The Comments |
I'm totally confused about all this TV mayhem,& where it's heading.Will some kind soul explain to me in words of 1 syllable,just what the h... is happening? I'm running out of cash for yet another 'guaranteed' system with Teleast,Telmicro,or anyone else.
Maybe better stick with the old videos & dvd's,& news updates on the p.c...or is there any light at the end of the tunnel? HELP! xx
This message was last edited by lovekiwis on 9/15/2008.
Your guess is as good as anyone's.
I will not be signing up for another system and will stick with Spanish TV if Telmicro doesn't come back.
If and it's a big if, a legal system surfaces from the ashes I might re-consider.
There are ways of downloading your favourite TV programmes suggest you search the local Torrevieja forums to find out how to do it.
Hi Lovekiwis

I have asked sooooooo many questions about the TV am probably driving the experts craaaaazy! With all the different options, you are right, it is very confusing and like you we don't want to throw good money after bad. I think we will just wait until it dies down a bit and see what happens. By then, hopefully the dishes will have come down a bit on price and we will know which one to go for. The thing is I guess it's esay for me to say that as I don't live in Spain permanently  (YET) so didn't miss it on hols.
BTW we always like to visit Pilar beach a few times when we are over, lovely area.
Thanks for the welcome & replies.I see Telmicro's statement yesterday says they're now up & running again on a limited basis,& intending to steadily increase the areas covered & number of channels on offer.Also that all permits & legalities have been sorted.Could possibly be promising,but think i'll hold on a bit longer 'til the dust's finally settled!
Has anyone else heard about the rumoured Spanish satellite going up next year? That could move the goalposts all over again!
Thanks for the tip about downloading programmes..i had already found a few.Not sure it's worth the hassle,unless it's something really amazing..might still invest in a few new CD's while i watch the next round unfold!
Isn't that an old statement from Telmicro. Most sites seem to be saying that they have gone for good.
So many rumours, who knows what to believe.
Me I think act in haste, repent at leisure.
I've just been speaking to my elderly neighbour who is desparate to get her TV back. She's been with Telmicro since they started and knows our engineer and his father like family. He now works for Torresat and she finally decided she's had enough and arranged for him to come round an installit for her.
Unfortunately despite his best efforts he couldn't get a signal for her.
Others in our street had paid our 390e for a dish system with 10 channels and are now left with only 1 - BBC.
I think they must have been getting the Solaris signal which I understand has lost a lot of channels.
So be careful folks, there are a lot of rogues out there after your money.
Sit tight - latest rumour via neighbour is that Torresat have linked up with Digital+ and have nearly all the licences sorted from Sky
Think that was an old rumour semi,& so sorry for your neighbour. At times,this p.c is my main link with the world,so i know how she must feel.
Have you seen the latest post (new thread) from satandpcman? Piles of info for everyone...sounds like a genuine,honest bloke,for a change,& well worth listening to.
I've been reading information supplied from satanpcguy for weeks now, ever since this fiasco first reared it's ugly head.
It's honest, unbiased info for which we all owe a debt of gratitude.
Unfortunatly like many on the Costa Blanca I cannot use a Sat system as my house will not accomadate a 1.9 or 2.4 metre disc. If it did I would change over to Sky here in UK (Vigin Media currently) and bring out the Sky card each visit (the husband wasn't too impressed when I told him as he's usually here working, just imagine no sport programmes to watch)
As a non-resident it doesn't effect me too much but for anyone there full time, especially someone like my neighbour who is a widow, the evenings do drag without UK TV.