large amounts taken recently for the electricity. We are all up in arms about it, they are ranging from 700 - over 800 euros. All from Iberdola, there have been e mails flying about all over the place today to find out exactly what they are playing at. We paid the connections and everything last year so all at a loss why this should be. I will let you know when I find out more.  

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26 Sep 2008 5:26 PM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

Hi everyone,

Still not having any luck finding out if my electric bills was correct, in fact we have never had a electric bill, (paper) our money just goes out of the bank, does any one else get an actual bill, if so how often?

abbb1 Was the 165euros for 1 month or quarter, we have a smaller place than you have mentioned, one less floor, aircon unit and celing fan, so dont understand why mine is so high.

Every time we ring iberdrola we get cut off withing the first few seconds of contact them, and we will soon have no credit left to call them again, (do they have an office that we can go into?)

I could do with all the money I can get at the moment with my husband out of work and no savings, so if anyone has any ideas of why they would charge me for this amount, and if they shouldnt how do I get it back.

Many Thanks 

Please have a look at for anything metal.

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26 Sep 2008 5:48 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar
Can you get internet billing with Iberdola? We are with Endesa and get a paper bill to our UK address every 2 months, this is followed by our direct debit leaving our bank account 1 week later.


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26 Sep 2008 6:43 PM by abbbb1 Star rating in Essex and Ciudad Que.... 306 posts Send private message

abbbb1´s avatar

Hi Twinmummy

Internet billing is possible with iberdrola.  You have to link into their website but trying to remember back, I think you have to insert your customer number - so if you haven't seen any bills this could be the tricky bit.  Not sure if the customer number would be listed on your bank account next to the withdrawal??  We also get the bills sent to our Spanish house - but these are collected by the letting agents.

About my bill, it was for 2 months

Hope that you can get it sorted soon.


This message was last edited by abbbb1 on 9/26/2008.


is where the heart is!

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29 Sep 2008 8:34 AM by Lauryc Star rating in Was South Devon .. n.... 520 posts Send private message

Lauryc´s avatar

I don't understand. Is your electricity supply direct or are you on a builder's supply?

We receive out Iberdrola bills through the post every two months.





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29 Sep 2008 10:17 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Hi Twinmummy

I'm so sorry you're having problems there & I've nothing constructive to add to other comments. 

At the risk of sounding naff to others I'm sending you a virtual hug. You have people on here that care when you're down & worried.


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29 Sep 2008 4:27 PM by twinmummy Star rating in Formentera del segur.... 82 posts Send private message

Hi every one,

Thanks for the hug More.

I am sure we must not be on the builders electric as we completed in December 06. So we should be on our own bill, yet we have never had a bill on paper, just money coming out of the bank most months with no consistancy.

Dunno whats happening with it, My husband still has no work so we are planning on spending the whole day on the phone(another expence) till we get it sorted. surley 222euros cannot be correct for such a small place for one month.

And why do I not get an actual paper bill.

Please have a look at for anything metal.

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